
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Defence Base

  • Base

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Personnel

  • Prepared by


  • DTG


  • Is your food council food business licence current<br><br>

  • Is the licence visible?

  • Has your business had non compliance issues in your last audit?

  • Has your business rectified previous non compliance issues from last audit?

Food safety plan

  • Does the kitchen have a food safety plan

  • Does the kitchen have a food safety supervisor

  • Have all staff been trained in the food safety plan

  • Is the food safety plan accessible to all staff

Foodhandling controls

Receipt of goods

  • Are refrigerated and frozen product temperatures monitored upon receipt

  • Are temperatures within critical limits

  • Upon receipt of the product would quickly in the appropriate storage areas

Food storage

  • Are food products stored correctly

  • Is the food protected from the likelihood of contamination/cross contamination

  • Is safe foodhandling practices adheared to when thawing of frozen products

  • Is cold food stored at correct temperatures

Food preparation

  • Is potentially hazardous food stored correctly

  • Are food preparation areas clean and free from contamination

  • Is equipment clean and sanitised

Food display and packaging

  • Is food served at the correct temperature

  • Is food display displayed free from outside contaminates and covered when applicable

  • A food display cabinets and fridges recorded daily for temperature controls

Food transport

  • This food packaged in a manner that protects it from contamination

  • Is food transported in an appropriately temperature controlled vehicle

  • Is food transportation vehicle clean and free vermin

Food storage post cooking

  • Are acceptable cooling processes used to reduce the food temperature safely within (two hour rule)

  • Is food segregated to prevent cross contamination

  • Is there acceptable and safe practices for that reheating of food

  • Is there acceptable and safe practices for the cooling of cooked foods

Staff safe working practices

  • Did staff wash their hands between tasks handling raw-meats ,seafood, garbage etc

  • Do staff wash their hands properly (hands are washed will gloves I change at critical points)

  • wash Your hands now this is displayed in WC areas

  • Adequate toilet facilities provided

  • Bacterial soap provided at all wash hand basin

  • Disposable paper towels provided and used to dry hands

  • Only approved jewellery worn

Food handling

Food handling when serving or packaging food

  • Food safety gloves worn if applicable to the task

  • Serving spoons/utensils you whenever possible

  • Food not left on benches or outside safe zone temperatures

Staffing facilities

  • Staff facilities

  • Suitable facilities to store personal belongings and all change cloths if applicable

First aid

First aid and medicines

  • Staff medications segregated from kitchen food preparation and cooking areas

  • Suitable first aid cabinets are stocked with appropriate food safety dressing

  • Near miss register up to date

  • Open sores cuts or splints and bandages on hands are completely covered while handling food

  • No open wounds, sores, etc noted.

staff illnesses

Staff illnesses

  • Catering staff fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of illness

  • Return to work sickness forms/questionnaires completed

  • Management fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of staff illness

Premises general cleanliness

Premises general cleanliness

  • Are the floors and walls in good repair

  • Are walls and floors clean

  • Are wall fittings secure

  • Is the kitchen area well ventilated

  • Is the kitchen area vermin proofed

  • Is there a maintenance schedule for the equipment

Vermin control

  • Is there a vermin register and is it maintained

  • Are animals prevented from getting into the establishment

  • Are there frequent pest control measures in place

  • Auditee

Design and construction of food premises

Design and construction of premises Food Safety Code Standard 3.2.3 Division 2

General requirements

  • Is the site appropriate for food preparation ?

  • Provides adequate space for food preparation, cooking and service

  • Permits the space to be cleaned and sanitised IAW the code

Is practicals to exclude the followings :

  • Excessive dirt

  • Dust

  • Fumes

  • Smoke and other contaminents

  • Not permit the entry of pests

  • Not provide harbourage for pests

Water supply

  • Premises has an adequate supply of potable water

Sewage and waste water disposal

  • Will effectively dispose of all matter

  • Is constructed and located to prevent food contamination

Storage of garbage and recyclable matter

  • Can adequately contain the volume

  • Enclose to prevent vermin

  • Be easily cleaned

Ventilation and lighting

  • Has sufficient lighting

  • Has sufficient ventilation

Floors, walls and ceilings

Floors Food Safety Act Standard 3.2.3 Division 3.

  • Be able to be effectively cleaned

  • Not absorb grease and food particles or water

  • Prevent water pooling

  • Not provide harbourage of pests

Walls and ceilings Food Safety Code Standard 3.2.3 Division 3

  • Unable to absorb grease, food particles or water

  • Able to be effectively cleaned

  • Sealed to prevent entry of dirt, dust or pests

Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment Food Safety Code Standard 3.2.3 Division 4

  • Adequate for the production of safe and suitable food

  • Fit for intended use

  • No likelihood of food contamination

Food practices

Food practices - handling food controls Food safety code standard 3.2.2 Division 3

  • Check the name and address of business

  • The prescribed name of product is clear

  • A description of food

  • Is within the correct temperatures

Food receipt Food safety code Standard 3.2.2 Division 3

  • A list of suppliers and their certificate of currency

  • Food checked and documented for temperatures at time of receiving

  • Do you record food recalls and document the actions taken when relieved recalled foodstuffs

Food storage Food Safety Code 3.2.3 Division 5

  • Stored to protect from likely contamination

  • Conditions will not affect safety and suitable of food

  • Stored under temperature control

  • If frozen ensures it remains frozen

Cold room storage

  • Food stored in appropriate containers when received

  • Food is stored in segregated containers and fridges to prevent cross contamination

  • Food stored in appropriate ways for safe thawing

  • Food is stored at correct temperatures and monitored prior to preparation

Freezer storage

  • Food stored in appropriate containers when received

  • Food is stored in segregated containers and fridges to prevent cross contamination

  • Food stored in appropriate ways for safe thawing

  • Food is stored at correct temperatures and monitored prior to preparation

Dry room storage

  • Food stored in appropriate containers when received

  • Food is stored in segregated containers and fridges to prevent cross contamination

  • Food is stored at correct temperatures and monitored prior to preparation

Food processing

  • Is potentially hazardous food displayed in the correct temperatures display cabinets

  • Food preparing areas clean and free from clutter

  • Food preparation tools washed and sanitised post each use and stored in a safe and acceptable manner

  • Suitable measures in place when preparing food to prevent cross contamination

Food display

  • Supervision of food displayed

  • Provide separate serving utensils

  • Provide barriers to protect food

  • Not able to be contaminated by customer

Food transportation A food business must

  • Frozen foods remain frozen

  • Protect all food from likelihood of contamination

  • Transport under temperature control

Food storage post cooking

  • Are acceptable cooling process used to reduce the food temperature safely ( within the 2hr rule)

  • Is food segregated to prevent cross contamination

  • Is there acceptable and safe practices for the reheating of food

Food packaging

  • Ensure not likely to become contaminated during packaging process

  • Only use packaging fit for use

  • Use material not likely to cause contamination

Cooking of foodstuffs

  • Suitable cooking equipment used

  • Segregated equipment used when cooking different foodstuffs to prevent cross contamination

  • Is cooked foodstuffs kept at the correct temperatures during the cooking process

Food disposal

  • Destroyed or disposed of so it can't be used for human consumption

  • If applicable returned to supplier

  • Further processed to ensure safety and suitability

  • Ascertained to be safe and suitable

Food recall

  • Have a system in place to ensure recall of unsafe food

  • Set out process in a written form and be accessible to all staff

  • Comply with the system in place when recalling unsafe food

Temperature testing equipment

  • Thermometer calibrated

  • Date of calibration


Staff hygiene and practices - Food handler requirements

  • Staff know to report when have an illness that might compromise the production of foodstuffs

  • Don't engage in food handling when ill

  • Wash hands whenever likely to contaminate food

  • Take all preventive measures when I'll to prevent food contamination

  • Staff uniforms clean and protective wear used ( such as aprons, hair nets, hats and food handlers gloves)

  • Staff not eating or drinking in other than designated food rooms

  • Staff not coughing / sneezing over food, etc

  • Hand washing facilities provided inside entry point of kitchen and around kitchen facilities with sanitation gels provided

  • Long hair tied back and secured

  • Staff not fondling hair, picking nose, scratching, etc

Food Safety documentation

Food safety documentation

  • Managers & all food handling staff fully trained in appropriate safety & hygiene requirements

  • Details recorded on personal training files

  • Photocopies of certificates, etc available & held on file

  • Policy documentation available, signed & dated

  • Documentation brought to the attention of staff

Staff practices

Staff safe working practices

  • Did staff wash their hands between tasks (handling raw meat, seafood,, mops, garbage, etc).

  • Do staff wash their hands properly (hands are washed or gloves are changed at critical points)

  • Wash you hands now" notices displayed in WC areas

  • Adequate toilet facilities provided

  • Bacterial soap provided at all wash hand basins

  • Disposable paper towels provided & used to dry hands

  • Only approved jewellery worn

Handling Food

Food handling when serving or packaging foods

  • Food safety gloves worn if appropriate to the task

  • Serving spoons / Utensils used wherever possible

  • Food not left on benches or outside required temperatures

  • Temperature taken at time of packaging and recorded

Business behavours and regs

Business behaviours and regulations

  • Suitable change rooms to store personal belonging and or change if applicable

  • Do staff have a designated lunch rooms

  • Suitable external segregated smoking areas provided

  • Is there adequate laundry facilities for washing of kitchen clothes

First aid

First aid and medicines

  • Staff medications segregated from kitchen food preparation and cooking areas

  • Suitable first aid cabinets and stocked with appropriate food safety dressings

  • Near miss register up to date

  • Open sores, cuts, or splints & bandages on hands are completely covered while handling food.

  • No open wounds, sores, etc noted.

Staff Illness

Clean and sanitising of specific equipment

  • Clean and sanitise all eating and drinking utensils

  • Clean and sanitise food contact surfaces

  • Doesn't comprise the safety of the food

  • Does not permit the transmissions of infectious disease


  • Ensure all figures, fittings and equipment are in good repair

  • Not use and broken, chipped or cracked eating or drinking utensils

Premises General Cleanliness

Premises general cleanliness

  • Are the floors and walls in good repair

  • Are the floors and walls clean

  • Are wall fittings secure

  • Is the kitchen area well ventilated

  • Is the kitchen area vermin proofed

  • Is the preparations and cooking equipment in good repair and clean

  • Is there a maintenance schedule for equipment

Vermin Control

Vermin control

  • Is there a vermin register and is it maintained

  • Are animals prevented from getting into the establishment

  • Are there frequent pest control measures in place

Animals and pets

  • Not permit live animals in food areas unless it's seas good or other fish or shell fish

  • Must permit an assistance animal in areas used by customers

  • Permit a dog that's not an assistance animal to be present in outdoor dining areas

  • Take all measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests in food transportation vehicles

  • Take all measures to prevent pests entering the food premises

  • Take all measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests

Additional Observations

Other observations

  • Observation 1.

  • Observation 2.

  • Observation 3.



  • Visual check of Business licence

  • Date of currency

  • Visual check of previous audit

  • Date of last audit

  • Visual check of suppliers and currency

  • Visual check of food safety plan

  • Last review date of food safety plan

  • Visual check of fridge temperature records

  • Visual check of food temperature checks

Final sign off

  • Auditor

  • Auditee

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