
  • Document No.

  • Laboratory Safety Inspection

  • Floor / Room number
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • All staff working at the bench wearing the following:-

  • Laboratory gown

  • Safety glasses / over glasses

  • Disposable gloves ( non latex)

  • Appropriate lab footwear

  • Detail any non compliances, including staff member names, if known.

  • Staff with long hair have it tied back?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Walkways free of obstructions?

  • Floors clean, dry and free of slip/trip hazards?

  • Floor clear of boxes, eskies etc?

  • Stores, old equipment etc not accumulating?

  • Benches tidy and free of junk.

  • Shelving stable and not overloaded or with items hanging over the edge?

  • Heavy items not stored above shoulder height?

  • Sinks clean and free of junk?

  • Is there evidence of incorrect disposal of materials into sink drain?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!

Biosafety, OGTR, AQIS

  • Food/drink found in the laboratory or laboratory offices?

  • Bio safety cabinets clean and free of any materials/junk?

  • Incubators and water baths clean and without mould?

  • Suction pump traps empty and without mould?

  • Suction trap filters are blocked or mouldy?

  • Biohazard spill kits available and in good condition?

  • Disinfectant available and dated?

  • Autoclave clean and calibrated within last 12 months?

  • Autoclave tested using a bio-indicator within the last month?

  • Hand disinfectant dispensers are working?

  • Is bio hazardous waste being segregated correctly?<br>Sharps in sharps bin.<br>Disposable pipettes and pipettes tips in buckets.<br>Plastics, gloves, paper in bags.

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Stock chemicals stored in chemical handling room?

  • Bottles/squirt bottles correctly labelled?

  • Flammable liquids stored in flammables cabinet?

  • Are flammables stored in refrigerators?

  • Acids stored in corrosives cabinet?

  • Fume cupboard clean and free of junk?

  • Are hazardous chemicals stored in or underneath the fume cupboard?

  • Balances are clean?

  • Brushes not used for cleaning purposes?

  • Chemical spill kit available and in good condition?

  • Chemical waste bottles are correctly labelled and stored in the correct storage cabinet?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!

Emergency Response

  • Evacuation maps posted and clearly visible?

  • Exits, fire doors and walkways free from obstructions?

  • Exits and fire doors unlocked and not chocked open?

  • Exit signs illuminated and clearly visible?

  • Contact numbers and safety information present on back of laboratory door?

  • Fire extinguishers and blankets present and tested within the last 6 months?<br>(Check the punch marks on the attached tag)

  • Fire hydrants and hose reels tested within the last 6 months?

  • Safety showers and eyewash stations checked within the last 6 months?

  • Emergency equipment including safety showers and fire extinguishers not obstructed?

  • First aid cabinet present and checked within the last 6 months?

  • Overhead sprinklers free from obstruction?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Are power leads in good repair and not presenting a trip hazard?

  • Are power boards used, not double adapters?

  • Has electrical equipment been tested and tagged within the last 2 years?

  • Are electrical circuits overloaded?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Are gas cylinders correctly secured?

  • Are centrifuges, buckets and rotors in good condition and clean?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Are noise levels acceptable?

  • Are lighting levels acceptable?

  • Is the temperature acceptable?

  • Water, gas and suction outlets are in good condition and not leaking?

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!


  • Computer workstations are set up correctly?

  • Staff are using correct posture when sitting at workstations, microscopes etc.

  • Hazard rating

  • Immediate action is required!

Sign off

  • Inspectors signature

Rectification of issues found.

  • All issues raised during the inspection have been rectified?

  • Name and signature of person responsible for rectification.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.