Title Page

  • Store #/Location

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Manager In Charge

  • 1.1.1 CRITICAL: 3 or 4 compartment sink is present and used properly

  • Picklist

  • 1.2.1 BOH area and fixtures clean including all floors, walls, counters, ceilings, lights, sink(s), storage, and lockers

  • Picklist

  • 1.3.1a BOH Refrigerators/Freezers clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 1.3.1c CRITICAL: BOH Refrigerator/Freezers Air Temperature Meet Temperature Standards

  • Picklist

  • 1.5.1 Water filter is changed every six months

  • Picklist

  • 2.2.2 Baked goods case clean and baked good properly labeled

  • Picklist

  • 2.3.1 Store lobby is clean and acceptable temperature

  • Picklist

  • 2.3.3 Snacks area is clean, stocked and has prior signage

  • Picklist

  • 2.4.1b Cold case clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 2.4.1c CRITICAL: Cold case Air Temperature meets temperature standards

  • Picklist

  • 2.7.1 Freshness cue/cube clean and merchandised properly

  • Picklist

  • 2.8.1 Food Security measures taken (External Contaminants)

  • Picklist

  • 2.9.1 CRITICAL: Restrooms cleaned and maintained

  • Picklist

  • 3.1.1 Store exterior area and furniture clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.4.1 FOH area floors, walls, ceilings, counters are clean

  • Picklist

  • 3.4.2 All FOH/Blending Area fixtures are clean

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.1a Dipbox and dip wells clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.1c CRITICAL: Dipbox at proper temperature with no significant ice buildup

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.2b Blender jars, lids, base and enclosure clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.3b Multi-fruit juicer(s) clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.5b Citrus juicer clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.6b Crathcos clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.7b Under counter/upright refrigerators/freezers clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.7c CRITICAL: Under counter/upright refrigerators/freezers Air Temperature meets temperature standards

  • Picklist

  • 3.5.8a Toaster/TurboChef clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 3.10.1 CRITICAL: When gloves are required, food handlers do not contact ready-to-eat foods (fresh produce) with bare hands

  • Picklist

  • 3.1.2 Proper drinking/eating in food service area

  • Picklist

  • 4.1.1 CRITICAL: Wiping cloths stored properly and are at the proper concentration (per manufacturer specifications); spray bottles at proper concentration

  • Picklist

  • 6.7.2 CRITICAL: Sanitizer test kits/strips available and not expired

  • Picklist

  • 4.1.2 Chemicals approved, labeled, and stored properly

  • Picklist

  • 4.2.2b Floor drains clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 4.3.1a CRITICAL: Ice Machine clean and in good repair; scoop and bucket properly stored

  • Picklist

  • 4.3.1b Ice Machine bucket and scoop clean and in good repair

  • Picklist

  • 4.3.1c Ice Machine exterior and filter screen clean

  • Picklist

  • 4.4.1 No expired product present

  • Picklist

  • 4.4.2 All perishable TCS (Time/Temperature Control for Safety) foods that are prepped, thawed, and ready to eat are properly day-dotted with the designated shelf-life

  • Picklist

  • 4.5.1 Store consistently using the Front Line Excellence Log

  • Picklist

  • 4.6.1 Health inspection available and all critical findings on the previous inspection have been corrected

  • Picklist

  • 4.6.2 Daily Food Safety, Cleaning, and Brix/Calibration checklists are available and complete

  • Picklist

  • 4.13.1 Manager has appropriate food safety certification

  • Picklist

  • 4.14.1 Documented Team Member Health Policy is available and/or Manager demonstrates knowledge of policy

  • Picklist

  • 4.15.1 Documented Allergen Policy is available and manager demonstrates knowledge of policy

  • Picklist

  • 4.8.1 Utensils/equipment/contact surfaces in good repair and proper type

  • Picklist

  • 4.8.2 Food Contact Surfaces cleaned and sanitized

  • Picklist

  • 6.1.3 Food and food contact items (non-disposable) stored in appropriate locations

  • Picklist

  • 4.9.1 CRITICAL: No pest activity is observed

  • Picklist

  • 4.9.2 Pest activity prevented through proper sealing of outer openings and elimination of harborage conditions

  • Picklist

  • 4.10.1a Cross contamination prevented during food storage, preparation, and handling

  • Picklist

  • 4.10.1b CRITICAL: Jamba Approved Produce Wash is used and maintained properly

  • Picklist

  • 4.11.1 Products stored first in, first out or based on manufacturer's dating

  • Picklist

  • 4.12.1 CRITICAL: Accurate food thermometers are present

  • Picklist

  • 4.16.1a Handwashing sinks are accessible/usable, properly stocked, used only for handwashing, and handwashing reminder signs are present

  • Picklist

  • 4.16.1b CRITICAL: Proper handwashing taking place at appropriate times

  • Picklist

  • 4.17.1 CRITICAL: Hot and cold water are available at facility

  • Picklist

  • 4.18.1 Back flow prevention present at all sinks

  • 4.19.1a CRITICAL: All perishable TCS (Time/Temperature Control for Safety) foods in cold holding are ≤ 41°F

  • 4.19.1b CRITICAL: Items in hot holding ≥ 140°F

  • Picklist

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.