
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Review recent pest reports and ensure any necessary corrective actions identified have been completed, make a note of any outstanding actions with a time frame for completion.
    An effective Pest Walk should take approx. 15 minutes walking inside the entire building searching for any signs of pest activity (droppings, gnawed packaging, nesting and outside burrows) and pest entry points (holes, gaps and cracks)
    a) Best Practice is to use a flashlight during the search, paying special attention to dark and hard to reach places.
    b) If there is any presence of pest activity found immediately contact your PCP.
    c) Discard food and debris, clean and sanitize the affected areas and equipment.

Pest Evidence

  • Are there any live or dead pests present? (This includes mice, rats, cockroaches, flies, beetles, birds)

  • Are there any droppings present?

  • Is there any evidence of gnawed products/packaging or other chew marks?

  • Is there any other evidence of pests (including nesting)?

Pest Control Devices

  • Are required bait stations present? (refer to pest folder to where they should be)


  • Is there any holes or cracks in the wall or ceiling larger than 1/4 inch?

  • Are pipes, lines and wires leading into walls and ceilings completely sealed with no gaps?

  • Are all ceiling tiles, floor tiles and skirting boards present and in good repair?

  • Do all exterior doors close securely with no visible light around the door? (bristle strips securely in place where needed)

  • Are all drains clear, clean, odor free and functioning properly?


  • <br>Is trash contained in trash bags within a clean trash can?

  • Are mop buckets empty and rinsed when not in use?

  • Is trash removed regularly and not stored up near the exterior door?

  • Are mop handles rinsed clean and hung to dry when not in use?

  • Are floors clean and free from build-up – Including under/behind equipment and racking in bar, stores, kitchen, plant rooms and office

  • Is there standing water present?

  • Have all food preparation surfaces been cleaned and sanitised, using the two stage cleaning process, before food is prepared?


  • Review the most recent pest report, have all action points been corrected?

  • undefined

  • Pests won’t ‘move in’ to your restaurant if there is no way for them to gain access, nothing for them to eat and no place for them to live!

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.