Title Page

  • Name of Centre

  • Address of Centre

  • Inspector

  • Organisation

  • Type of accommodation

  • Independent Living Details

  • Date of inspection

  • Time of Arrival

  • Time of Departure

Centre Details

  • Contractor

  • Manager

  • Who deputises for manager in his/her absence

  • Telephone Number

  • Current Contracted Capacity

  • Current capacity on day of inspection

  • Current centre profile

  • HSE Area

  • Public Health Nurse

  • DSP/CWO Name

  • Name of environmental health officer

  • Local fire officer

  • Local fire station

  • Is centre certified by any quality management system (IE. Q-Mark, ISO)?

  • Date of last certification

  • Copy of Certification

  • Has the following been made available for inspection?

  • Staffing List

General Security & Emergency Details

  • Is 24-hour supervision provided

  • Roster Available

  • Is security provided by external company

  • If yes, please provide company name here

  • Does centre have CCTV?

  • Is there a list of emergency numbers available in the manager's office?

First Aid

  • Are first aid kits available?

  • Where are the first aid kits?

  • Number of first aid kits

  • Who is responsible for first aid restocking? How often are they checked?

  • Have the following been provided? : Defibrillators

  • Have the staff been trained to use this?

  • Have the following been provided? : Adrenalin/Epi Pens

  • Have the staff been trained to use this?

Heating Arrangements

  • Type of heating in this centre. Please choose.

  • Do residents have control of the heating in their own bedrooms?

  • If no, please give details of program times

House Rules

  • Are residents provided with house rules on arrival

  • How are house rules explained?

  • How are house rules displayed?

Arrangements for Residents & Visitors

  • Are residents issued with key/card to their own bedroom?

  • Are residents issued with key/card for the main door?

  • Are visitors allowed?

  • What are the visiting times?

  • Is there storage facilities for valuables?

  • Are period products available free of charge?

  • How are the period products distributed?

  • Are contraceptives supplied?

  • Are nappies/baby wipes/baby lotions provided?

  • Are toiletries provided?

  • What are the arrangements to replenish them?

Arrangement for Maintenance

  • Is there a procedure to report maintenance issues?

  • Is there a maintenance reporting book?

Child protection

  • Managers of accommodation for asylum seekers are mandated persons under children first act 2015. Their names should be publicly displayed including the fact that there are mandated persons.

  • Does the centre have a child safeguarding statement?

  • Can you specify the method used for their self-declaration?

  • Is the CSS completed using a risk assessment for that centre?

  • Can you specify the method used for their self-declaration?

  • is the CSS publicly displayed?

  • Can you specify the method used for their self-declaration?

  • Are measures in place to inform staff & visitors of IPAS Child Protection Policy?

  • Do visitors sign a declaration agreeing to adhere to the child protection policy?

  • Where was the declaration held?

  • Are there notices on public display, giving name & contact details of designated liaison person?

  • Have designated persons received Tusla approved children first training?

  • Are noticed prominently displayed regarding parental supervision of children?

Food Safety

  • Has a HACCP system been implemented?

  • Has the premises been inspected by an environmental health officer?

  • Date of last visit?

Nutrition/School Lunches/Baby Formula

  • Are residents consulted regarding menu/dietary requests?

  • Describe food provided for children's packed lunches. N/A if independent living/shop available.

  • Where is infant formula stored?

  • How is infant formula stored?

Arrangements for refreshments/meals outside normal mealtimes

  • Are tea/coffee/drinking water/snacks available outside meal times?

  • What food/snacks are available after hours or when kitchen is closed?

  • Where are the snacks located and how are they accessed?

  • Are meals available for new arrivals/residents who arrive late or residents travelling on official business or residents fasting during Ramadan?

Facilities for feeding babies - N/A if independent living

  • If it's independent living, you can skip this section

  • Are the following available?

  • Are these facilities available 24 hours a day?

  • Is there a dedicated room provided for breast feeding?

Indoor Facilities

Are the following available to residents?

  • Space available for residents with disabilities and limited mobility

  • Computers with internet access

  • WiFi

  • DVD player

  • Computer games

  • Snooker Table

  • Pool Table

  • Table tennis table

  • Board games

  • Newspapers

  • Books

  • Toys/games for children

  • Private room for meetings, visitors, events of significance and study

  • Non-denominational space available for religious practice and worship

  • Dedicated child friendly, play and recreation facilities

  • Creche

Transport Arrangements

  • Is there a bus service provided?

  • What is the frequency of the service? Please provide a timetable.

TV System

Is there a specific TV System in Place?

  • Sky Ireland

  • Saorview

  • Virgin Media Ireland

  • Eir TV

  • Vodafone TV

  • RTE Player

  • TV Player

  • Are residents allowed to erect satellite dishes?

Laundry Facilities (General Arrangements)

  • Are laundry facilities available in the centre? (Washing Machine & Dryer)

  • Do they appear to be in working order?

  • If no, what service is provided?

  • Who launders towels and bedlinen?

  • What procedures are in place for the exchange of towels and bed linen at the centre?

  • What procedures are in place for ironing boards and irons?

  • How is washing powder/tablets supplied?

  • Hours laundry open?


  • Are the cleaning materials and equipment provided by management for residents?

  • What are the procedure for residents to access vacuum cleaners, brushes & other cleaning equipments?

  • What arrangements are in place if rooms are not cleaned sufficiently by residents?

Adminstration / Communal Area

Are the following available or on display?

  • Complaint Form

  • Accident/Incident Procedure

  • HSE Breastfeeding posters (If applicable)

  • Gym notices (child safety - if applicable)

  • IOM Voluntary Return Poster

  • Anti Human-Trafficking Poster

  • 'No to violence & harrassment' Poster

  • Covid-19 Posters

Fire Safety

  • You should record the last 2 entries on the fire register for each of the following sections

1. Emergency Lighting Inspection Schedule

  • Inspected By (Company Name/Position)

  • Date :

  • Comments:

  • Inspected By (Company Name/Position)

  • Date :

  • Comments:

2. Fire alarm/carbon monoxide & detection system inspection schedule

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

3. Fire fighting equipment inspection schedule (include all fire extinguishers, hose reels and fire blankets)

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

4. Fire exit doors/means of escape inspection schedule

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

  • Inspected by (company name/position)

  • Date

  • Ok?

  • Defects

  • Remedial Action Taken

5. Fire drill procedure inspection schedule

  • Number of staff involved in drill

  • Date

  • No. of residents present/evacuated

  • Evacuation Time

  • Comments

  • Number of staff involved in drill

  • Date

  • No. of residents present/evacuated

  • Evacuation Time

  • Comments

6. Staff induction and trainin (fire safety)

  • Job description

  • Course

  • Instructor

  • Duration

  • Date

  • Job description

  • Course

  • Instructor

  • Duration

  • Date

7. Fire exits, emergency lighting, smoke alarms, fire notices (in corridors & common areas)

  • Are fire exits clear from obstructions?

  • Are they unlocked?

  • Are fire exits clearly posted throughout the building?

  • Are all fire doors kept closed?

  • Are emergency lighting and smoke alarms visible and in working order?

Information on meals in centres where meals are provided

  • N/A if independent living

  • Which meal was sampled?

  • Was there a vegetarian/vegan options

  • Give details of this option:

  • Give details of this option:

  • Were there ethnic dishes available, etc?

  • Give details of this option:

  • Give details of this option:

  • Was fresh foods available for infants? (As per HSE Infant Feeding Guidelines)

  • In your opinion, does the food on offer appear to provide a good variety?

  • Did inspection take place during ramadan?

  • If yes, please outline arrangements for provision of meals outside of normal mealtimes, (medical or other appointments, etc)

  • Is there enough seating for residents present to sit down and eat their lunch?

  • Are residents consulted in relation to the menu?

  • Frequency of consultation?

Kitchen Area : Food Safety Critical Requirements

  • Has the manager shown you HACCP certificates for chefs?

  • Was the fridge temperature showing as being between 1°C to 5°C?

  • Did you see evidence that the fridge temperature is recorded daily?

  • Was the freezer temperature showing as being -18°C or below?

  • Did you see evidence that freezer temperature is recorded daily?

  • Are dry food stuffs stored on shelving? (All dry goods should be stored off the ground)

  • Has it been demonstrated to you that cooked food is at the temperature above 72°C?

  • Is the temperature recorded for all food services? (Lunch & Dinner)

  • Is there a record of daily cleaning of kitchen, food service and dining areas?

  • Have you seen a record of periodic deep clean of all floors, under and behind cookers/fridges etc?

  • Are bins with waste food covered/lidded?

  • Are fly screens present on windows and doors into kitchen?

Food hall (Shop)

  • Is the food hall onsite?

  • Is the till system in place electronic points of sale?

  • If no, please outline arrangements

  • Are the relevant certification (Halal Meats) in place or On Display?

  • Is there appropriate storage ; shelving, cold storage, dry storage?

  • Were the points value of the items clearly displayed?

  • Is the area generally clean?

  • Visual check:<br>Have you noticed any issues requiring attention? <br><br>(products in date, fresh food, ethnic food, halal food, variety available, suitable range of food) products, toiletries and cleaning materials.)

  • If yes, to any issues please give detail:

  • Do food products available in the food hall reflect the reasonable needs of the different ethnic groups; e.g. The provision of halal food for muslim residents, the provision of food for gluten free, vegetarian, vegan residents, etc.?

  • If no, please give details

  • Please spot check 3 items to ensure correct points value is being applied. Please provide details of items scanned.

Outdoor grounds/Facilities

  • Space available for residents with disabilities and limited mobility?

  • Is the exterior (including grounds, carpark, access gates) of the centre in good condition?

  • Are there any dedicated child friendly play and recreation facilities outdoor?


  • All bedrooms will be inspected and the inspection report will detail. Resident’s consent should be sought prior to entering the room.

    1. Any issues that need to be addressed should be noted. Please include bedroom number/issue/fault/complaint from resident.
    2. Inspector to ensure no more than 3 residents per room except in the case of families.
    3. Ask the resident if they are happy with their room, and if they have anything they would like to report.

  • How often are bedrooms inspected?

  • Who cleans the bedroom?

  • How often do staff clean the bedrooms?

  • What arrangements are in place if rooms are not cleaned sufficiently by residents?

Corridor (State location) : All Corridor Areas

  • Is the area generally clean?

  • If no, please give details:

  • Visual Check : Have you noticed any issues requiring attention?

  • If yes, please give details:

Bedroom/apartment/townhouse/mobile homes checklist for inspector

  • · Fire notices on display
    · Fire blanket present
    · Carbon monoxide alarm
    · Smoke alarm
    · Windows
    · Doors
    · Bathrooms (mould/damp)
    · No obstructions to fire exits
    · Tv
    · Confirm residents have no complaints or issues
    · For own door accommodation, please check residents have been provided with the following: delph, cutlery, pots, pans, kettle, cooking appliances/utensils.
    · Inspector to ensure no more than 3 residents per room except in the case of families.
    · Inspector should ensure individual rooms are allocated to residents with specific requirements ( health, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc)
    · All rooms are lockable.
    · Inspectors should ensure that bedrooms contain, beds, wardrobe/chest of drawers and lockable units.
    · Central storage area for large items, eg, suitcases.
    · Inspector to ensure no bunk beds unless requested or persons under the age of 15.
    · Please check residents have been provided with pillows, duvets, blankets, bed sheets and towels. (minimum of 2 sets)

  • Bedroom/Apartment Number that needs attention - Comment and Upload Photos

General/Personal Responsibilities

  • Please ensure that no personal information or information that could lead to the identification of an individual is recorded in this section.

  • If you were approached by any residents regarding general/personal issues while in the centre please outline the details below:

  • If you were approached by any members of staff regarding general/personal issues while in the centre please outline the details below:

  • If you were approached by any other persons regarding general/personal issues while in the centre please outline the details below:

Summary Sheet

  • Name of centre

  • Address

  • Contractor

  • Date of inspection

  • Issues

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