Title Page

  • Site inspected

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Weather Conditions

  • Project Manager or Superintendent


  • Select Yes, No or N/A for each question.

  • Provide photos for good catches or other positive observations.

  • Provide a photo for each "No" answer.

  • Provide notes for each question as appropriate.

  • Add action for each "No" answer.

  • Send a copy of the audit to the Safety Manager and PM/Superintendent.

  • Save a copy of the completed audit in sharepoint.

Site Conditions

Site Conditions

  • Posters Displayed?

  • First Aid Kits Stocked?

  • JSA filled out and signed?

  • SDS files readily accessible

  • Housekeeping adequate?

  • Weekly toolbox meeting file current


  • Hard hats being worn?

  • Is hi-visibility clothing being worn?

  • Safety glasses being worn?

  • Face shields used when required?

  • Gloves being worn?

  • Respirators being used?

  • Do we have fit test?

  • Safety toed boots being worn?

  • Is PPE in good condition?

Hand Tools

  • Power tools have proper guards installed

  • Electric power tools properly grounded

  • PPE being worn

  • Safety clips and retainers on air hoses

  • Hand tools in good condition

Vehicles and Equipment

  • Windows and Exterior clean

  • Floor boards clear of trash and debris

  • Pre-operation checks completed

  • Tires/Tracks in good order

  • Lights and signals operating correctly

  • Deficiencies being reported

Continued Instructions

  • A minimum of one of the following inspection topics must be completed.

Fall Protection

  • Do Fall Hazards Exist?

  • Top rail on guard rails 42 inches (+ or - 3 inches)

  • Midrail in place

  • Vertical members of guard rail spaced no more than 8 feet apart

  • Body harness being used and worn properly

  • Climbing hooks being used when needed

  • Harnesses and fall protection equipment inspected

  • Holes larger than 2 inches have marked covers

  • Housekeeping adequate to prevent trips

Fire Protection

  • Do fire hazards exist?

  • No Smoking signs posted where needed

  • Portable extinguishers placed as required

  • Portable extinguishers inspected as required

  • Fuel (5 gal. or less) stored in DOT approved containers

  • LP containers secured on firm level ground


  • Are there excavations?

  • Correct protective system used for soil type

  • Protective system installed correctly

  • Spoils piles minimum 2 feet from edge of excavation

  • Open excavations marked by barricades or other means

  • Inspection made as required of excavation prior to entry by competent person

  • Adequate ingress and egress provided and equally spaced

  • Hazardous atmosphere identified and tested

Concrete / Masonry

  • Is there concrete/masonry work being performed?

  • Rebar capped or covered to prevent impalement

  • Forms properly braced

  • 100% fall protection used when climbing forms

  • Form scaffold properly installed

  • Guard rails on form scaffold installed properly

  • Controlled access zone for masons identified

  • Masonry saw has guard installed

  • Proper PPE used for concrete & masonry work

Confined Space

  • Is ther confined space work being performed?

  • Signs posted for permit required confined space

  • Atmosphere tested prior to entering confined space

  • Rescue equipment readily available

  • Adequate ventilation and air supply provided

  • Permit required policies and training being followed


  • Are there electrical hazards present?

  • All power sources are GFCI protected

  • Extension cords in good condition no tears or cuts

  • Junction boxes of approved type for construction

  • Temporary lighting cord not in contact with conductive material

  • Temporary lighting in good condition no broken bulbs, wire or cages

  • Energized panels secured to restrict access

  • Energized receptacles have cover plates


  • Are there scaffolds on the project?

  • Scaffolds inspected by competent person daily

  • Scaffolds plumb

  • Each working level fully planked

  • Proper overlap on all planks

  • Planking in good condition no cracks or splits more than 12 inches

  • Platforms and walkways at least 18 inches wide

  • Base plates and mud sills level on firm foundation

  • Scaffolding secured from tipping at 4 : 1 ratio by approved means

  • Toe boards installed on all working levels (minimum 1"X4")

  • Appropriate ingress and egress provided

  • Front of scaffold no more than 14 inches from building unless guardrails used

Welding and Cutting

  • Are welding and/or cutting tasks being performed?

  • Oxygen/Acetylene bottles properly secured and stored

  • Gauges removed and caps on bottles when not in use

  • Gauges, hoses and tips in good condition

  • Welding cables in good condition and free of defects

  • Adequate ventilation provided

  • Proper eye, face and body protection worn


  • Are cranes being used on the project?

  • Inspected prior to use and load charts posted

  • Crane operator certified

  • Swing radius marked with tape or barricades erected

  • Rented cranes inspected for any deficiency prior to use

  • Tag lines used with all lifts

  • Picks preplanned

  • Loads properly rigged

  • Outriggers fully extended and mats used

  • Critical lift documentation complete


  • Are ladders being used?

  • Ladders in good condition and no damaged parts

  • Ladders extend 3 feet above landing

  • Ladders secured

  • Ladder rungs and stair steps free of grease, oil, debris and other hazards

  • Extension ladders place at proper angle to structure (4 to 1)

  • Step ladders have locking device engaged

  • Top two steps of ladder not used or straddled

Steel Erection

  • Are steel erection tasks being performed?

  • Proper access provided

  • Picks and routes preplanned for all lifts

  • All loads rigged by qualified rigger

  • Tag lines used on all lifts

  • Beams and columns supported prior to release

  • Floor openings are covered or barricaded

  • 100% Fall protection used over 6 feet

  • Controlled access zone identified

  • Controlled decking zone established for decking work

  • Guard rail system properly installed

Energy Isolation (LOTOTO)

  • Is there any work on live or potentially energized systems/equipment?

  • Have personnel received training for LOTOTO

  • Has the LOTOTO procedure been reviewed with all affected personnel

  • Has a LOTO permit been filled out

  • Have all isolation points been identified and locked to prevent release

  • Have all affected personnel locked out correctly

  • Has the energy source been tested after isolation (Try Out)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.