Title Page
Date of incident
Prepared by
Last name of effected employee
Incident type
General Information
Employee Information
Employee's name
Employee's address
Employee's department
Employee's Date of Birth
Employee's Date of Hire
Project Information
Project address
This is a joint-venture
Select one
Incident Information
Date and time of incident
Date and time the incident was reported
Shift start time
Shift end time
What time did the employee start?
Who was the incident reported to?
Is this a late report? (Not reported on the same day as incident)
Employee's immediate supervisor
Employee's level of experience
Location (on jobsite)
Were there any witnesses present?
Please provide witness information. Select "Witness Information/statement" and fill out the section for each witness. Note: Witness statements should be attached to the report. Alternatively, the person filling out the report may complete a narrative--or have the witness complete a narrative--directly in the report and have the witness sign.
Witness Information/statement
Witness name
Was a witness statement taken?
Witness statement.
Witness Signature
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Was the employee informed they would need to submit a sample for drug/alcohol testing?
STOP!! Drug/alcohol testing is required after any injury/illness and following any property damage or other loss.
Did the employee submit a sample for drug/alcohol testing? (select "No" for employee refusal)
Where did the testing occur?
When did the testing occur?
IBEW Status
Individual is non-union
What is employee's home local?
This employee is a traveler
Employee's title
Injury/illness and Treatment Information
Provide information regarding the employee's treatment. This is only required if there was an Injury or Illness (not required for personal medical).
Describe the injury/illness (i.e. "laceration to left thumb")
Treatment rendered
Was the employee seen/treated in a hospital or other healthcare facility?
Employee was treated in an emergency room
Employee was hospitalized overnight as an in-patient (excluding observation and diagnostics)
Address of facility
Doctor or healthcare provider responsible for treatment
Describe treatment
This is a preexisting condition
OSHA Information
The information in the section is required by OSHA.
This is an OSHA Recordable incident
Select one
How long is the employee expected to be out?
What is the expected return-to-work date?
Describe the employee's limitations
Is the employee being transferred to another job/role/location?
Describe the employee's transfer
Describe what made the incident an OSHA recordable.
When did death occur?
Which of the following are most applicable?
Describe the illness
Action being performed when/just before the incident occurred; task
Event or exposure (i.e. slip/trip/fall, manual lift, climbing ladder)
Source of injury/illness (i.e. floor, knife, electricity)
Incident Narrative
Describe the incident--in chronological order--starting from events leading up to the incident through the control and reporting of the incident. This section should only consist of facts and claims made by the individuals involved. A timeline of events may be helpful.
Describe the actions/inactions of the individuals/things which led up to the events.
Root Cause and Factors
This section is used to record the root cause(s) and contributing factors. There should be at least one root cause and multiple contributing factors.
Root Cause
Identify a root cause and explain why it is a root cause (verse a contributing factor).
Contributing Factor
Identify a contributing factor and why it is a contributing factor (verse a root cause)
Corrective Actions
Explain the corrective actions take to reduce the likelihood/eliminate the chances of this incident from reoccurring. Identify responsible parties and set goal completion dates.
Corrective Action
Describe the corrective action
Responsible person(s)/parties
Target completion
This item is completed
Date of completion
Attachments/Supporting documents
Identify all attachments that are submitted with the report (either as part of the report or independently but should accompany the report). i.e., photos, documents, videos, etc.
List of attachments/Supporting documents