Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


First aid certificate is available and has a valid expiry date.

  • GM

  • AGM

  • TM

  • FBM

  • FOHM


  • DM 1

  • DM 2

  • DM 3

GM, AGM, HODs ands DMs have completed HS 101 training on mission control with no training outstanding.

  • GM

  • AGM

  • TM

  • FBM

  • FOHM


  • DM 1

  • DM 2

  • DM 3

Track Manager and x3 Marshals (chosen at random by auditor) have completed HS 101 training and job specific Marshal training.

  • TM

  • MAR 1

  • MAR 2

  • MAR 3

F&B Manager and x3 F&B staff (chosen at random by auditor) have completed HS 101 training and job specific F&B training.

  • FBM

  • FB 1

  • FB 2

  • FB 3

FOH Manager and x3 FOH staff (chosen at random by auditor) have completed HS 101 training.

  • FOHM

  • FOH 1

  • FOH 2

  • FOH 3

Head Mechanic, Mechanic and P/T Mechanic have completed HS 101 training and role specific Mechanic training.




All HODs/DMs have signed the Risk Assessment acknowledgement form to confirm they have read and understood all Risk Assessments.

  • GM

  • AGM

  • TM

  • FBM

  • FOHM


  • DM 1

  • DM 2

  • DM 3

H&S Folder

  • The current H&S policy is availble in the H&S folder. No outdated copies are present

  • The current Fire policy is available in the H&S folder. No outdated copies are present

  • The latest Fire Risk Assessment is available in the H&S folder and all actions have been completed, signed off by the GM and evidence shown

  • All Risk Assessments are the current version, signed off by the GM and if a new GM is in place a GM change form has been completed

  • COSHH data sheets available from cleaning contractor

  • COSHH data sheets available for all chemicals and substances used by TS for cleaning and in the workshop

  • EICR certificate available in date and any remedials identified have been completed

  • PAT testing certificate available and in date of 12 months

  • Fire alarm servicing records available and in date of 12 months

  • Last monthly static CO monitoring (if applicable) documentation available

  • Last personal CO monitoring (if applicable) documentation available

  • Fire drill completed in last 3 months

  • No outstanding opening or closing checks for the previous full month and current month to date of audit

  • No outstanding track walks for the previous full month and current month to date of audit

  • No outstanding weekly checks for the previous full month and current month to date of audit

  • Previous monthly check has been completed

  • Daily visual checks and test drives are signed off on SMS.

  • No adult karts are over the 85hr servicing threshold

  • No cadet/junior karts are over the 50hr servicing threshold

  • No outstanding CSAs from any works completed in the previous full month and month to date of audit

  • Accident reports are available on Prime with no reports in draft

  • Incident reports are available on Prime with no reports in draft

  • Fuel van (if applicable): fire extinguisher in place and in service, mot cert valid, in clean/safe standard- no rubbish, lighters, in the cabin/seats.

  • The HSE poster is showing the correct contact details for Head of Safety and GM

  • Public liability insurance certificate is displayed at reception

  • Last NKA inspection certificate is displayed at reception

  • Latest crisis management plan is available on the H&S noticeboard

  • The Health and Safety noticeboard is laid out as per SOP 9

  • A copy of the last H&S newsletter is available on the H&S noticeboard and staff room and all previous copies are available in a folder

  • GM is the DPS for the site


  • CCTV is recording for 31 days across all camera views

  • Evidence from CCTV that helmet checks are being completed (Check x3 examples for consistency)

  • Evidence from CCTV that brake tests are being completed (Check x3 brake tests for consistency)

  • Evidence from CCTV that staff are present in briefings. (Check x3 briefings for consistency)

Site/Track Walk

  • Fire alarm keys are available in a prominent location to ensure an efficient response to an alarm

  • CO alarm is present in the spec area, in working order and set to the correct parameters of 80ppm first alarm and 100ppm high alarm

  • CO alarm is present in the mech bay, in working order and set to the correct parameter of 80ppm first alarm and 100ppm high alarm

  • CO alarm is present in the safe zone, and in working order

  • Helmets are checked for padding (Check x5 helmets for consistency)

  • Race suits are in a good state of repair with no rips and the velcro fastens the suit. (Check x5 for consistency)

  • Radios and headsets are tested to be transmitting clearly

  • Entanglement poster is present in race control

  • Race ready poster is up in the briefing room and near the pit lane entrance

  • All Fire doors in good working order and open without excessive force

  • Fire exit routes are clear and lead freely to the assembly point

  • Assembly point is clearly marked and all staff know the location (ask x3 staff at random)

  • Defibrillator is working, batterry and pads are both in date

  • All first aid boxes are fully stocked and supplies are in date

  • Burns kit is fully stocked and supplies are in date

  • Eye wash station is stocked and supplies are in date

  • Visual kart check - No obvious nuts and bolts missing. For example wraps, engine covers

  • Visual kart check - Fuel caps and fuel lines are secure

  • Banding is all running in the direction of track

  • Banding is showing no evidence of sharp edges

  • Tyres are not leaning forward over the banding and on to track

  • Banding hasn't lifted increasing the risk of 'submarining' on impact

  • Columns, pillars, balustrades are all protected in accordance with NKA guidance

  • No evidence of loose items on track that could cause damage to karts or injury to karters

  • Chains on barriers are in tact

  • No exposed steelwork is and secured to the floor

  • All track safetly lights work with remote controls present and working

  • Petrol is being stored and used in line with SOP and company expectations

  • Fuel stores are locked

  • Spill Kits available by fuelling points

  • Charger stations are free from damage and showing no signs of excessive wear on the cables

  • Under ramps are clear of any flammable materials

  • Under ramps are clear of any unused items

  • Under ramps are organised and access can be gained to all areas

  • Dead areas, behind tyre walls and on top of tyres are free of excessive tyre dust

  • No lighters are being used in the workshop

  • Workshop bin is in place and away from the bench grinder

  • Workshop bin is marked out underneath the bin to confirm its location

  • Workshop bin is emptied each night, no evidence of rubbish mounted up from prior days and is not overflowing

  • Workshop is clean and tidy with floor areas free from grease and not slippery

  • There are no slip, trip or fall hazards throughout the building on corridors, walkways or stairs

  • Store rooms are organised and allow ease of access to all contents and any emergency equipment or plant

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.