
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

3.0 Scope

  • Are the requirements of this element applied to all activities where the inherent hazardous energy could cause a fatal or serious injury (Distinguish between functional hazards and activity based hazards)?

  • Is the element applied to all fixed plant, mobile plant, machinery and equipment?

  • Is this element applied to all personnel (including contractors) working in the Group Company?

4.0 Accountability

  • Is there a process in place for formally appointing a person or persons other than CEO to be accountable to implement and maintain each requirement

  • Has a person or persons other than the CEO been assigned accountability for implementing and maintaining each requirement of this FPE?

4.1 Hazard identification risk assessment and control

  • Has the survey been preformed?

  • Does the survey meet the requirements of this element by covering all hazardous energy sources and all plant, machines and equipment within the plant?

  • How have hazardous energies been identified?

  • Is the survey report set out to show the requirements:<br>The type of Plant/Equipment/Machine<br>

  • Its identification name or number / HAC code and location

  • The different types of hazardous energy sources associated with that Plant/Equipment/Machine

  • The isolation points for each identified hazardous energy source (these may be local and/or remote)

  • Has the Group Company undertaken a critical task analysis (risk assessment) of each isolation to determine if a documented safe work procedure is required?

  • Does the group company have a “generic’ isolation process which can be applied to isolations which don’t have a specific procedure?

  • Is this generic Process also applied within the documented procedures to ensure consistency in application and safety?

  • Do the safe work procedures meet the requirements of this element?

  • Are there documented procedures for live testing?

  • Are these procedures approved by an authorised person?

  • Is there an authorised isolation officer?

  • Is there a formal Isolation and lockout procedure/process/requirement which meets steps set out in this element?

  • Are visitors issued with a visitors lock?

  • Is the isolation officer required to supervise the visitor placing their lock?

  • Is there a task analysis tool available?

  • Is the task analysis tool applied to isolations which do not have a formal documented isolation procedure?

  • Does the task analysis tool require the identification of hazardous energies?

  • Is the nature and type of isolation identified in the task analysis?

  • Is there a process to ensure this requirement is met?<br>

4.2 Selection, Training, Competency and Authorisation

  • Is there a training and competency assessment system?

  • Is this system based on any local, national or international workplace competency system?

  • If not how are personnel assessed as being competent?

  • Have competency standards been set for the positions?

  • Has training and assessment taken place?

  • Is there an authorization system in place?

  • Is the training and results of assessments recorded?

  • Is an overview included in the general induction?

4.3 Communication and awareness

  • Is there a change management process in place?

  • Is this process used to assess the risks and communicate the change?

  • Are the people who will be impacted by the change identified?

  • Are the changes communicated to the impacted persons?

  • Is there an isolation and lockout awareness program?

  • Are the personnel who install, construct, inspect and maintain plant/equipment/machines targeted in this awareness and instruction program?

  • Does the awareness program specifically address: Reasons for isolation and lockout

  • Types of energies needing to be isolated

  • The difference between single isolations and multiple isolations

  • The rules and procedures associated with isolation and lockout

  • Are legal compliance requirements known and considered as one of the reasons for undertaking Isolation and lockout?

  • Do documented Isolation and lockout procedures exist?

  • Are they available in the workplace to people who perform isolation and lockout?

  • Are they adequate to perform an isolation safely?

4.4 Design, Purchase, Fabrication, Installation and Commissioning

  • Have design/purchase specifications been developed for plant/equipment to ensure that hazardous energies can be isolated and locked out?

  • Are the specifications applied to the design, purchase, hire or contracting of all fixed and mobile plant?

  • What are the design / purchasing specifications based on?

  • Is there a colour coding or similar distinction between the different types of locks required in the isolation process?

  • How has the group company ensured that personal locks can only be opened with the key provided?

  • Is there a formal commissioning system in place to ensure that plant and equipment has been inspected to confirm it has the capacity to be isolated?

  • Does it apply to all?

4.5 Work method and condition control

  • Is plant/equipment/machines assessed before work commences near or on them for the potential release of hazardous energies?

  • Is isolation and lockout applied before work commences?

  • Is there a competency criteria established for a person to be able to identify isolation points?

  • Are the people who do this in the group company formally trained?

  • What is the formal training process and does it meet the requirements of this standard?

  • Is there a training program in place to train personal lock holders?

  • Is it adequate i.e. does it meet the expectations of this standard?<br>

  • Does the isolation procedure or regulation have a documented process for the removal of a personal lock in exceptional circumstances? i.e. person has been found but is unable to return to site

4.6 Maintenance

  • Has the specialist equipment used to meet the requirements of this standard been identified?

  • Has a maintenance program been established in accordance with the element requirements?

  • How is maintenance / repair work recorded?

4.7 Emergency control

  • Has the group company considered the possible injuries from an isolation failure?

  • Does it have the capabilities (trained people, equipment and facilities) to provide first response for these injuries?

  • Has the group company developed a plan or entered into an arrangement to manage these potential injuries beyond first response i.e. does it have an adequate arrangement with local medical facilities (hospitals) to provide that support?

  • Has the first response capability been tested? If so how?

  • Has the GC tested the response capabilities of the hospital secondary responder to such injuries?

4.8 Monitoring, inspection and audits

  • Are isolation points included on planned inspection programs (checklists)?

  • Are these checklists developed for all plant/equipment and machines?

  • Are the results of these inspections recorded?

  • Is there a task/safety observation procedure?

  • Is there a task/safety observation program in place?

  • Does the program regularly cover:<br>Permit issuing procedures

  • Isolation and lockout procedures

  • Quality and scope of isolation and lockout in respect to the task being observed

  • Are the observers trained in isolation and lockout?

  • Does the group company have an annual audit program for its response to the requirements of this FPE?

  • Does the audit program evaluate the group company’s response for quality and effectiveness against the requirements of this element?

4.9 Reporting, assessment and corrective actions

  • Are there processes in place for reporting deficiencies in the I&L process e.g. hazard reports, incident reports?

  • Are non compliance with I&L processes required to be reported?

  • Are defects with Isolation and Lockout required to be reported?

  • Are corrective actions recorded and are action completed?

Conclusion and auditor's comments

  • Date of audit completed

  • Signature of auditor

  • Date of auditor's signature

  • Signature of auditee

  • Date of auditee's signature

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