Rent account number
Property address
Rent account balance
Audit completed on visit number...
Staff member completing audit
- Chris Rourke
- Adetoun Ajayi
- Myra Dicken
- David Crofts
- Thomas Austin
- Michael Opreshko
- Sarah Thompson
- Tee Aminu
- Dee Salter
- Vicki Percival
- Marie Booker
- Peter Gillett
Tenancy details / Occupants
Tenancy details
Tenancy start date
Tenancy type
Tenants details
Tenants title:
- Miss
- Mrs
- Ms
- Mr
- Dr
- Rev
- Sir
- Lady
Please enter tenants full name
Tenants DoB
Tenants national insurance number
Tenants full address
Contact details (telephone / mobile phone / email etc)
Contact details
Tenants photo
Tenants ID
How do you pay your rent?
Do you work
What is your income?
Proof of income
Do you work full time or part time?
What is your income?
If you are on benefits, list what benefits and total amount received
Do you have any outstanding debts?
List debts and amounts
Is this a joint tenancy?
Tenants photo
Tenants ID
Joint tenants title
- Miss
- Mrs
- Ms
- Mr
- Dr
- Rev
- Sir
- Lady
Add media
Please enter joint tenants full name
Joint tenants date of birth
Joint tenants national insurance number
Joint tenants contact details (telephone / mobile phone / email etc)
Contact details
Do you work
What is your income?
Proof of income
Do you work full time or part time?
What is your income?
If you are on benefits, list what benefits and total amount received
Do you have any outstanding debts?
List debts and amounts
Condition of property
Why has it failed?
Why has it failed?
Landing and hallway
Why has it failed?
Why has it failed?
Why has it failed?
Add media
Sheds and out buildings
Why has it failed?
Add media
How many bedrooms are in the property?
Bedroom 1
Why has it failed?
Add media
Bedroom 1
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 2
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 1
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 2
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 3
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 1
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 2
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 3
Why has it failed?
Bedroom 4
Why has it failed?
Please add each childs details
Child details
Date of birth
Relationship to tenant
- Son / daughter
- Grand child
- Niece / nephew
- Other
- Step son
- Step daughter
- Parent
- Aunt / uncle
- Grand parent
- Partner
Please enter relationship to tenant
Please add each adults details (other than tenant / joint tenant)
Adult details
Date of birth
Relationship to tenant
- Son / daughter
- Grand child
- Niece / nephew
- Other
- Step son
- Step daughter
- Parent
- Aunt / uncle
- Grand parent
- Partner
Please enter relationship
Identity / proof of residence
Are there any pets in the household?
Please enter each pets details
Has pet been registered?
Has the pet been micro-chipped?
Is the pet neutered?
Property details
Number of bedrooms
Property type
- Flat
- Terraced house
- Bungalow
- End of terrace
- Semi-detached
- Maisonette
- Sheltered housing
Have you been able to inspect all rooms?
Please provide details of refusal of access:
Have there been any structural changes to the property during the tenancy?
Was approval granted?
Please provide details
Are there any signs of damage to the property?
Please give details of damage:
Please add image if appropriate
Are there repairs needed to the property?
Have the repairs been reported?
Please provide details of repair needed
Are there any combustable materials stored at the property?
Please provide details:
Please add image if appropriate
Is there a smoke alarm at the property?
Is it hard wired?
Does the property have gas, electricity or both?
Please photograph the meter including piping to the unit (take multiple photos if necessary)
Please enter the meter reading if not legible in the image
Please photograph the meter including wiring to the unit (take multiple photos if necessary)
Please enter the meter reading if not legible in the image
Please photograph the meter including piping to the unit (take multiple photos if necessary)
Please enter the meter reading if not legible in the image
Please photograph the meter including wiring to the unit (take multiple photos if necessary)
Please enter the meter reading if not legible in the image
Tenant support needs
Financial issues
Does the tenant have any rent arrears?
Has an affordable arrangement been put in place and being adhered to?
Please raise referral to Housing Officer / Welfare Reform Team for affordable repayment plan
Is the tenant claiming Housing Benefit?
Is the tenant Under / Over occupying the property?
Could the tenant satisfy one of the exemptions from size criteria? please select as appropriate
Would the tenant like to find a larger property?
Are there any outstanding issues with their HB claim?
- Overpayment
- Suspension
- Information required
- Un-notified change of circs
- None
Please raise referral to Housing Officer / Welfare Reform Team
Support requirements
Does anyone in the household have a registered disability?
Are they in receipt of disability benefits?
Referrals to be made (please select all)
- AP1
- CP1
- Welfare Reform Team
- MacMillian WBU
- Transfer / Mutual exchange
- Residents association
- Other
- Repair
- Stepchange
- Caring hands
Please give details of support required
Comments / Statements
Officer comments
Tenants comments
I declare that the information I have given for the purposes of this form is true and accurate. I understand that giving false information may amount to fraud and I would put my tenancy at risk with the result being that I may loose my home. I may also be subject to criminal prosecution.
Tenant signature