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  • Alcohol and Drugs

  • Working under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. This means more than just not drinking whilst at work. Tests have shown that alcohol can still have an effect on your body up to 18 hours after you have stopped drinking. Drinking any quantity of alcohol impairs a person's judgment, thinking, ability and co-ordination. Talk to your supervisor. It is your responsibility to talk to your supervisor whenever any performance or safety issues affect your job. A drinking worker could be just as dangerous as a defective saw. If you know of a co-worker who drinks, then you are not helping them or yourself if you. Non-prescribed drugs - You are far more likely to have an accident on-site under the influence of drugs. - You may feel you do not have a drug problem and this has got nothing to do with you but if you get hurt, it’s a bit late to wonder what the other person was under the influence of. - If you know somebody is taking drugs, tell your supervisor or line manager. - Signs to look for; watery eyes, pin-point or dilated pupils, running nose, constant sniffing, tight lips, sores, ulcers, trembling, fatigue and irritability. If you see it, report it. - All drugs can affect your ability to work safely. - Some effects of drugs; slow reaction times, clumsiness, poor decision making and distorted vision. - Drugs and work don’t mix. Don’t let it become a problem. Prescribed drugs The most common side effect of over the counter cold and flu medicine is drowsiness, which reduces a person’s level of alertness and increases reaction time. Tens of thousands of vehicle accidents are attributed to sleepiness every year. Taking medication and then coming to work and using machinery or sharp tools, can be dangerous. - Let your supervisor know - Follow the recommended dosages - Do not mix medications. Remember, you must: - Never come to work under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs. - Never bring alcohol or prohibited drugs to work, or consume them at work. - Inform your manager if you have to take any medication which may affect your work. - Inform your supervisor if you believe a colleague is under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Signed And Understood
  • Name

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