Title Page

SECTION A - Incident Information

  • Site conducted

  • Province / Territory

  • Closest Town

  • Project Code

  • Report Number

  • Report Date

  • Prepared by

  • Your Position/Role


Person Involved

  • Name

  • Position/Role

  • Company

  • Incident Date & Time

  • Incident Report Date & Time

  • Where did the incident occur? (ex. parking lot, field)

  • Describe the conditions (eg, Environs such as heat / rain, Visibility and Ground Conditions)

  • Briefly describe the incident:

  • List any attached statements, photos or diagrams

  • Initial actions taken: (ex. FA provided, medevac, stopwork)

  • Was the Emergency Response Plan initiated?

  • Did Emergency Services respond to the scene?

Classification of the incident (Y/N) (can be multiple)

  • Near Miss (Minor)

  • Minor Injury (No Treatment)

  • First Aid Treatment

  • Medical Treatment Injury

  • Illness

  • Restricted Work

  • Lost Time Injury

  • *Serious Injury (Report Immediately)

  • *Fatality (Report Immediately)

  • *Reportable Incident (Report Immediately)

  • Environmental/Wildfire

  • Property Damage/Loss

  • Community/Cultural

  • Financial Loss

  • Breach of Law/Regs

  • Breach of Agreement

  • Lost/Stopped Work

  • Harassment/Bullying

SECTION B: Preliminary Investigation. Include workers, follow investigation guide, assign actions to prevent incident recurrence. This is not a full investigation.

  • Workers Included

  • List standard controls for the activity

  • Were there controls not in place or that failed? Describe

  • List conditions, acts or procedures that significantly contribute to the incident, (use Step Backwards exercise)

  • Why did the conditions/acts/procedure happen? (use 5 Whys exercise)

What controls should be put in place immediately to prevent reoccurrence?

  • Action/Control

  • Responsible

  • Implement by Date

  • Action/Control

  • Responsible

  • Implement by Date

  • Action Control

  • Responsible

  • Implement by Date

Reporting Person

  • Print Name

  • Sign

  • Date


If multiple people experienced injury/illness, attach additional pages. Completed First Aid forms should remain on site.

  • Name of person injured/ill

  • Gender

  • Position/Role

  • Company

  • Description of injury/illness

  • Body part injured

  • Are you aware of any prior injury/condition? If yes, describe the injury/condition.

  • Was First Aid given?

  • Date of first aid

  • Was the worker treated by a medical professional? Go to a hospital or clinic?

  • Facility/Provider name

  • Date of treatment

  • Did the worker miss schedule time beyond the day of injury?

  • Date of return to work (if applicable)

  • Did the worker require alternate/modified duties?

  • Describe alternate/modified duties?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.