Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
2.2 Lighting
Is the lighting sufficient? <br>Are any lights cracked or dirty?<br>Sample of lights out %
2.3 Plant hygiene facilities
Toilets, wash facilities, crib rooms, food prep areas.<br>Are they clean, adequate, equipment well maintained - microwave, ice machine etc?
2.4 aisles/storage demarcation
Floors demarcated and clear for fire equipment?<br>Floor clean, free from obstruction and slip hazards?
2.5 stacking and storage
Same stacking area for safe storage<br>heavy items correctly stored?<br>Hydrocarbon and chemical stored within an appropriate bund or chemical cupboard
2.6 waste removal system
Sufficient bins and lids?<br>Is waste being segregated?<br>Are bins adequately labelled?<br>Are bins regularly emptied?
Plant, pipelines and control lights
Color coding on labels and lights<br>is there evidence of pipes leaking, including gas and air lines?<br>Drains free from sediment and blockages?
3.1 Machine guarding
Tool rests are set correctly on bench grinder?<br>Electrical cabinets locked?<br>Guards on rotating equipment?<br>Gen sets and portable machines out the workshop are on spill trays or bunds<br>conveyors have sufficient guarding in place and secure
3.2 tag/lockout system/usage
Equipment correctly tagged if out of service?<br>Isolations on work in area are correct?
3.3 labeling of switches, isolators and valves
Sample equipment in area for correct labels - electrical switches, ball valves etc
3.4 ladders, stairs and scaffolds
Are ladders/handrails in good condition, kick boards, rails etc.<br>Scaffold tagged ?<br>Sample equipment for quarterly inspection tags?
3.5 lifting gear
Sample safety harnesses at the workshop for inspection tags and condition<br>sample lifting gear for inspection tags and condition
3.6 compressed gases
Same oxy/acetylene equipment for quarterly inspection tags and condition<br>cylinders correctly stored/chained
3.8 mobile equipment - operation and competency
Sample daily checks in area, all available equipment, LV and HV <br>condition of vehicles including first aid kit and spill kits
3.10/15 electrical equipment
Sample condition of electrical appliances and for test tags<br>electrical switches intact<br>switches, isolators and valves marked<br>welders have VRDs fitted
3.16 hand and dangerous tools
Sample tools found in area for condition and suitability<br>compressed air lines and tools have couplings connection with hose clips
3.18 confined spaces
Spaces clearly labelled, signs ok?<br>Areas not signposted with possible confined space risks
3.21 notices and signs
Signs to standard<br>PPE requirements sign, hazard and warning signs visible<br>suitability of signs. Does it work? Too many, too few?<br>Have signs faded<br>
3.23-3.31 PPE
Are hand, hearing and eye protection readily available? Restock if required.<br>Lens cleaning station stocked<br>
4.1 emergency planning
Emergency plans displayed or required <br>are names of fire wardens, HSE reps and emergency numbers displayed<br>are muster points clear and accessible
4.2 first aid facilities
Are first aid kits available?<br>Access to box clear and easily accessible?<br>Contents checked and restocked if required?<br>Defibrilators - green light tick present<br>oxygen cylinders >3/4 full<br>
4.4 fire fighting equipment
Randomly sample equipment in the area<br>extinguishers clearly labelled<br>inspection tags current<br>list those checked
Identifications and access<br><br>Extinguishers and hydrants clear from obstructions <br>plastic protective bags fitted?<br>Flooring and walls color coded with red and white stripes to display fire extinguisher location
5.5 hazardous substances/chemicals (including hydrocarbons)
Hazardous lockers - are containers in good condition, doors self closing, chemicals stored correctly, labelled correctly<br>storage area free from spills and leaks<br>no unmarked containers<br>no pollution or spills<br>MSDS available at storage location<br><br>
Flush safety showers for 30 secs<br>check temperature, color of water and water pressure