Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - Previous inspection
1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?
Are they any outstanding actions?
Are all drivers in full uniform?
Is the depot sign clean and visible?
Is there a customer interface area?
Is there a CCTV system installed and operational?
Is there an approved alarm system with a scheduled maintenance record?
Is there documented pest control in place?
Are the scales calibrated or marked for reference only?
Is the goods held cage locked?
Van checks
Depot van daily check sheet up to date for each van
Van's clean, body work ok free from rust/damage and company logo applied<br>
Are PSV and tax up to date and clearly displayed in windscreen?<br>
What is the departure time from depot?
Is there an up to date copy of all drivers licenses on file?
Depot compliance
Depot predict at 98.5% or above?
Depot compliance at 99.5% or above?
Have all quarterly accounts been submitted to date
Quality of con notes, are all fields filled in?
Are there any outstanding receipt/returns
Are there any outstanding CODs?
Are there any late Saturday deliveries?
Are there any late timed deliveries?
Training records
Have all staff received up to date training on manual handling?
Have all staff received up to date training on GDP?
Has all training implemented been documented and are training logs available for inspection?
Does each member of staff have a training plan for the forthcoming year?
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature