Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Task Description
Does it involve any of the following at a level where there is a risk of injury: -
- Stooping •
- Twisting •
- Reaching upward •
- Large vertical movements •
- Carrying long distances •
- Repetitive handling •
- Insufficient rest •
- Strenuous pushing/pulling •
- Holding loads away from the Body •
If the answer is yes to any of the above consider remedial action(s) required to reduce the risk to low. e.g. mechanical aids – more rest periods etc..<br>And can you reduce or eliminate.
Measure in place
Does it involve any
of the following at a level where there is a risk of injury: - -
Does it involve any of the following at a level where there is a risk of injury: -
- Heavy •
- Bulky •
- Difficult to grasp •
- Sharp edges •
- Hot edges •
- Specific information or training required •
- Is movement restricted by clothing/PPE •
If the answer is yes to any of the above consider remedial action(s) required to reduce the risk to low<br>e.g. split the load – mechanical aids – two men working – correct lifting techniques etc..
Measure in place
Does it involve any of the following at a level where there is a risk of injury: -
- Climbing / descending stairs •
- Working in restricted space •
- Poor lighting conditions •
- Hot/Cold/Humid conditions •
- Poor deck / floor conditions •
- Strong air movements •
If the answer is yes to any of the above consider remedial action(s) required to reduce the risk to low.<br>e.g. improve lighting –Two men working - Mechanical aids.<br>Ensure personnel are aware of the environmental conditions – PPE etc..<br>
Measure in place
Assessment sumery
Have all measures to reduce risk been implemented where practicably possible.<br>Do you rate the task safe to continue?
In my opinion the task is safe to be cared out
Task being cared out by
I except the conditions of the assessment