
  • CLUB NAME (As shown on Venue Licence)





Gaming Room Compliance

  • Venue Licence Date - Electronic Compliance Display or Display Board/Frame?

  • Latest Venue Licence is displayed? If in doubt phone office for clarification.

  • Electronic Compliance Display is in working order? If Electronic Display is not working correctly please ensure the compliance is still met in the Gaming Room relating to Venue Licence, Jackpot Player Instruction Notice & a Society Sign.

  • Correct Jackpot Player Information is displayed on the Electronic Compliance Display or in a frame on the wall?

  • Sufficient Harm Prevention & Minimisation Signage and Pamphlets i.e. HPA Resources are available & easily accessible in the Gaming Area?

  • Sufficient Under 18 Signage is displayed in Gaming Area?

  • No Syndicate Play & No Playing More Than One Gaming Machine Signage is displayed in Gaming Room?

  • Jackpot Identification Numbers on All EGMs?

  • All button lights, belly lights & screens in working order? All Hopper Lids are securely fixed? All security Cage Seals are intact and logs are up to date?

  • Record Last MPM Date

  • All EGMs are bolted to bases - check any recently installed cabinets? Complete visual checks from internally in the machines.

  • Jackpot Controller & Displays are working correctly?

  • A Jackpot Display is able to be clearly viewed when playing any gaming machine?

  • Is the Site Controller secure i.e. cabinet securely fixed to wall and door locked?

  • If there is a Fire Exit inside the Gaming Room, is the Fire Exit closed to stop direct access from outside?

  • Is there signage displayed at the entrance to the gaming room advising players that Facial Recognition operates on the premises?

  • Complete visual check of Facial Recognition Cameras - check for any obvious tampering or unusual tilting.

  • CITO Game Rule 24: CITO Player Notices are either affixed to each gaming machine or prominently displayed in the Gaming Area?

  • Check condition of Equipment i.e. EGMs, Stools, Bases, Signage. Any remedial work required?

Resources, Payout Area & Float/GMP Management


  • Blank Cancelled Credit and Refill Forms are available in their Resource Kit/Folder?

  • Correct laminated hard copy of Jackpot Player Information Notice is available in Resource Kit/Folder?

  • Game Rule 8.1(1) & (2): DIA Gambling Equipment Fault / Player Dispute Forms in Resource Folder?

  • Can Club Staff explain how to deal with an Equipment Fault or Player Dispute? Can they explain when this form should be completed? Ensure that venue staff understand that any minor fault they phone through to the Service Provider is recorded and reported to the Society but faults that affect a customers play or credit must be recorded on this form. The EGM may need to be switched off as well to preserve play data.

  • Game Rule 8.1 (1) & (2): DIA Unpaid Prize Reports in Resource Folder?

  • Club Staff understand how to use the Unpaid Prize Report? If no, explain the process.

  • Multiple copies of the Club Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy are available in the Resource Folder?

  • Club Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy has the correct and most up to date trading name on the first page?

  • All gaming staff have recently read the Venue Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy? Check with the Venue Manager. If NO, then make arrangements with the Venue Manager and record on the Training Log.

  • Venue Harm Prevention & Minimisation Training Log is in the Resource Folder and is up to date? Compare to Society Register in Dropbox.

  • Compare Training Log to Society Training Log in Dropbox and ensure both files match. Update files if necessary.

  • Is there a trained staff member in Harm Prevention & Minimisation on duty at all times that the gaming machines are operating?

  • REGULATION 13(1): Are there any new staff that have NOT received Harm Prevention & Minimisation Training? Advise Manager that until that staff member has received problem gambling awareness training they are NOT permitted to supervise gambling in the course of their duties at the Club. Schedule a date and time for training to be completed and make a note in this report.

  • REGULATION 13(1): Has the Venue Manager and all gaming staff received Harm Prevention & Minimisation Training within the last 10 months? If NO, record details of all staff members requiring training and schedule a date/time for completion urgently. Training MUST be completed within 12 months to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Game Rule 7.1: Club Employee Register is in the Resource Folder and is up to date? Check with Club Management.

  • Compare staff names on Training Log to Club Employee Register in Resource Folder. Confirm that you have completed this task.

  • Exclusion Order Booklet/Forms available at main workstation and accessible by staff?

  • Are there any new Self Exclusions or Venue Exclusions that need to be loaded to CONCERN? If there is either load into Concern for the venue or forward to

  • A copy of The Gambling Act (Class 4) Games Rules 2022 is available in the Resource Kit/Folder?

  • Where CITO is installed, does the club have access to a User Manual or Operating Instructions & Procedures (electronic or hard copy)?

  • Where CITO is installed, staff use a Faults Register or their Incident Diary to record all malfunctions of the CITO System?


  • Review the Cancelled Credit & Hopper Refill Dockets printed over the last week - ensure that the sample set reviewed includes those completed by multiple staff members.

  • Cancelled Credit Dockets include full name of customer and their signature? If staff are having difficulty obtaining this detail from customers, advise that payment should not be provided until this detail is completed by the customer. Payment to the customer can be refused and treated as an Unpaid Prize if the docket is not completed correctly.

  • Staff are signing all Cancelled Credit Dockets once the customer has printed their name and signed the docket?

  • Hopper Refill dockets from QEC are being signed by all staff?

  • Club Staff understand the process required if they receive a Self Exclusion, complete a Venue Exclusion or receive a request to exclude from other venues/clubs? If NO, advise that Self Exclusions and Venue Exclusions can be entered into the Concern National Database by the Area Manager or Maxserv head office. If they receive a request to exclude from other venues/clubs, then the customer should be provided with the contact details for local support services/treatment providers.

  • Club Staff know how to accept a new MVE Request on the QEC?

  • Do club staff know how to record a Breach of an Exclusion Order on the QEC? If No, please provide instructions including ensuring notes are added describing the breach.

  • Ensure Club Staff understand that for every breach (Was POI) that is recorded on the QEC, they must include what action was taken in the notes.

  • Have there been any breaches of an Exclusion Order since the last visit that have not been recorded on the QEC? If Yes, record details in notes and ensure Breach has been recorded in QEC.

  • Harm Prevention & Minimisation Pamphlets (HPA Wallet Brochure) is available and accessible for customers during transactions at the main service counter / bar / payout area?

  • Gambling Area Sweep sheets are available for staff to use?

  • REGULATION 14(1): Club staff are conducting Gambling Area Sweeps at least 3 times per hour, and at least 10 minutes after the previous sweep while the gambling area is operating? If 'partially compliant' add notes to explain what is required to lift practice.

  • REGULATION 14(2) & 15: Club staff are monitoring (tracking) gamblers who are observed gambling during 9 or more consecutive Gambling Area Sweeps? If 'partially compliant' add notes to explain what is required to lift practice.

  • REGULATION 14(2) & 15: Club staff are monitoring (tracking) gamblers who are withdrawing or attempting to withdraw cash from an ATM or EFTPOS device? If 'partially compliant' add notes to explain what is required to lift practice.

  • REGULATION 15: Club Staff, after identifying that a player is exhibiting 1 or more of the signs of the harm, are having a conversation with that player to assist with identifying whether the player is a problem gambler. Check for evidence that this is occurring and record notes.

  • Club staff are maintaining good records for Gambling Area Sweeps? If 'partially compliant' add notes to explain what is required to lift practice.

  • Staff use the QEC Incident Diary to record signs of gambling harm? Take photos of last entries.

  • If not using QEC Incident Diary, an alternative Incident Diary Book and/or Harm Minimisation Incident and Intervention Forms are available for staff to record signs of harm and conversation? Take photos of last entries.

  • REGULATION 16(3): Club Staff are keeping good records of signs of harm observed - name of staff member, date & time, identifying information for the gambler, sign of harm observed, name of staff member that had the conversation with the player, date & time of conversation, summary of conversation, and any further action taken in respect of the player. If 'partially compliant' add notes to explain what is required to lift practice.

  • REGULATION 16(4): The Venue Manager (or person acting on their behalf) is reviewing records kept by staff to identify signs of harm at least once each week for the previous 7 day period? The Venue Manager must be recording the date and time of the review and if any further action was required. NOTE: The Venue Manager's review is to assess whether staff have taken appropriate action following the identification of one or more signs of harm in a player, assess whether further action is required in respect of a player, and to determine whether there are any players who the Venue Manager, or the person acting on their behalf, has reasonable grounds to believe are problem gamblers.

  • Staff Tab has been activated on the QEC? If NO, please ensure it is activated before leaving the club.

  • Review Staff Tab on QEC to ensure staff access is up to date. Ensure staff that are no longer working at the club are removed, and ensure that each current staff member is listed with their own Pin Number.

  • Staff Photos are loaded against staff on QEC? NOTE: Important to do so if club is operating COMS Detect Facial Recognition as this will affect the Time in Venue function when turned on. Recommendation is that all venues/clubs have staff photos loaded to assist with future enhancements to the QEC.


  • Is the current Float Level sufficient for Gaming? Ask staff if they ever run out of float and how often. Add notes.

  • Does the club have a good and safe process in place for Cash Up?

  • Does the club have good processes in place to keep GMP safe i.e bank daily, hold GMP in a safe? Record notes regarding process if any concerns.

  • Club balances safe regularly?

  • Club completes COMS Money Reports, float balancing and reconciliations daily? Add notes if there are any concerns regarding their balancing.

  • Are there any Float & Cash Management Training needs for Club Staff? If yes arrange training to be completed.

Main Entrance Compliance & Other Club Checks


  • Latest Venue Licence is displayed? If in doubt phone office for clarification.

  • Club Signage is displayed with correct information regarding how to make a complaint, contact details etc?

  • Liquor Licence Displayed (if applicable)?

  • Licensee listed on Liquor Licence matches Venue Operator on Venue Licence?


  • Check Staff POI Activity Report in COMS for staff interaction. Are staff viewing Exclusions regularly?

  • Game Rule 14.1: Jackpot Manual is available electronically in COMs?

  • Club has access to EMS Website on the club's computer & login credentials are saved?

  • ATM location is compliant? An ATM available at the club must be in line of sight of staff at the main bar area of the club or, if the club does not have a bar area, the main customer service area of the club.

  • Does the Floor Plan on the Venue Licence correctly show the legal description of the club? If NO, then notify and arrange for an accurate floor plan to be signed by the Venue Operator.

  • Is the defined Gaming Area on the Venue Licence correct? If NO, then notify and arrange for an accurate floor plan to be signed by the Venue Operator.

  • Does the Floor Plan on the Venue Licence show the correct and compliant location of the ATM? If NO, then notify and arrange for an accurate floor plan to be signed by the Venue Operator.

  • Is the Club meeting the requirements of any Special Condition on their Venue Licence i.e. Access Condition (where applicable)? If required, check full Venue Licence in COMS or on Server.

  • REGULATION 5A: Confirm that Gaming Machines including Toppers, CANNOT be seen from outside the legal description of the club (except intermittently when an external door is in use)?

  • REGULATION 4: Confirm that Jackpot Advertising IS NOT visible or audible from outside the club?

  • REGULATION 5: Confirm that the use of the words Casino or Jackpot is NOT advertised anywhere in/around the club?

  • Where CITO is installed, if CRT is not in line of sight of Club Staff from their main workstation, is there a security camera monitoring activity on the CRT?

Harm Prevention & Minimisation, Training and Key Persons


  • Record staff member’s name who will answer the next set of Harm Minimisation questions. Where possible arrange for a different staff member from the one recorded on the last Compliance Assessment to complete this section of questions.

  • Have you read the Club Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy? Check to see how recently this was read and recommend re-reading if required.

  • What does the Club Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy require you to do? Does the Staff Member speak about any club specific practices i.e. eftpos limits, escalation process etc.

  • Why are Club Staff required to conduct Gambling Area Sweeps? Staff should be able to advise that it is a requirement of the Gambling (Harm Prevention and Minimisation) Amendment Regulations 2023, and that it is to observe player behaviour, signs of harm and underage gambling.

  • How often are you required by law to complete a Gambling Area Sweep per hour? Remind staff that Gambling Area Sweeps must be no less than 10 minutes apart.

  • Can you talk me through you process when completing a Gambling Area Sweep? Staff member should at a minimum advise that they must physically walk the Gaming Area to observe player behaviour and monitor for Signs of Harm. Staff should also talk about when it is necessary to have a conversation with a player and what information they must record to complete the process.

  • There are 26 signs that are considered to be Signs of Gambling Harm. Of these there are 7 Signs of Harm that have been selected as they are strong evidence-based indicators of gambling harm, can be easily identified by Club Staff, and reduce the need for subjective judgement. Can you name 3 of the 7 Signs of Harm?

  • When are Club Staff required to have a conversation with a player? Staff member should advise that a conversation is required when one sign of harm is observed, if a player has been observed gambling during 9 consecutive gambling area sweeps, if a gambler is observed making two withdrawals from an ATM or EFTPOS, and when there is sufficient concern that club staff consider it necessary to approach a player to have a conversation.

  • When a Sign of Harm is identified in a player what information must be recorded? Response should include the name of the club personnel who identified the Sign of Harm, the date and time that it was identified, information that would help club personnel to identify the player, which sign of harm was identified, the name of the club personnel who had the conversation with the player, a summary of the conversation and any further action taken.

  • Can staff describe what is required when completing a Gambling Area Sweep? Staff member should at a minimum advise that they must physically walk the Gaming Room to observe player behaviour and monitor for signs of harm. Suggest to the staff member strategies they can use in the gaming room i.e. touch three items of equipment, clear rubbish, talk to two gamblers.

  • What are the 3 types of Exclusion Orders? Response should include (Self, Venue Initiated & MVE).

  • VENUES WITH FACIAL REC ONLY - Your QEC alerts you to a Person of Interest (POI) - what action should you take? Response should include approaching the customer, asking for ID, asking patron to leave the gaming area if confirmed as an Excluded Patron, recording in your Incident Diary and on the QEC. Staff can also offer the patron further information on the support services available and advise their Area Manager.


  • Does the current Venue Manager understand their responsibilities as Venue Manager? Any concerns?

  • Confirm that the personal details for the Venue Manager have NOT changed i.e. postal address, marital status, contact details? A GC5 Personal Information Form may need to be completed if there are changes. Record details.


  • REGULATION 16(6): Venue Operator is ensuring that all records are retained for 3 years from the date they are recorded? These records do not need to be kept at the venue, but must be accessible within 10 days of being requested by DIA. Is the club confident that they can provide all records as and when requested by DIA i.e. documents are filed in an organised and accessible system.

  • All gaming records including information about players/gamblers is being collected and stored securely to meet obligations under The Privacy Act?

  • Security System & Facial Recognition System including all Cameras are in working order? Add notes if any issues.

  • Venue Manager knows how to access DVR System and download footage?

  • Game Rule 2.1 (1) Keys held in secure location including spare set and only made available to authorised club personnel for necessary tasks related to the day to day operation?

  • Game Rule 2.1 (4): Venue Manager accounts for keys at beginning & end of day?

  • All locks & keys in working order?

  • Are there any new Health and Safety risks or incidents at the club that need to be reported to Masse relating to Gaming Machines or Auxiliary Equipment owned by Masse? If YES, add a note and whether the hazard is temporary and for how long, and report to

Additional Notes, HPM Assessment and Signatures


  • Record other notes/comments/discussions regarding today's Compliance Assessment


  • Do Club Staff exhibit good Host Responsibility towards their Gambling Customers and the requirements of The Gambling Act & Games Rules?

  • Have Club Staff responded competently to the Harm Prevention And Minimisation checks in the previous sections of this assessment?

  • From your assessment, when should Harm Prevention & Minimisation Training be next scheduled for?

  • Considering the demographics of the customers at this club is there a need for further Harm Prevention & Minimisation Resources that may support host responsibility at this club i.e language?

  • Does the Club's Harm Prevention & Minimisation Policy correctly list the supervision requirements for this club i.e. ATM Supervision, changes in line of sight? If NO, then please email with additional requirements.


  • Club Manager Signature

  • Area Manager or Training & Compliance Assessor Signature

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