Title Page

  • Name of the mine

  • Operator of the mine

  • Location of the mine
  • Date of inspection

  • Inspection done by

  • Summary of the inspection

Informations before the inspection

Stand up times

  • Expected stand up time for stopes

  • Expected stand up time for galleries

Calculation methods for support

  • What kind of calculation method is used for the dimensioning of the support elements

  • How is the support load and strength

  • How is the factor of safety for the support elements determined

General information for timber support

  • What is the average life time of timber

  • What is the absolute and product specific consumption of the timber in the mine

  • What is the average life time of timber in the stope?

General information about ground control

  • How often are ground control inspections done?

  • How often does rock and roof fall occur

  • How often do damaged support elements have to be replaced

  • Does the mine have a ground control and support plan

  • Is this plan of adequate structure and of good quality

Observation during the inspection

Ground support at the entrance of the mine

  • How are the entrances of the mine protected against collapse or possible obstruction caused by slope slides or shaft caving?

  • Does the support at entries show damage or is prone to be damaged?

General concept of ground control

  • What is the general concept to manage ground stresses resulting from mining activities for mine preperation and development?

  • What is the general concept to manage ground stresses resulting from mining activities for stopes?

Structural Pillars

  • Are surface installations protected by structural pillars?

  • Is there a plan for the recovery of the structural pillars?

  • What is the ore extraction rate of the deposit with and without pillar recovery?


  • Are there any indication for current or future subsidence?

  • Does unplanned subsidence exist

  • Is there a risk that the subsidence does harm to man-made surface installations or the environment?

  • How is subsidence controlled and managed

Support elements condition

  • What is the general condition of the support elements used in the stope?

  • Are support elements

  • Fotos of the support elements

  • Does the support have continuous contact with the roof and the side walls?

  • What is the general condition of the support elements used in the galleries?

Floor heaving and side wall conevergence

  • Is the deformation in the openings everywhere under control or are there zones with increased floor heaving, roof and side wall convergence?

  • Are there areas in the mine where there is floor heaving?

  • Is in this case the floor supported?

Rock and roof fall hazard

  • Does uncontrolled rock and roof fall hazard for mine workers exist?

  • Do hazards exist in the active stopes and are indicators found for unplanned support element failure or probable rock and roof fall

  • What indicators are there?

Timber condition in the mine

  • Is the timber used in longliving openings treated in regard of the mine preparation and development?

  • Is the timber preparation and treatment before its use adequate?

Results after inspection

  • Does the inspection of the ground control system and the taken observations on the spot confirm the assumptions made in the ground control and support planning and is the safety standard with regard to ground control and support sufficient?

  • In the inspection visit of the mine are there observations of roof fall hazard or extraordinary deformation could happen?

Inspection results

  • Existing risks due to support failure and high ground pressures

  • Missing appropriate SOP for excavation in weak rock/soil

  • The operation requires continuous dailycontrol of support elements and for indicators of accelerated ground movements

  • Follow up by frequent safety inspections is required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.