
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Watch

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel




  • Pod stowage - Is pod stowage compliant?

  • Modification - are modifications sanctioned?

  • Is all software approved?

  • Other - Click at risk to make any other comments



  • Setup:

    Have an incident available on the stage SMART server
    Add shortcut to desktop of all PC to stage SMART App


  • Are the PODs removed in accordance with the training notes. (Pods manoeuvered using 2 people

  • Where the stabilising legs deployed correctly?

  • Where the generators started successfully?

  • Was the HCU powered up correctly?

  • Tilt-up mast deployed correctly?

  • Camera mast deployed correctly?

  • Lighting mast deployed correctly?

  • Where all communications and computer systems turned on correctly?

  • The incident is spread over a large area and the incident commander was having issues prior to the arrival of the command unit in establishing contact with some of the crews on the UHF fire ground radios and has asked if we can boost the UHF radio signal.

  • Was the appropriate aerial selected and were all hazards identified?

  • The arrival of two new rural teams has meant that both VHF and UHF handheld radios are being utilised at the incident and the incident commander has asked if both can be patched together as the teams are unable to communicate amongst themselves.

  • Was the user able link the radio channels?

  • Did the User understand who can authorise the linking and what are the potential issues with linking radios?

  • The incident commander has asked that an eIAP be established and would like a map or aerial photo of the area displayed on the Map1 tab of eIAP so that he can plot the location of the resources and develop a plan.

    This will also allow the handover the chief rural fire officer. He has also requested the site plan for a building that is in close proximity to the fire be copied to Map 2 of eIAP.

    He has also requested the summary screen be displayed on the outside screen

  • Was the user able to set up all three computers to enter information into a multi-user eIAP session independently?

  • Was the user able to create a folder on the shared drive to save all relevant incident data?

  • Was the user able to populate eIAP as requested?

  • Was the user able to create a map in eIAP using an image from Smart ICU?. (map 1)

  • Was the user able to locate a risk plan of a nearby risk & load it into eIAP? (map 2)

  • Was the user able to display a summary on the outside screen?

  • The incident commander has asked that a new task be added to the task tab in eIAP. The task is to establish a water relay from Brown Street to Smith Street.

    Once this task has been created the task is to be updated with additional information that the river is being used to draft from

  • Is the user able to add a new task?

  • Is the user able to append to an existing task?

  • At sometime during the incident a radio message on the hand held is requested to be played back.

  • The low voltage warning starts, as the generator has failed and gone unnoticed.

  • Are users aware of the fault resolution document and its location on the vehicle?

  • The incident commander has requested that the wind direction and speed be passed on via his phone (via VOIP)

  • Is the user able to use the weather station and identify direction and wind speed?

  • Is the user able to force a call via VOIP?

  • There is a change of OIC and it is requested that a new eIAP session be created and a summary of the previous session be emailed to the previous OIC

  • Is the user is able to create a new session in eIAP?

  • Is the user is able to create a pdf version of the eIAP and email it?

  • An incoming call is answered and transferred to the POD room phone

  • Is the user able to transfer the incoming call?

  • At the completion of the incident a backup of the incident be made using the local backup process currently used

  • Are users are aware of the local backup process?<br><br>Is there a process to transfer the files to a remote location off the vehicle for all incidents?<br>Is the remote location known?<br>Do they have an external dive or other storage facility?<br>

  • Can the user extract a audio file for archiving?

  • Can the user extract a video file for archiving?

  • Additional discussion points

    Knowledge of hazard identification
    o Obstructions for aerial mast

    If asked to establish a power supply from an external source what are the considerations and process
    o 25amp fuse with no RCD (need to check)
    o Requires the power switch to be swapped from generator to external in the locker

    Does the operator know about the circuit breaker on the inverter Is the operator aware of the fault resolution document Troubleshoot a battery system low power alarm (optional)



  • Question 1. Are you confident in operating all aspects of the HCU?,

  • IF 'no' please identify the areas that are of concern. (evaluation to confirm)

    Use of radios
    Use of software application
    o eIAP
    o SMART Phones
    High gain aerial

  • Q1. Feedback

  • Question 2. Do you find the vehicle practical to set up

  • o Command Unit
    Are the PODs always on the vehicle and if not
    what procedures are in place to get them to an incident if the hazmat is not on station. o Decontamination

  • Q2. Feedback

  • CU – HCV-1
    o Fault resolution document
    o SharePoint site
    o Help desk process
    o Linking of radios
    o Have you referred to the training manual or fault
    resolution in the last year
    o On the 26/3/13 and upgrade to a number of manuals
    were published by John Sutherland. One was a change to the use of the Hotbox, can you describe the change. Has the updated manuals been put on the vehicle?
    Hazmat – HMT – TC
    o Decontamination procedure o Equipment List

  • Q3. Feedback

  • Question 4. In regard to the support, functionality and design of the vehicle, do you believe that these can be improved and what areas specifically

  • Q4. Feedback

  • Question 5. Are there any other comments or observations you wish to be included in this interview.

  • Q5. Feedback


  • Question 1. Have you had training or been shown the capabilities of the vehicle,<br> either by the local operators or other NZFS personnel?

  • Q1. Feedback

  • Question 2. Can you identify any capabilities of the vehicle you are aware of that you believe the operators could deliver better?

  • Q2. Feedback

  • Question 3. Is there any functionality you believe the vehicle lacks that would make your role as an incident commander more effective<br><br><br><br>

  • This is aimed at identifying requirements that may be available currently, but the user is unaware of and not aimed at developing function requirements for future enhancements.

  • Q3. Feedback

  • Question 4. Are there any other comments or observations you wish to be included in this interview

  • Q4. Feedback


  • Signature:

  • Date Completed:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.