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Conducted on
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Review the effectiveness of hazard management, including processes that have influence on the hazard reporting and recording process.
Are hazard management procedures within the workplace/department current and up to date?<br>Are the reporting forms giving the required information?
Are hazard/risk registers up to date? How are these reviewed?
Are procedures, forms, relevant registers accessible to workers?<br>How are these made accessible?
Has Accident/Incident/near Miss reporting for the year including any trends been reported?
Have any new hazards been identified during the year?<br>How are they being used/controlled?
Are all hazards linked to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) and/or Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS's) where required?
Has the usage of the E/M hierarchy been updated?<br>Are staff trained around E/M?
Has health monitoring been identified/completed where appropriate?
Are hazard reviews carried out regularly as required at staff and forum meetings?
Are any legislation reviews/updates passed onto staff?<br>How are these communicated?
Are workplace inspections/audits reviewed?<br>How are they reviewed and by who?
How are hazard/risk related forms that are filled out by workers reviewed?<br>Who reviews these?
Additional Comments/Suggested Corrective Actions.
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