Title Page
Audit Ref
Site(s) Audited
Audit Date
Executive Summary
Audit Report
Standard Knowledge, Awareness and Delivery
Does the location know of the Setting to Work, Control of Work and Supervision standard?
Are there local procedures are in place to ensure the requirements of this standard are delivered?
Control of Work
Does the work pack have a description of the task along with the specific identifiers for the site, plant item, component to be worked on?
Does the work pack have a detailed risk assessment for the task in hand? Are significant risks identifed where any specific permission, permits etc. are requested and provided?
Does the work pack have a safety rules requirement and is this clearly identified?
Is there a adequately detailed work instruction/method statement for the work and does hti highlight any process related hazards i.e. stored energy, safe sequencing of tasks or safety related hold points?
Work Planning
Has the task been planned to give adequate provision of resource to complete the task as planned (people, tools and equipment)?
Is there any potential conflict between working parties and had this been identified up front and planned for?
What is the identified level of the risk for the task? High, Medium or Low?, How was this assessed and recorded?
Pre Job Brief
What kind of pre-job brief was carried out? (For Medium and High tasks this should be a verbal pre job brief as a minimum)
- Verbal
- Personal Risk Assessment Techniques
Who was present at the pre job brief? Was everyone from the working party in attendance?
Who led the pre job brief? (For Medium and High risk tasks this should be the line manager/supervisor?)
Was emergency planning considered in the pre job brief?
Have all those involved been trained in personal risk assessment techniques? Where is this recorded?
Are all the working party competent to carry out the task and how is this assessed and recorded?
Does the work require isolation under the safety rules? Are the team competent to operate within the safety rules?
Was a point of work risk assessment carried out by the working party? (standard for all tasks)
Is a post job de-brief planned for after the task? How is learning captured?
Is the supervision for the task sufficient? (For high risk tasks this must be on site supervision, medium risk is immediately contactable)
Do the location supervisors/line managers take a risk based approach to supervision and how is this done?
Work Involving Contractors
If the task was led by contractors did they meet the same requirements as above?
Governance and Oversight
How much time has been spent in the field by Directors, Managers and Supervisors at the location?