Title Page

  • Section Inspected

  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Signed


Office - Break Room - Bathrooms - First Aid Room - Tool/PPE Room


  • Are adequate work areas and furniture provided and in good condition?<br>Is the office lighting appropriate for the work being undertaken? <br>Is the office clean and tidy? The door/s is in good condition, not blocked?

Break Room

  • Is clean drinking water readily available?<br>Is the lunchroom clean and tidy including appliances?<br>Are there enough tables and chairs in serviceable condition? <br>Are bins located in suitable places and emptied regularly? <br>Lights working? The door/s is in good condition, not blocked?


  • Are washrooms and toilets clean and tidy?<br>Is there adequate soap for washing hands and enough toilet paper? <br>Are bins located in suitable places and emptied regularly? <br>Lights working? The door/s is in good condition, not blocked?

First Aid Room

  • Is the first aid room clean and tidy?<br>Does the first aid room have adequate lighting?<br>Is the first aid kit properly stocked? The door/s is in good condition, not blocked?

Tool/PPE Room

  • Is lighting sufficient? Is the floor clear from trip hazards? Are frequently used, heavy and bulky items stored within easy reach (between waist and shoulder height)? The door/s is in good condition, not blocked?

Work Shop Floor



  • Is the pallet racking in good condition with the SWL displayed?<br>Are items stored on the racking so they are not at risk of falling?<br>Are frequently used, heavy and bulky items stored within easy reach (between waist and shoulder height).

  • Are workbenches at the correct height for the work being undertaken?<br>Are workbenches uncluttered and in good condition?<br>Is underneath the workbenches clean?

  • Are trolleys available and in good condition to transport items?


  • Is correct PPE being used to perform tasks? <br>

  • Compressed air lines and fittings are in satisfactory condition?

  • Hand tools well stored and maintained? Are any grinder abrasive wheels undamaged, guards in place and in satisfactory condition?

  • Are safety guards in place on mechanical equipment where required?

  • Are operator controls labelled and protected/located to prevent inadvertent operation? Are emergency stops visible and easily accessible, do they work?

  • Lifting equipment in good condition, inspected and tagged (check 3 random slings and or chains)?

  • Welding equipment handpiece and hoses undamaged? Flashback arrestors and one-way valves fitted to oxy/acetylene cutting equipment? Are all in-use gas cylinders and hoses stored correctly? Are there welding screens in place for welding?

  • Are access platforms, ladders and scissor lifts in good condition?

  • Are cranes in good working order and have a current in-date inspection tag? Are lifting aids in good condition, stored correctly and have an in-date coloured inspection tag that matches the test schedule board?


  • Are all walkways free from trip hazards and rubbish?<br>Are all entrances/exits and doorways kept clear?<br>Are all floors clean and not slippery?<br>Are walkways and flooring safe and in good order?<br>Are traffic areas marked out to separate thoroughfares and work areas?<br>Work bays have good housekeeping?


  • Racking in good condition, empty pallets, stillages and cages stacked neatly?

  • Stock blocking walkways or Emergency Exits (2 Meters required outside doors)?


Safety Documents - ELECTRICAL - EMERGENCY - Chemicals

Safety Documents

  • Have all workers completed a take 5 (JSA) (sample minimum 3)<br>Have completed take 5’s (JSA) been signed off by a supervisor or safety rep?<br>Have the listed controls been enacted and are they effective?<br>Have workers signed the related SWMS? Are displayed safe work procedures in date?


  • Are power points, boards, cords and light switches free of visible defects or overload?<br>Are all electrical items used or stored safely? e.g. not a risk of being tripped over or damaged/cut?<br>Are power boards fitted with resettable overload current protection? (reset button)<br>Are electrical items tested, tagged and in date (Check a minimum of two for each inspection)?


  • Are emergency site plans displayed?<br>Are emergency exits clear and unobstructed? Are the doors in good condition and do the door handles work?<br>Is fire equipment accessible and unobstructed?<br>Are emergency exit lights functional?<br>Has fire equipment been serviced within the last 6 months (check tag)?


  • Hazardous substances are stored in an appropriate location?<br>Are chemicals stored in appropriate containers and labelled correctly?<br>Are SDS (safety data sheets) available to view?<br>Are hazardous liquids stored on bunding?<br>Are gas cylinders stored correctly and secured?

Plant Pre-operational Checks

Are the related pre-operational checks being completed for the below-listed plant and equipment? Enter the Jaws Plant number, document or tag number to identify the checked item.

  • Forklift (If "NO" photo of the Jaws Plant number and pre-start book)

  • Scissor Lift (Check at least 2) (If "NO" photo of the Jaws Plant number)

  • Press, Rollers (If "NO" photo of the Jaws Plant number)

  • Lathe, Mill, borer (If "NO" photo of the Jaws Plant number)

  • Crane (If "NO" photo of the Jaws Plant number and document number)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.