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Control Point 1 - All Farm Base

  • AF 1.1.1 Is there a Physical sign at each field/Orchard? Is a farm Map which also identifies the location of water source, storage/handling facilities, ponds, stables ect.

  • AF 1.1.2 Current records shall provide a history of Global Gap production of all production sites (Global Gap certificate)?

  • AF 1.2.1 Is there a Risk Assessment available for all sites registered for certification?

  • AF 1.2.2 Has a management plan for site risks been identified to minimize risks?

  • AF 1.2.3 Does the design and layout permit compliance with good hygiene practices?

  • AF 1.2.4 Is there an additional self-assessment, a program of site inspections shall be established, implemented and maintained?

Control Point 2 - Record Keeping and Internal Self-assessment / Internal Inspection

  • AF 2.1 Are all records, including those relating to food safety, accessible and kept for a minimum period of 2 years?

  • AF 2.2 Is a Procedure established, implemented and maintained to manage and control documented information?

  • AF 2.3 Does the producer conducted a Global Gap standard self-assessment?

  • AF 2.4 Has effective corrective actions been taken as a result of non-conformance detected during the internal self-assessment?

  • AF 2.5 Are continuous improvement documented?

Control Point 3 - Hygiene

  • AF 3.1 Does the farm have a written Risk Assessment for Hygiene?

  • AF 3.2 Does the farm have a documented Hygiene Procedure and visibly displayed hygiene instructions?

  • AF 3.3 Have all workers on the farm received Annual Hygiene Training?

  • AF 3.4 Are all the farms hygiene procedures implemented?

  • AF 3.5 Are cleaning facilities, equipment and chemical materials suitable for their intended use stored and used appropriately?

Control Point 4 - Worker's Health, Safety and Welfare

  • AF 4.1.1 Does the Producer have a written Risk Assessment for Hazards to worker's health and safety?

  • AF 4.1.2 Does the farm have written health and safety Procedures addressing issues identified in the Risk assessment?

  • AF 4.1.3 Have all people working on the farm received health and safety training according to the risk assessment?

  • AF 4.2.1 Is there training record kept for training activities and attendees?

  • AF 4.2.2 Do all workers handing and/or administering veterinary medicines, chemicals, disinfectants, plant protection products, biocides, have evidence of competence or details of qualifications?

  • AF 4.2.3 Are employees whose activities impact food safety identified?

  • AF 4.3.1 Do accident and emergency procedures exist? Are they visibly displayed, and are they communicated to all persons associated with the farm activities, including subcontractors and visitors?

  • AF 4.3.2 Are potential hazards clearly identified by warning signs?

  • AF 4.3.3 Is safety advice for substances hazardous to workers health and safety available/accessible?

  • AF 4.3.4 Are first aid kits available at all permanent sites and in the vicinity of fieldwork?

  • AF 4.3.5 Are there always appropriate number of persons (One per 50 people) trained in first aid present on each farm whenever on-farm activities are being carried out?

  • AF 4.4.1 Are workers, visitors and subcontractors equipped with suitable protective clothing in accordance with legal requirements?

  • AF 4.4.2 Is protective clothing cleaned after use and stored in such a way as to prevent contamination of personal clothing?

  • AF 4.5.1 Is a member of management clearly identified as responsible for the workers health, safety and welfare.

  • AF 4.5.2 Does regular two-way communication take place between management and workers? Is there evidence of actions taken from such communication? (Agenda)

  • AF 4.5.3 Do workers have access to clean food storage areas, designated rest areas, handwashing facilities and drinking water?

  • AF 4.5.4 Are on-site living quarters habitable and have the basic services and facilities?

  • AF 4.5.5 Is transport for workers (on farm, to and from fields/orchards) as provided by the producer safe and compliant with national regulations?

Control Point 5 - Subcontractors

  • AF 5.1 When the producer makes use of subcontractors, do they oversee their activities in order to ensure that those activities relevant to Global Gap CPCC comply with corresponding requirements?

Control Point 6 - Waste and Pollution Management, Recycling and Re-use

  • AF 6.1.1 Have possible waste products and sources of pollution been identified in all areas of the farm?

  • AF 6.2.1 Is there a documented farm waste management plan to avoid/minimize wastage and pollution to the extend possible?

  • AF 6.2.2 Is the site kept in a tidy and orderly condition?

  • AF 6.2.3 Are holding areas for diesel and other fuel oil tanks environmentally safe?

  • AF 6.2.4 Provided there is no risk of pests, disease, and weed carry-over, are organic wastes composted on the farm and recycled?

  • AF 6.2.5 Is the water used for washing and cleaning purposes disposed of in a manner that ensures the minimum health and safety risks and environmental impact?

Control Point 7 - Conservation

  • AF 7.1.1 Does each producer have a wildlife Management plan and conservation plan for the farm business?

  • AF 7.1.2 Policy compatible with sustainable commercial agricultural production to enhance fauna and flora?

  • AF 7.2.1 Procedure for unproductive sites to ecological focus areas for the enhancement of fauna and flora?

  • AF 7.3.1 Records of energy usage?

  • AF 7.3.2 Energy efficiency Management plan (AF 7.3.3 Plan include improving energy efficiency consider minimizing the non-renewable energy)

  • AF 7.4.1 Have measures been implemented to collect water and, where applicable, to recycle taking food safety aspects into consideration?

Control Point 8 - Complaints

  • AF 8.1 Is there a Complaint Procedure available to both internal and external issues covered by Global Gap standards?

Control Point 9 - Recall / Withdrawal

  • AF 9.1 Does the Producer have a documented Procedure on how to manage/initiate the withdrawal/recall of certified products from the marketplace and are these producers tested annually?

Control Point 10 - Food Defence

  • AF 10.1 Is there a written Risk Assessment for food defense and are Procedures in place to address identified food defense risks?

Control Point 11 - Global G.A.P Status

  • AF 11.1 Soes all transaction documentation include reference to the Global Gap Status and the GGN?

Control Point 12 - Logo Use

  • AF 12.1 Is the Global Gap word, trademark, Global Gap QR code or logo and the GGN used according to the Global Gap general regualtions?

Control Point 13 - Traceability and Segregation

  • AF 13.1 Is there effective system in place to identify and segregate all Global Gap certified and non-Certified products?

  • AF 13.2 In the case of producers registered for parallel production/ownership (where certified and non-certified products are produced and/or owned by one legal entity), is there a system to ensure that all final products originating from a certified production process are correctly identified?

  • AF 13.3 Is there a final check to ensure the correct product dispatch of certified and non-certified products?

  • AF 13.4 Are appropriate identification Procedures in place and records for identifying products purchased from different sources available for all registered products?

  • AF 13.5 Is a documented test of Traceability system done Annually?

Control Point 14 - Mass Balance

  • AF 14.1 Are sales records available for quantities sold for all registered products?

  • AF 14.2 Are quantities (produced, stored, and/or purchased) recorded and summarized for all products?

  • AF 14.3 Are conversion ratios and/or loss (input-output calculations of a given production process) during handling calculated and controlled?

Control Point 15 - Food Safety Declaration

  • AF 15.1 Has the producer completed and signed the 'Food safety Declaration' included in the IFA checklist?

Control Point 16 - Food Fraud Mitigation

  • AF 16.1 Does the producer have a food fraud vulnerability Risk assessment?

  • AF 16.2 Does the producer have a food fraud mitigation Management Plan and has it been implemented?

Control Point 17 - Specifications, Non-conforming Products and Product Release

  • AF 17.1 Do externally purchased products, materials and services which have an effect on food safety conform to specific requirements or specific as well as food safety and regulatory requirements?

  • AF 17.2 Are written Specifications established, implemented and maintained for all products and imputs into the production process?

  • AF 17.3 Does the producer have a documented Procedure for non-Conforming products and has it been implemented?

  • AF 17.4 Does the producer have a documented Procedure for Product release?


Control Point 1 - Traceability

  • CB 1.1 Is a Global Gap registered product traceable back to and traceable from the registered farm (and other relevant registered areas) where it has been produced and if applicable, handled?

Control Point 2 - Propagation Material

  • CB 2.1.1 When seeds or propagation material have been purchased in the past 24 months, is there evidence that guarantees they have been obtained in compliance with variety registration laws?

  • CB 2.1.2 Has the propagation material used been obtained in accordance to applicable intellectual property laws?

  • CB 2.1.3 Are plant health quality control system operational for in-house nursery propagation?

  • CB 2.2.1 Is the purchased propagation material (seed, rootstock, seedlings, plantlets, cuttings) accompanied by information of chemical treatments done by the supplier?

  • CB 2.2.3 Are PPP treatments recorded for in-house nursery propagation materials applied during the plant propagation period?

  • CB 2.3.1 Does the planting of trials with genetically modified organisms (GMO's) comply with all applicable legislation in the country of production?

  • CB 2.3.2 Is there documentation available of when the producer grows GMO's?

  • CB 2.3.3 Have the producers' direct clients been informed of the GMO status of the product?

  • CB 2.3.4 Is there a plan for handling genetically modified material identifying strategies to minimize contamination risks and maintaining product integrity?

  • CB 2.3.5 Are GM crops stored separately from other crops to avoid adventitious mixing?

Control Point 3 - Soil management and conservation

  • CB 3.1 Does the producer have a Soil Management Plan?

  • CB 3.2 Have soil maps been prepared for the farm?

  • CB 3.3 Is there, where feasible, crop rotation for annual crops?

  • CB 3.4 Have techniques been used to improve or maintain soil structure and avoid soil erosion?

  • CB 3.5 Does the producer use techniques to reduce the possibility of soil erosion?

  • CB 3.6 Has the producer taken into account the nutrient contribution of organic fertilizer applications?

  • CB 3.7 Does the producer keep records on seed/planting rate, sowing/planting date?

Control Point 4 - Fertilizer Application

  • CB 4.1.1 Are recommendations for the application of fertilizers (organic or inorganic) provided by competent and qualified persons?

  • CB 4.2 Record of Application (CB 4.2.1 to CB 4.2.6)

  • CB 4.2.1 Field, Orchard or greenhouse reference and crop?

  • CB 4.2.2 Application date?

  • CB 4.2.3 Applied fertilizer type?

  • CB 4.2.4 Applied quantities?

  • CB 4.2.5 Method of Application?

  • CB 4.2.6 Operator details?

  • CB 4.3 - Fertilizer Storage (CB 4.3.1 - CB 4.3.7)

  • CB 4.3.1 Separately from PPP's?

  • CB 4.3.2 In a covered area?

  • CB 4.3.3 In a clean area?

  • CB 4.3.4 In a dry area?

  • CB 4.3.5 In an appropriate manner that reduces the risk of contamination water source?

  • CB 4.3.6 Not together with harvested products?

  • CB 4.3.7 Is there an up-to-date fertilizer stock inventory or stock calculation listing incoming fertilizer and records of use available?

  • CB 4.4 Does the producer prevent the use of human sewage sludge on the farm?

  • CB 4.4.2 Has a Risk Assessment been carried out for organic fertilizer, which prior to application, considers its source, characterized and intended use?

  • CB 4.4.3 Is organic fertilizer stored in an appropriate manner that reduces the risk of contamination of the environment?

  • CB 4.5.1 Is the content of major nutrient (NPK) of applied fertilizers known?

  • CB 4.5.2 Are purchased inorganic fertilizers accompanied by documented evidence of chemical content, which includes heavy metals?

Control Point 5 - Water Mangement

  • CB 5.1.1 Are tools used routinely to calculate and optimized the crop irrigation requirements?

  • CB 5.2.1 Has a Risk Assessment been undertaken that evaluates environmental issues for water management on the farm and has it been reviewed by the management within previous 12 months?

  • CB 5.2.2 Is there a water Management Plan available that identifies water sources and measures to ensure the efficiency of application and which management has approved within the previous 12 months?

  • CB 5.2.3 Are records for crop irrigation/fertigation water used and for the previous individual crop cycle(s) with total application volumes maintained?

  • CB 5.3.1 Is the use of treated sewage water in pre-harvest activities justified according to a Risk Assessment?

  • CB 5.3.2 Has a Risk Assessment on physical and chemical pollution of water used on pre-harvest activities been completed and has it been reviewed by the management within the last 12 months?

  • CB 5.3.3 Is water used on pre-harvest activities Analyzed at a frequency in line with the Risk Assessment taking into account current sector specific standards?

  • CB 5.3.4 According to the Risk Assessment and current sector specific standards, does the laboratory analysis consider chemical and physical contamination, and is the laboratory accredited against ISO 17025 or by a competent national/local authority for testing water?

  • CB 5.4.1 Where legally required, are there valid permits/licenses available for all farm water extraction, water storage infrastructure, on-farm usage and where appropriate any subsequent water discharge?

  • CB 5.4.2 Where the water permits/licenses indicate specific restrictions, do the water usage and discharge water discharge?

  • CB 5.5.1 Are water storage facilities present and well maintained to take advantage of periods of maximum water availability?

  • CB 5.5.2 If agricultural water is stored, are tanks, containers, and/or cisterns not a source of contamination for water or product?

Control Point 6 - Integrated Pest Management

  • CB 6.1 Has assistance with the implementation of IPM systems been obtained through training or advice?

  • CB 6.2 Show evidence of prevention?

  • CB 6.3 Show evidence of Observation and Monitoring?

  • CB 6.4 Show evidence of Intervention?

  • CB 6.5 Show evidence of anti-resistance recommendations, either on the label or other sources, been followed to maintain the effectiveness of available PPPs?

Control Point 7 - Plant Protection Products

  • CB 7.1.1 Is a current list kept of PPP's that are authorized in the country of production for use on crops being grown?

  • CB 7.1.2 Does the producer only use PPP's that are currently authorized in the country use for the target crop?

  • CB 7.1.3 Is the PPP that has been applied appropriate for the target as recommended on the product label?

  • CB 7.1.4 Are invoices of PPP's kept?

  • CB 7.2.1 Are the persons selecting the PPP's competent to make that choice?

  • CB 7.3. Are records of all PPP applications kept, and do they include the following minimum criteria?

  • CB 7.3.1 Crop name and/or variety?

  • CB 7.3.1 Concentration?

  • CB 7.3.1 Method of application?

  • CB 7.3.1 Frequency of application?

  • CB 7.3.1 Application location?

  • CB 7.3.1 Date and end time of application?

  • CB 7.3.1 Product trace name and active ingredient?

  • CB 7.3.1 Pre-harvest interval?

  • CB 7.3 Records of Application (CB 7.3.2 - CB 7.3.7)

  • CB 7.3.2 Operator?

  • CB 7.3.3 Justification for application?

  • CB 7.3.4 Technical authorization for application?

  • CB 7.3.5 Product quantity applied?

  • CB 7.3.6 Weather conditions at time of application?

  • CB 7.3.7 Does the producer take active measures to prevent pesticide drift to neighboring plots?

  • CB 7.3.8 Does the producer take active measures to prevent pesticide drift from neighboring plots?

  • CB 7.4.1 Have the registered pre-harvest intervals been complied with?

  • CB 7.5.1 Is surplus mix or tank washings disposed of in a way that does not compromise food safety and the environment?

  • CB 7.6.1 Can the producer demonstrate that information regarding the maximum residue levels (MRL's) of the country of destination is available?

  • CB 7.6.2 Has action been taken to meet the MRL's of the market in which the producer is intending to trade the produce?

  • CB 7.6.3 Has the producer completed a Risk Assessment covering all registered crops to determine if the products will be compliant with the MRL's in the country of destination?

  • CB 7.6.4 Is there evidence of residue tests, based on the results of the risk assessment?

  • CB 7.6.5 Correct sampling procedures are followed?

  • CB 7.6.6 The laboratory used for residue testing is accredited by a competent national authority ISO 17025 or equivalent standard?

  • CB 7.6.7 An action plan is in place in the event of an MRL is exceeded?

  • CB 7.7.1 Are PPP's stored in accordance with local regulations in a secure place with sufficient facilities for measuring and mixing them, and are they kept in their original package?

  • CB 7.7.2 - CB 7.7.6 Are plant protection products stored in a location that is:

  • CB 7.7.2 Sound?

  • CB 7.7.3 Appropriate to the temperature conditions?

  • CB 7.7.4 Well ventilated (in the case of walk-in storage)?

  • CB 7.7.5 Well lit?

  • CB 7.7.6 Located away from other materials?

  • CB 7.7.7 Is all PPP storage shelving made of non-absorbent materials?

  • CB 7.7.8 Is the PPP storage facility able to retain spillage?

  • CB 7.7.9 Are there facilities to deal with spillage?

  • CB 7.7.10 Are keys and access to PPP storage facility limited to workers with formal training in handling of PPP's?

  • CB 7.7.11 Are PPP's approved for use on the crops registered for Global Gap certification stored separately within the storage facility from PPP's used for other purposes?

  • CB 7.7.12 Are liquids not stored on shelves above powders?

  • CB 7.7.13 Is there an up-to-date PPP stock inventory or calculation of stock with incoming PPP's and records of use available?

  • CB 7.7.14 Is the accident procedure visible and accessible within 10 meters of PPP/chemical storage facilities?

  • CB 7.7.15 Are there facilities to deal with accidental operator contamination?

  • CB 7.8.1 Does the producer offer all workers who have contact with PPP's the possibility to be submitted to annual health checks?

  • CB 7.8.2 Are there procedures dealing with re-entry times on the farm?

  • CB 7.8.3 If concentrate PPP's are transported on and between farms, are they transported in a safe and secure manner?

  • CB 7.8.4 When mixing PPP's, are the correct handling and filling procedures followed as stated on the label?

  • CB 7.9.1 Are empty containers rinsed either via the use of an integrated pressure-rinsing device on the application equipment or at least 3 times with water before storage and disposal, and is the rinsed from empty containers returned to application equipment tank or disposed of in accordance?

  • CB 7.9.2 Is re-use of empty PPP containers for purposes other than containing and transporting the identical product being avoided?

  • CB 7.9.3 Are empty containers kept secure until disposal is possible?

  • CB 7.9.4 Does disposal of empty PPP containers occur in a manner that avoids exposure to humans and contamination of the environment?

  • CB 7.9.5 Are official collection and disposal systems used when available, and in that case are the empty containers adequately stored, labeled, and handled according to the rules of a collection system?

  • CB 7.9.6 Are all local regulations regarding disposal or destruction of containers observed?

  • CB 7.10.1 Are obsolete PPP's securely maintained and identified and disposed of by authorized or approved channels?

  • CB 7.11.1 Are records available for all other substances, including those that are made on-farm, used on crops, and/or soil that are not covered under the sections on fertilizer and PPP's?

Control Point 8 - Equipment

  • CB 8.1 Is equipment sensitive to food safety maintained in good repair, routinely verified and, where applicable, calibrated at least annually, and are records of measures taken within the previous 12 months available?

  • CB 8.2 Is equipment sensitive to environment and other equipment used on the farming activities routinely verified and, where applicable, calibrated at least annually?

  • CB 8.3 Is the producer involved in an independent calibration - certification scheme, where available?

  • CB 8.4 Is all equipment, including PPP, stored in such a way as to prevent product contamination?


Control Point 1 - Site Management

  • FV 1.1.1 Does the Risk Assessment for the farm site carried out as identified in (AF 1.2.1) make particular reference to microbial contamination?

  • FV 1.1.2 Has a Management Plan that establishes and implements strategies to minimize the risks?

Control Point 2 - Soil Management

  • FV 2.1.1 Is there a written justification for the use of soil fumigation?

  • FV 2.1.2 Is any pre-planting intervals complied with prior to planting?

Control Point 3 - Substrates

  • FV 3.1 Does the producer participate in substrate recycling programs for substrates where available?

  • FV 3.2 If chemicals are used to sterilize substrates for reuse, have the location, the date of sterilization, type of chemical, method of sterilization, name of the of the operator, and pre-planting interval been recorded?

  • FV 3.3 If a substrate of natural origin used, can it be demonstrated that it does not come from designated conservation areas?

Control Point 4 - Pre-Harvest

  • FV 4.1.1 Is there evidence of Risk Assessment covering the microbiological quality of the water used in all pre-harvest operation?

  • FV 4.1.2 b Is water used on pre-harvest activities analyzed as part of the Risk Assessment at a frequency in line?

  • FV 4.1.3 In the case the Risk Assessment or the water tests require it, has the producer implemented adequate actions to prevent product contamination?

  • FV 4.1.4 According to the risk assessment and current sector specific standards, does the laboratory analysis consider microbiological contamination, and is the laboratory accredited against ISO 17025 or by competent national/local authorities testing water?

  • FV 4.2.1 Does the interval between the application or organic fertilizer and the product harvest not compromise food safety?

  • FV 4.3.1 Is there lack of evidence of excessive animal activity in the crop production area that is a potential food safety risk?

Control Point 5 - Harvest and Post-Harvest

  • FV 5.1.1 Has a hygiene Risk Assessment been performed for the harvest, pre- and post-harvest gate transport process, and post-harvest activities including product handling?

  • FV 5.1.2 Are there documented Hygiene Procedures and Instructions for the harvest and post-harvest processes including product handling designated to prevent contamination of crop, crop production areas, food contact surfaces, and harvested product?

  • FV 5.1.3 Are there hygiene procedures and instructions for the harvest and post-harvest activities, including product handling, implemented?

  • FV 5.1.4 Have workers received specific training in hygiene before harvesting and handling produce?

  • FV 5.1.5 Are signs that communicate the primary hygiene instructions to workers and visitors, including at least instructions to workers, to wash their hands before returning to work clearly displayed?

  • FV 5.1.6 Are smoking, eating, chewing and drinking confined to designated areas segregated from growing areas and products?

  • FV 5.1.7 Are vehicles used for transport of harvested produce and/or packed product and any equipment used for loading, cleaned, and maintained where necessary according to risk?

  • FV 5.2.1 Do harvest workers who come into direct contact with crops have access to appropriate handwashing equipment and make use of it?

  • FV 5.2.2 Do harvest workers have access to clean toilets in the vicinity of their work?

  • FV 5.2.3 Do workers handling the product on the field or in a facility have access to clean toilets and handwashing facilities in the vicinity of their work?

  • FV 5.2.4 Are the harvest containers used exclusively for produce and are these containers, the tools used for harvesting and the harvest equipment appropriate for their intended use and cleaned, maintained, and able to protect the product from contamination?

  • FV 5.2.5 Are these suitable changing facilities for the workers?

  • FV 5.3.1 If water is used during any operations relating to harvest cooling, does it meet microbiological standards for drinking water?

  • FV 5.3.2 Is water not intended for use in food production, if available on site, managed to minimize food safety risks?

  • FV 5.4.1 Is harvested produce protected from contamination?

  • FV 5.4.2 Are all collection/storage/distribution points of packed produce, also those in the field, maintained in clean and hygienic conditions?

  • FV 5.4.3 Are packaging materials appropriate for use, and are they used and stored in clean hygienic conditions so as to prevent them from becoming a source of contamination?

  • FV 5.4.4 re bits of packaging materials and other non-produce waste removed from the field?

  • FV 5.4.5 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, ect. stored to prevent chemical contamination of produce?

  • FV 5.4.6 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, ect. that may come into contact with produce approved for application in the food industry. Are label instructions followed correctly?

  • FV 5.4.7 Are all forklifts and other driven transport trolleys clean and well maintained and of a suitable type to avoid contamination through emissions?

  • FV 5.4.8 Is rejected, contamination, and/or conforming produce not introduced in the supply chain and is waste material effectively controlled in a way that it does not pose a risk of contamination?

  • FV 5.4.9 Are breakage safe lamps and/or lamps with protective cap used above the sorting, weighing, and storage area?

  • FV 5.4.10 Are written Procedures for handling glass and clear hard plastic in place?

  • FV 5.5.1 Are temperature and humidity controls maintained and documented?

  • FV 5.5.2 Are air compressed gasses which could impact food safety regularly monitored, adequately stored, and handled in order to minimize food safety risks?

  • FV 5.6.1 Is there a system for monitoring and correcting pest populations in the packaging and storing areas?

  • FV 5.6.2 Is there visual evidence that the pest monitoring and correcting process are effective?

  • FV 5.6.3 Are detailed records kept of pest control inspections and necessary actions taken?

  • FV 5.7.1 Is the source of water used for final product washing potable or declared suitable by competent authorities?

  • FV 5.7.2 If water is re-cycled for final product washing, has this water been filtered and are PH, concentration and exposure levels to disinfectant routinely monitored?

  • FV 5.7.3 Is the laboratory carrying out the water analysis suitable one?

  • FV 5.8.1 Are all label instructions observed?

  • FV 5.8.2 Are all the biocides, waxes, and plant protection products used for post-harvest protection of the harvested crop registered in the country of use?

  • FV 5.8.3 Is an up-to-date list maintained of post-harvest plant protection products that are used, and approved for use, on crops being grown?

  • FV 5.8.4 Is the technically responsible person for the application of post-harvest plant protection products able to demonstrate competence?

  • FV 5.8.5 Is the source of water used for post-harvest treatments potable or declared suitble by the competent authorities?

  • FV 5.8.6 Are the biocides, waxes and plant protection products used for post-harvest treatment stored away from produce and other materials?

  • FV 5.8.7 Are all records of post-harvest treatments maintained and do they include the minimum criteria

  • FV 5.8.7 Identity of harvested crops?

  • FV 5.8.7 Location?

  • FV 5.8.7 Application dates?

  • FV 5.8.7 Type of treatment?

  • FV 5.8.7 Product trade name and active ingredient?

  • FV 5.8.8 Name of operator?

  • FV 5.8.9 Justification for application?

  • FV 5.8.10 Are all of the post-harvest plant protection product applications also considered under points CB 7.6

  • FV 5.9.1 Has a Risk-Based environmental monitoring program been established?

  • FV 5.10.1 Is product labeling, where final packaging takes place, done according to the applicable food regulations in the country of intended use?

  • FV 5.10.2 Where the Risk assessment indicates potential food allergen cross-contamination, are the products labeled to identify them?

  • FV 5.11.1 Are finished product, work in progress, and all other materials used in the correct order and within the allocated shelf life if applicable?

  • Conducted on

  • Accessor Signature

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.