
  • VENUE NAME (As shown on Venue Licence)





Gaming Room Compliance

  • Electronic Compliance Display is in working order? If NO, please ensure compliance is met by alternative methods - Venue Licence, Jackpot Player Instruction Notice & Society Sign.

  • Latest Venue Licence is displayed? Take photo.

  • Is the venue meeting the requirements of any Special Conditions on their Venue Licence?

  • Correct Jackpot Player Information is displayed on the Electronic Compliance Display.

  • Gaming Area has sufficient HPM Posters, Pamphlets, Under 18 & No Syndicate Play Signage?

  • Is the Site Controller securely fixed to wall and door locked? Take photo.

  • Check condition of equipment - EGMs, Jackpot Displays, Stools, Bases, Facial Recognition Cameras- any remedial work required? Add notes.

Resource Kit, Main Workstation & Float Management


  • At least two copies of the approved Policy for Identifying Problem Gamblers included in Resource Folder?

  • Venue Harm Prevention & Minimisation Training Log is in the Resource Folder and up to date? Take photo.

  • Compare Training Log to Society Training Log in Dropbox and ensure both files match. Update files if necessary.

  • REG 13(1): Are there any new venue personnel that have NOT received Problem Gambling Awareness Training? Record names of new venue personnel.

  • REG 13(1): Has the Venue Manager and all gaming staff received Problem Gambling Awareness Training within the last 12 months?

  • Game Rule 8.1(1) & (2): DIA Gambling Equipment Fault / Player Dispute Forms available in Resource Folder?

  • Exclusion Order Booklet available in Resource Kit and accessible by staff?

  • Are there any new Self Exclusions or Venue Exclusions that need to be uploaded to CONCERN? If there is, either load into CONCERN for the venue or forward to


  • HPM Pamphlets are available and accessible for customers during transactions at the main service counter/bar/payout area?

  • Cancelled Credit & Hopper Refill Dockets include full name of customer, customer's signature and staff signature (as applicable)? Take Photos.

  • REG 14(1): Venue personnel are conducting and recording Gambling Area Sweeps 3 times per hour, and at least 10 minutes after the previous sweep while the gambling area is operating? Add notes if 'partially compliant'. Take photos.

  • REG 14(2) & 15: Venue personnel are monitoring (tracking) gamblers who are observed gambling during 9 or more consecutive Gambling Area Sweeps? Add notes if 'partially compliant'. Take photos.

  • REG 14(2) & 15: Venue personnel are monitoring and recording gamblers who are withdrawing or attempting to withdraw cash from an ATM or EFTPOS device? Add notes if 'partially compliant'. Take photos.

  • REG 15: Venue personnel are having conversations with players who exhibit 1 or more of the signs of gambling harm and recording a summary of the conversation and any action taken? Add notes if 'partially compliant'. Take photos.

  • REG 16(4): The Venue Manager (or person acting on their behalf) is reviewing records kept by staff to identify signs of harm at least once each week for the previous 7 day period? Add notes if 'partially compliant'. Take photos.


  • Does the venue have a good and safe process in place for Cash Up and is GMP stored securely overnight?

  • Venue completes Float & Safe Balancing and Cash Reconciliations daily? Add Notes.

  • CITO VENUES: COMS Cash Management is used, and all Money Reports are up to date? If no, please ensure that reports are brought up to date.

Main Entrance & Other Checks


  • Latest Venue Licence is displayed? Take photo.

  • Society Sign is displayed? Take photo.

  • Licensee listed on Liquor Licence matches Venue Operator on Venue Licence & is it current? Add notes.


  • ATM location is compliant?

  • Does the Floor Plan on the Venue Licence correctly show the location of an ATM onsite, the defined gaming area, and the legal boundary of the property (if required)? Add notes.

  • REG 5: Confirm that the use of words 'Casino' or 'Jackpot' is NOT advertised anywhere in/around the venue?

  • REG 5A: Confirm that gaming machines including toppers, cannot be seen from outside the legal boundary of the venue, AND that Jackpot Advertising is not visible or audible from outside the venue?

Problem Gambling Awareness - Knowledge Assessment


  • Record staff member’s name who will answer the next set of Harm Minimisation questions. Where possible arrange for a different staff member from the one recorded on the last Compliance Assessment to complete this section of questions.

  • Can you explain what the purpose is of the Venue Policy for Identifying Problem Gamblers and what is expected for venue personnel?

  • Can you explain the purpose of conducting Gambling Area Sweeps?

  • Can you explain what is required when completing a Gambling Area Sweep, as well as the procedures you must follow?

  • Can you identify 3 of the 7 deemed Signs of Gambling Harm, which have been identified as strong evidence-based indicators of gambling harm? Check staff knowledge on identifying other Signs of Gambling Harm.

  • What processes are there to monitor players for Signs of Gambling Harm when there is a shift change, and how is the information shared with other venue personnel, ie. gambling area sweep records, cash withdrawals, new exclusions, and other concerns?

  • Can you explain the process venue personnel must follow when a Sign of Gambling Harm is identified in a player?

  • Can you confidently explain the process required if they receive a Self Exclusion request, a request to exclude from other venues, or need to complete a Venue Exclusion?

  • Your QEC alerts you to a Person of Interest (POI) or you identify an Excluded Person in the Gaming Room - explain what action you should take?

  • Do you know how to accept a new MVE request and record a breach on the QEC? Tell me how this is done.

  • Can you explain the process for recording and following up Equipment Fault and Player Disputes?

Final Checks, Notes & Signatures


  • Check Staff POI Activity Report in COMS for staff interaction. Are staff viewing Exclusion Photos regularly? Add notes.

  • REG 16(6): Venue Operator is ensuring that all records are retained for 3 years from the date they are recorded, and are stored securely to meet Regulations under the Privacy Act?


  • Record other notes/comments/discussions regarding today's Compliance Assessment


  • Venue Operator / Manager Signature

  • Area Manager or Training & Compliance Assessor Signature

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