
  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location (Building Name, Elevation, Main Roof Ect)

  • Main Contractor


Housekeeping/General Access

  • Are green zones/pedestrian walkways in place and safe from working areas?

  • Are there edges that can be accessed which are not properly barriered off?

  • Are there any places where people are working which do not have safe access?

  • Can you see any overloading to scaffolds, edges of excavations, slabs etc?

  • Are there any gangways, staircases or work areas with insufficient lighting or emergency lighting?

  • Are there any openings left uncovered or unguarded?

  • Are there any materials stacked/stored unsafely?

  • Are any walkways, access routes, or work areas obstructed with rubbish, leads, equipment or material?

Access & Egress To Heights

  • Is there access to the working area at height?

  • Are mobile towers in place and tagged?

  • Are MEWPs in place for access and inspections carried out?

  • Do operatives have the correct certification to use MEWPs or Mobile Towers?

Scaffolds, Edge Protection, Nets and Stairs

  • Is access and egress available and secured. (Ladders, Gates, Trap Hatches, Stairs)?

  • Is the Scaffold Tag present and in date? Handover docs available if applicable?

  • Are any boards poorly supported or restrained ie forming 'traps', over sailing or over spanning?

  • Are there any gaps between the scaffold and structure through which persons or objects can fall?

  • Are there any gaps in the working platform through which bolts, tools etc could fall?

  • Are barriers or warning signs missing from incomplete scaffolds?

  • Are nets present? If so have inspections been carried out by a competent person and documents available?

  • Haki type stairs present?

  • Is the Access and Egress clear to these?

  • Is there an inspection tag on show and in date? Has this been inspected by a competent person and documents available?

Public Interfaces

  • Are the public in any immediate risk from operations on site? E.g. falling materials

  • Is segregation of the public inadequate or badly maintained? E.G. poor barriers, signage, lighting

  • Could the condition of roads or pavement pose a trip hazard to members of the public?

  • Does the site have adequate security or hoarding to prevent public entering the site?

Plant and Equipment

  • Are there designated refuelling areas available with spill kits and drip trays?

  • yes|no - Are there any moving parts of plant not suitably guarded or protected?

  • Have plant checks (Daily/Weekly) been carried out?

  • Are traffic marshals/banksman available?

  • Is any plant (including hoists and small plant) being operated unsafely?

  • Is there suitable parking areas for plant when not in use?


  • Are any persons not wearing appropriate clothing or equipment e.g. overalls, high viz, harnesses?

  • Are any persons on site not wearing hard hats or safety footwear with toe and midsole protection?

  • Are any persons on site not wearing eye protection or gloves?

  • Are any persons in noisy areas not wearing ear protection?

  • Are any persons in dusty conditions without masks?

  • Are glasses cleaning stations and hearing protection stations available?

Fire and Electrical

  • Can you see damaged electrical connections/fittings or vulnerable electric cables? Is there a lack of identification or protection to overhead or underground services? (Must conform to GS6)

  • Is there any portable electrical equipment that you can see has not been PAT tested or is not tagged?

  • Are fire points in place and conform to the site fire management plan?

  • Do any combustible materials pose a significant fire risk? E.G. LPG, paints, timber etc

  • Are any hot works activities being carried out ?

  • Are relevant permits in place for the works?

  • Are smoking areas available on site?

  • Is there a clear fire management plan for all to see?


  • Are there suitable storage areas available?

  • Are COSHH containers available for hazardous materials/goods?

  • Are materials stored correctly and safely?

  • Is there enough storage for any upcoming deliveries?


  • Observations:

  • Any immediate actions required?

Sign Off

  • Print Name

  • Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.