Title Page

  • Department audited

  • Site audited
  • Date audited

  • Conducted by


  • No meds, IVs, or syringes left unsecured or unattended

  • No tape or label adhesive on floor or anywhere else

  • No shipping/external or corrugated boxes

  • High dusting done, no dust/dirt noted

  • Floors/Walls clean, no dust or trash noted

  • Ceiling tiles appropriately placed & free from water stains or holes

  • Hand sanitizer dispensers have drip trays

Staff Area

  • Food & drink appropriately covered in appropriate areas

  • General cleanliness of nursing stations

  • Workstations free from patient supply storage

Patient Nourishment Area

  • All patient food labeled w/name & date (nothing older than 3 days)

  • No expired items in fridge

  • Fridge temp checked and logged daily

  • No staff food in patient fridge

  • General cleanliness of patient fridge

  • Ice machine clean and no mold, rust, or calcium buildup noted

  • General cleanliness of nourishment room (include fridges/microwaves)


  • Clean equip placed in clean storage area or designated areas (supplies in drawers/baskets/cubbies removed & discarded as appropriate)

  • Proper wipes available to clean glucometer or urine dipstick machine

  • Isolation cart appropriately stocked and clean

  • Code cart properly stored and log updated

  • No open electrode packages noted on crash cart

  • POC testing device (e.g., glucometer) is cleaned and disinfected after every use, as per MIFUs

Clean Utility Room

  • Linens covered

  • No storage on floor

  • No dirty items stored

  • Storage is 18in from sprinkler heads

  • No external/shipping boxes

  • Entry door not propped open (kept closed except for entry/exit)

Dirty Utility Room

  • No storage on floor

  • No clean items, clean equip, or patient care items stored here

  • Biohazard containers labeled as such; covered, and not overflowing

  • Room is clutter-free

  • Entry door not propped open (kept closed except for entry/exit)

Medication Room/Area

  • Room clean, clutter-free, and meds secured

  • Fridge clean and temps checked/logged daily

  • No expired vials/meds or med supplies in use

  • Multi-dose vials are dated when first opened and discarded within 28 days unless MIFUs specifies a different beyond-use-date

  • No storage under sink

I.P. General

  • Hand hygiene upon enter/exit patient room

  • No porous or unwipe-able items (e.g., paper, tape, adhesive residue, torn chairs, peeling tape/labels, etc)

  • No mixing of clean patient supplies with office supplies

  • Sharps containers replaced when the "fill line" is reached

  • No storage of patient care items on WOWs

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.