Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
4.2 OH&S Policy
Is the current Health & Safety policy displayed on the notice board?
Are all employees aware of the location of the policy?
4.3.1 Hazard identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls
Is the access to, and around the building free from slip, trip or fall hazards?
Are the (fire, office, first aid) Risk Assessments in date and on the notice board?
Have all DSE users completed a DSE assessment?
Are all electrical, sockets, trunking and cables in good order and no evidence of daisy chaining?
Are all materials stored safely at height? - no potential for dropped objects.
Is there a means of safe access to reach items stored at height and is it used?
Is the office free from a build up of combustible materials?
Have the fire detection systems been serviced, if so when, and who by?
Has the emergency lighting been serviced, if so when, and who by?
Are the water dispensers in good condition and regularly serviced?
Have the air conditioning units been serviced, if yes when, and who by?
Is the lift in good working order and has it been serviced, if yes, when and who by?
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements
Are weekly fire alarms tested, if yes, when?
Has there been a full fire drill, if yes, when and what was the date of the last full evacuation?
4.3.3 Objectives and Programmes & 4.5.1 Performance Measurement and Monitoring
Are employees aware of where of the Company's HSE objectives are located on SharePoint?
Is the year end HSE report displayed on the notice board?
Are the company safety performance statistics displayed on the notice board, if yes, what month is displayed?
Is there evidence of continual improvement within the safety management system?
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authority
Are there first aiders and fire marshals for the office, if yes who, and list training / awareness completed?
Are all managers aware of the new company HSE procedures and Instructions?
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness
Have new starters completed the company induction?
Is the basic safety information handout available for visitors?
Are employees aware of the Safety Management System and its location?
Do employees understand the fire evacuation arrangements? / Communication, Participation and Consultation
Are there adequate safety posters and signage for the area in question, list all?
Is there a company notice board and is it up to date with the latest safety awareness / alerts?
Are board reports, management reviews and HSE committee meetings available on the intranet, if yes, what are the dates?
4.4.6 Operational Control
Is a visitor register in use?
Are employees aware of Lone working requirements in the office?
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
Are all fire exits clearly marked, Including fire action notices and assembly points?
Are the name(s) of the fire marshal clearly displayed?
Are the fire exits accessible, unobstructed and free from trip hazards?
Is the first aid kit maintained and the check sheet in place?
Is signage in place to warn employees that the lift is not to be used in the event of a fire? Incident Investigation
Do all employees understand the Company incident / accident reporting process?