Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by WIC (Worker In Charge)
Part 1
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is to be completed upon arrival on site with the purpose of identifying any site-specific hazards present on the day.
Site Assessment
Primary Contractor or Site Owner details
Business Name
- 12 Valley Street North Mackay
- 1/2 Myer Lasky Drive Cannonvale
- 1/41 Charters Towers RoadHermit Park
- 3/471 Tufnell Road Banyo
Emergency Management
Emergency Contact Numbers
Evacuation Point / Assembly Area
First Aid Kit Location/s
• In an emergency
• evacuate all persons on site to designated assembly area
• Lock down the site if possible
• Contact Emergency Services
Part 2
Job Description and Work Procedures
List the main tasks that will be performed on this site.
Job Steps
List of SWMS in use for this job (if applicable):
- 1.1 Solar Installation
- 2.1 Energised Electrical
- 2.2 Heights
- 2.3 Overhead Power
- 2.4 Confined Space
- 2.5 On or Near Roads
- 2.6 Asbestos
- 2.7 Plant
Have all relevant workers read the SWMS?
Have all workers been trained in the SWMS?
COVID-19 Checklist
Have you completed the pre checks for the client to ensure there is no at risk person on premise?
Are all team members free of symptoms of COVID-19 in line with updated symptom guidelines
Have all team members washed hands prior to attending site in line with COVID-19 guidelines
Has the client been notified of social distancing practices and non contact installation if deemed required
Are you comfortable with the site and locations of works will be distanced in line with COVID-19 guidelines
Working At Heights
Work above 3mtrs
Fall Protection & SWMS required please adhere to SWMS 1.1 Solar Panel Installation. Particular attention to steps 11-13
Work 2mtrs - 3mtrs
SWMS required please adhere to SWMS 1.1 Solar Panel Installation. Particular attention to steps 11-13
Work Below 2 mtrs
SWMS not required however still adhere to SWMS 1.1 Solar Panel Installation
Site Permits or Register Documentation required
Work/Entry Permit/s completed and signed
Chemical Register / manifest / Safety data sheets on site
Over Head Power Lines in play
Do not work without appropriate measures in place
Test as off and confirmations prior to proceeding
Underground Services in play
Dial Before You Dig plan
Electrical Services
Gas Services
Water Services
Does the work involve any of the following High Risk Construction Work? (Tick if applicable)
Where there is risk of drowning, Asbestos, Artificial temp extreme
Disturbing asbestos
Artificial extremes of temperature
Contaminated or flammable atmosphere
Add Hazard
Key Site Specific Safety Hazards
List all Hazards identified during the JSA.
Risk Level
Controls in place.
Residual Risk Level
Is it safe for work to proceed?
Have all risks been reduced to the lowest acceptable level?
DO NOT COMMENCE WORK, contact your supervisor.
Do any workers require additional supervision?
If YES, who are they and who will provide the supervision?
Re-assess Any new hazards identified during the work are to be assessed and controls put in place
Person Responsible:
Monitoring On-going monitoring of hazards and risks is required for the duration of the work.
Person Responsible:
JSA participants confirmation
I have read the above JSA and I understand its contents. I confirm that I have the skills and training, including relevant certification to conduct the tasks I have been allocated to complete. I agree to
comply with safety requirements within this JSA including identifying and monitoring hazards and adhering to risk control measures, relevant SWMS and permit requirements. -
Participants/ workers names.
Michael Brook
Part 3
HB 436:2004 Risk Management Guidelines Tables 6.3 – 6.8 reproduced with permission from SAI Global under licence 1210-c062. Standards may be purchased at
References: Safe Work Australia (2011) - Code of Practice: How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks, AS/NZS 31000 -2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines. -
- 4A: Acute DO NOT PROCEED > requires immediate attention. Introduce further high-level controls to lower the risk level.
- 3H: High > Review before commencing work. Introduce new controls and/or maintain high-level controls to lower the risk level. Monitor frequently to ensure control measures are working.
- 2M: Moderate > Maintain control measures. Proceed with work. Monitor and review regularly, and if any equipment/people/materials/work processes or procedures change.
- 1L: Low > Record and monitor. Proceed with work. Review regularly, and if any equipment/people/materials/work processes or procedures change.
Hierarchy of Risk Controls
• Elimination - Risk will be eliminated where possible
• Substitution Isolation Engineering - Where risk remains, one/combination of controls will be used
• Administrative - Where risk remains, administrative controls will be used
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Where risk still remains, it will be reduced as far as reasonably practicable with use of PPE.