
  • Name

  • Date & Time

  • Forecast Room OCC

  • Location
  • Management By Walking Around! 走动式管理



  • Was the front main driveway hotel access and sidewalk clean and orderly?酒店正门外的车道和人行道是否干净整洁?

  • Was the hotel entrance carpark & hoisting flag clean and with orderly parking? 酒店停车场和升旗是否整洁有序?

  • Are the screens working and up to date in the lift and lobby? 电梯和大堂的显示屏更新了吗?

  • Are public rest rooms clean and fresh smell? 公共卫生间是否都干净无异味?

  • Any cleanliness or defect in the guest and staff elevator? 客用和员工电梯是否有任何清洁问题,或者其他问题?

  • Were all lights working? 所有照明灯光设施是否工作正常?


1st Floor - Lobby 大堂吧

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • GSM on Duty 当班宾客服务经理

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

3rd Floor - Fitness Centre & Swimming Pool 康乐中心和游泳池

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Staff on Duty 值班员工

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

3rd Floor - Kids Club 儿童乐园

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Staff on Duty 值班员工

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

27th Floor - Executive Lounge 行政酒廊

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Staff on Duty 值班员工

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?


1st Floor - Cigar Bar 雪茄吧

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

1st Floor - Fusion Lobby Bar 融大堂吧

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Guest Experience 客户体验

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

2nd Floor - Kitchen craft 全日制厨艺餐厅

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Guest Experience 客户体验

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

2nd-3rd Floor - BQT 宴会厅

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Any Banquet? 当日有无宴会?

  • All 3rd party workers with temporary ID? 所有第三方工作人员都持有出入证?

  • Any problems in the banquet or other comments? 宴会是否存在问题或提出其他意见?

3rd Floor - Yuxi Chinese Restaurant 御玺中餐厅

  • Inspection Time 检查时间

  • Numbers of guests 客人数量

  • Any problems or other comments? 是否存在问题或提出其他意见?


Staff Lockers 员工更衣室

  • Was female/male locker room clean? 男/女更衣室是否整洁干净?

Staff Restaurant 员工餐厅

  • Quality of food and hygiene acceptable? 食品卫生是否合格?

  • Kitchen cleanliness acceptable? 厨房是否整洁干净?

Receiving Area 收货平台

  • Inspection Time 收货时间

  • Receiving Status 收货情况

  • Receiving area cleanliness acceptable? 收货平台是否整洁干净?

Staff Entrance 员工通道

  • Staff entrance cleanliness acceptable? 员工通道是否整洁干净?

  • Any safety risk in the staff entrance? 员工通道是否存在安全隐患?


  • How many light switches did you turn off? 你关闭了多少灯?

  • What were the main locations where lights turned on that didn't need to be? 在哪些区域出现应当关闭却未关灯的问题?


1st Room

  • Room No. 房间号

  • Room Attendant 客房服务员

  • Entrance Zone 入口处 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Closet 衣橱 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Mini Bar 迷你吧 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bedroom 卧室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bathroom 浴室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Other areas 其他区域 — Any TV / office desk / window / sitting area problems? 电视/办公/窗户/座位区域是否存在问题?

  • General 综合 — Any carpet / lightning / room odour problems? 房间地毯/灯光/气味是否异常?

2nd Room

  • Room No. 房间号

  • Room Attendant 客房服务员

  • Entrance Zone 入口处 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Closet 衣橱 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Mini Bar 迷你吧 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bedroom 卧室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bathroom 浴室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Other areas 其他区域 — Any TV / office desk / window / sitting area problems? 电视/办公/窗户/座位区域是否存在问题?

  • General 综合 — Any carpet / lightning / room odour problems? 房间地毯/灯光/气味是否异常?

3rd Room

  • Room No. 房间号

  • Room Attendant 客房服务员

  • Entrance Zone 入口处 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Closet 衣橱 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Mini Bar 迷你吧 — <br>Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bedroom 卧室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Bathroom 浴室 — Any problems 是否存在问题?

  • Other areas 其他区域 — Any TV / office desk / window / sitting area problems? 电视/办公/窗户/座位区域是否存在问题?

  • General 综合 — Any carpet / lightning / room odour problems? 房间地毯/灯光/气味是否异常?


  • Any other engine defects? 是否存在其他的工程缺陷问题?

  • Any comments 其他意见

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.