Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
If "SAFE" or "N/A "is not entered for each relevant item on the checklist, work must not proceed without further Hazard identification and Controls implemented
1. Do you have permission to access this site?
Example: Access Permit, Confined Space Entry Permit
2. Where required, has the land owner been notified?
Example: Client/Private owner and/or Thiess Services requirements
3. Cultural Heritage
Have Cultural Heritage requirements been satisfied before carrying out site modification or excavation work?
4. Is fire fighting equipment serviced & available before starting work on site?
Example: Extinguisher in vehicle or on site?
5. In case of an emergency are alternative exits available?
Example: Principal access/egress routes clear alternate escape route established?
6. Is suitable communication equipment carried to enable emergency communication throughout the work?
Example: Signal for mobile phone satellite phone
7. Is the site/proposed work to be undertaken covered by generic Risk Assessment/SWMS/Traffic Management Plan?
Example: RAR for Stream Gauging/ Environmental Monitoring/Sampling/Deploy Plan
8. Has a Site Hazard inspection been conducted to determine if potential risks exist? Provide detail in the Comments section
Example: Changes to bank, track, surrounding environment, insitu equipment, weather
9. Where required, can third party safety controls be established?
Example: Client/ Landowner informed, signage to protect public
Is suitable and serviced plant/equipment available to safely conduct the work?
Example: Condition leaks spark arrestors
Is suitable PPE available for use during the task being performed?
Example: Safety glasses, leather, boots, gloves, hearing protections
Note additional Hazards identified and relevant Controls
Add a drawing to assist with the identification of a new Hazard, Repair or modification required
Note comments here
Employee signature