
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


Health & Safety Documentation

  • Does the company have a written health & safety policy statement?

  • Is the health & safety policy statement signed and dated?

  • Is the health & safety policy statement prominently displayed in the workplace?

  • How are visitors to the building controlled?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Electrical Safety

  • Are there any broken plugs or outlets?

  • Are there any frayed or damaged leads?

  • Are all fixed wiring installations inspected on a regular basis by a qualified and competent person?

  • Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?

  • Are there any extension leads across the floor?

  • Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Fire Control

  • Actions required to rectify

  • Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?

  • Are fire extinguishers within service dates?

  • Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?

  • Are exits clear of obstructions?

  • Other Observations?


  • Actions required to rectify

  • Are floor areas clean, dry and free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are walkways kept clear?

  • Are there work areas where fall protection is required?

  • Other Observations?

First Aid/Accident Reporting & Investigations

  • Is there a list of first aider's and emergency contact numbers displayed?

  • Is there a first aid kit/cabinet available and accessible?

  • Are employees aware of location of first aid kit?

  • Is the first aid kit adequately stocked?

  • Are first aid records kept?

  • Are detailed accident investigation records kept?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions Required to rectify

General Housekeeping

  • Are work areas clear of rubbish?

  • Are items not in use stored appropriately?

  • Have bins been emptied ?

  • Is there evidence of general clutter?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Office Safety

  • Is lighting adequate for work tasks?

  • Are light fittings clean and in good condition?

  • Are diffuser covers in place and securely fixed where required?

  • Is furniture appropriate and sound?

  • Is air conditioning maintained?

  • Is the office clean and tidy?

  • Are fling cabinets drawers kept closed when not in use?

  • Other Obsevations?

  • Actions required to rectify


  • Are materials stored so they will not fall?

  • Are materials stored so that good manual handling practices can be applied, therefore safe retrieval?

  • Are storage racks/cupboards in sound condition, not overloaded?

  • Are racks free from projection, sharp edges?

  • Are incompatible hazard substances segregated?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Welfare Matters

  • Are toilets clean?

  • Are kitchen facilities/lunchrooms clean?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Are there washing facilities?

  • Actions required to rectify

  • Other Observations?


Chemicals (Hazardous/Dangerous Substances)

  • Is there access to MSDS for all chemical products used?

  • Are diesel supplies kept separate and secure?

  • Are other flammable substances stored separately and securely in anti flammable containers

  • Are chemical containers clearly labelled?

  • If required is PPE available?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify


  • Is site bin located at suitable point and emptied regularly?

  • Is spoil, waste and excess material stored in suitable area away from operations

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify


  • Is yard is generally tidy and free from clutter?

  • Is housekeeping in sheds adequate?

  • Are sumps and drains easily accessible for cleaning and servicing?

  • Are openings to drains and sumps covered?

  • Are speed limits within the yard clearly displayed?

  • Is suitable signage displayed warning of moving vehicles?

  • Other observations?

  • Actions to rectify

Opportunity for Improvement

  • Corrective Actions

  • Signature of client

  • Signature of auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.