Areas inspected
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection team
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Have all actions from the previous work area inspection been closed?
Have regular area inspections been completed by area owners?
Does the work area adequately manage clean stormwater?
Does the work area adequately manage potentially contaminated stormwater from leaving the work area?
Does the work are have sufficient stocked spill kits?
Does the work area segregate and store waste correctly for final disposal?
Are environmental incidents reported in Prospect?
Putrescible Landfill
Was the putrescible landfill inspected?
Are there any outstanding action items arising from previous Contacts, Inspections, Audits etc?
If yes, have they been adequately addressed/closed out?
The putrescible landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall only bury only the following types of waste within the landfill facility:<br>(i) Cleanfill<br>(ii) Inert Waste Type 1<br>(iii) Putrescible Waste<br>(iv) Special Waste Type 1 & 2
The putrescible landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall ensure that the tipping area of the putrescible landfill is not greater than: <br>(i) 30 metres in length; and<br>(ii) 2 metres above ground level in height.
The putrescible landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall ensure that waste in the tipping area of the landfill is covered: <br>(i) at least weekly;<br>(ii) with a dense (at least 200 millimetres), inert and incombustible material; and<br>(iii) totally, so that no waste is left exposed.
The putrescible landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall manage stormwater on the landfill site so that:<br>(i) it is diverted from areas of the site where there is waste; and<br>(ii) water that has come into contact with waste is to be diverted into a sump on the site, or otherwise retained on the site.
The putrescible landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall ensure that there is no waste within:<br>(i) 100 metres of any surface water body at the site; and<br>(ii) 3 metres of the highest level of the water table aquifer at the landfill site.
Are the landfill gates are locked upon arrival and the fence secure?
As per the Hamersley state agreement, is the access road maintained and is safe for purpose?
There is no wind blown rubbish along the fence line or outside of the landfill facility. The last clean up was recent (within the last ~3 months).
Is the shadecloth attached and secured to the perimeter fence preventing waste egress?
The landfill register filled out appropriately and completed.
Waste Dump Landfill (Inert Landfill)
Was the Waste Dump Landfill (inert) inspected?
Are there any outstanding action items arising from previous Contacts, Inspections, Audits etc?
If yes, have they been adequately addressed/closed out?
The Waste Dump Landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall only bury only the following types of waste within the waste dump landfill facility:<br>(i) Inert Waste Type 1;<br>(ii) Inert Waste Type 2;<br>(iii) Putrescible Waste (wooden pallets and wooden packaging only)
The Waste Dump Landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall manage stormwater on the landfill site so that water that has come into contact with waste is to be retained on the site.
The Waste Dump Landfill complies with the following licence condition:<br>The Licensee shall ensure that there is no waste within:<br>(i) 100 metres of any surface water body at the site; and<br>(ii) 3 metres of the highest level of the water table aquifer at the landfill site.
The Licensee shall ensure that waste in the tipping area of the waste dump landfill is covered with a dense (at lease 200 millimetres), inert and incombustible material at final landform design.
Are wastes dumped in the correct location?
Actions and sign off
Summary of actions
Are actions required to be raised?
Action number and description
Sign off
Area owner representative
Environmental representative