Title Page

  • Job Title :

  • Job Category - (use closest category) :

  • Employee Name : ( If Anonymous, State "Anon")

  • Department

  • Location

  • Date Conducted

  • We are in this together.jpg
  • All Core Values.png

How is your day going ?


  • Are you struggling to cope with your workload

  • Frequency of Workload Pressures / Demand - Use slider bar to indicate : 1 if Annually, 2 if Monthly, 3 if Weekly, 4 if Daily

  • Do you need help or support to carry out work tasks?

  • Have you been given unachievable deadlines?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Do you have one to one meetings with your manager or supervisor to discuss and plan your workload ?

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT : Please suggest any changes / adaptions that could be considered to prevent unacceptable workload demand


  • How often do you experience changes in relation to your work - Use slider bar to indicate : 1 if Annually, 2 if Monthly, 3 if Weekly, 4 if Daily

  • Are you consulted about any changes in your work environment or work tasks ?

  • Have you given input into changes before they happen?

  • Have you been told the reason for changes to your work environment or work tasks?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you used the See It / Save It / Solve It T Card Boards to suggest / communicate improvements?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Are you aware of the Employee Forum Representative in your area to whom you can consult with to get topics of concern raised?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you read the Employee Forum Newsletter which is a tool used to communicate change ?

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT : Please suggest any changes / adaptions that could be considered to improve communication and handling of change


  • How often do you feel unsupported by your direct supervisor, managers or team - Use slider bar to indicate : 1 = Never, Enter 2 = Occasionally , 3= If Regularly, 4= Always

  • How supported do you feel by your manager or supervisor when carrying out your work? - Use slider bar to indicate : 1=Consistently Good and Responsive , 2=Good Support Level , 3=Occasional Support , 4= No Support

  • When you raise a problem or issue, does your Manager or Supervisor act quickly to resolve issues or report back to you with explanations of decisions / progress?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Are you aware of employee mental health and wellbeing (24/7) confidential helpline 0800 414 8247 ( and other counselling / health services through Benenden Health - Download app at https://www.benenden.co.uk/mobile

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Are you aware of Spectrum Life wellness classes which are included in your Benenden measurements (free of charge)

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT : Please suggest any changes / adaptions that could be considered to improve any issues relating to support in your current role


  • How often have you experienced bullying, harrassment, discrimination at work ? -Use slider bar to indicate : 1 = Never, Enter 2 = Occasionally , 3= If Regularly, 4= Always

  • How often have you experienced conflict at work eg. verbal abuse or physical abuse - Use slider bar to indicate : 1 = Never, Enter 2 = Occasionally , 3= If Regularly, 4= Always

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you received a copy of the Employee Handbook?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Are you aware of the Company Grievance Procedure ?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS ; Have you read Harlequin's Bullying and Harrassment Policy?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you read Harlequin's Whistle Blower Policy?

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT : Please suggest any changes / adaptions that could be considered to improve any relationship/ conflict issues


  • Have you been diagnosed with any medical condition or prescribed any medication which could make you more susceptible to stress in the workplace?

  • Have you informed your manager or HR Manager of the condition and medication?

  • Please notify your supervisor or the HR Manager

  • Does your work involve periods of intense focus / concentration?

  • Is your work repetitive and mundane doing the same task over and over again ?

  • Do you work extended hours /overtime ?

  • Have you been trained in how to carry out your tasks ?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you read Harlequin's Training and Development Policy

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Have you been informed about taking regular breaks during repetitive focused tasks?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS : Where applicable to your Role, Have you been offered the possibility of flexible hours or working from home?

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT: Please suggest any changes /adaptations that could be considered to improve aspects of your role?


  • Are you consulted and in agreement with the way your work is organised ?

  • Are you encouraged to use your skills and initiative?

  • Do you feel your skills are used to good effect?

  • EXISTING CONTROLS: Have you seen and read your Job Specification

  • FUTURE IMPROVEMENT: Please suggest any changes /adaptations that could be considered to improve your ability to be in control of your job?


  • How stressed do you feel in work? (Use slider bar to answer within range : - 0 Not Stressed to 10 Extremely Stressed)

  • Please give details about anything that makes you feel stressed in the workplace - (if none, state none)


  • Additional Comments

  • If you have filled this in anonymously and wish to speak to someone in confidence, please contact the HR Manager

  • Full Name and Signature (If non-anonymous, please write n/a)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.