Job Number
Job Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Safety Plans
1.1 Site Specific Safety Plan for ACCO?
1.2 Site Specific Safety Plan for Subcontractors?
1.3 Jobsite Crisis Management Plan? Phone Tree?
1.05 Other?
2.0 JHA/JSA/PTP/Work Permits
2.1 Job description adequate?
2.2 JHA completely understood by all?
2.3 JHA hazards and precautions match?
2.4 Quality of JHA steps and hazards?
2.05 Other?
3.0 Personal Protection
3.1 Proper PPE worn by all workers?
3.1.3 Hi-viz clothing?
3.1.4 Shirts with sleeves and long pants? (No sweatpants)
3.1.5 Proper footwear? Substantial, leather, ankle supporting boots or shoes; no tennis shoes.
3.1.1 Hard hats?
3.1.2 Glasses? Side shields?
3.2 Proper gloves in use?
3.3 Job-specific PPE as required?
Double eye/face protection (glasses and face shield or goggles) while performing abrasive cutting, chipping, grinding, roto-hammering above waist level, or overhead drilling, cutting or demolition?
3.4 Locks and tags in place?
3.05 Other?
4.0 Safety Equipment
4.1 Fire extinguisher(s) in place?
4.2 Fire extinguisher(s) inspections complete?
4.3 Eyewash available? Not expired?
4.4 First aid kit available?
4.5 First aid kit stocked properly?
4.05 Other?
5.0 General
5.1 Lighting?
5.2 Ventilation?
5.3 Nails removed from lumber?
5.05 Other?
6.0 Tools and Equipment
6.1 Proper tools in use/used properly?
6.2 Guards/safety devices in place?
6.3 Tools in good condition?
6.05 Other?
7.0 Body Positioning/Movement
7.1 Line of fire risk?
7.2 Attention to task?
7.3 Pinch points?
7,4 Proper lifting?
7.5 Pushing/pulling under control/balance?
7.6 Avoid/protected from sharp edges?
7.05 Other?
8.0 Housekeeping
8.1 Work areas clean and neat?
8.2 Trash cans available/emptied?
8.3 Hoses rolled and stowed?
8.4 Materials properly staged/stored?
8.5 Barricades up where applicable?
8.6 Barricades maintained?
8.05 Other?
9.0 Fall Protection
9.1 Guardrails in place?
9.2 Warning lines used?
9.3 Guardrails/warning lines installed correctly?
9.4 100% fall protection over 6' achieved?
9.5 Proper fall protection equipment?
9.6 Fall Protection Work Plan for work over 6'?
9.05 Other?
10.0 Working at Height/Scaffolding/Ladders
10.1 Decking complete w/o holes?
10.2 Scaffold tag in place/current?
10.3 Area below barricaded?
10.4 Ladder (portable) inspection complete?
10.5 Proper ladder use?
10.6 Ladder extends 3' above landing?
10.7 Cage on vertical ladder over 25'? Rest platform(s)?
10.05 Other?
11.0 Walking Working Surfaces
11.1 Aisles/stairs/floors clear/clean?
11.2 Designated walking area?
11.3 Holes/depressions guarded?
11.4 Planks/mats on rebar for walking?
11.05 Other?
12.0 Vehicles/Mobile Equipment
12.1 Pre-use inspection complete?
12.01 Tires and body in good condition?
12.02 Vehicle lights, horn, etc. operational?
12.2 Speed limit and traffic controls followed?
12.3 Spotter used when appropriate?
12.05 Other?
13.0 Electrical
13.1 Assured Grounding complete? Correct color (Q1-white, Q2-green, Q3-red, Q4-orange)?
13.2 GFCI use on all power cords/tools?
13.3 Panel covers installed? Dead fronts installed?
13.4 Panels labeled and unobstructed?
13.5 Exposed wiring/knockouts?
13.6 Extension cords in good shape?
13.05 Other?
14.0 Welding/Grinding/Temporary Power
14.1 Hoses, leads, cords hung properly?
14.2 Welding cables/temp cords free of damage?
14.3 Portable welding machine grounded?
14.4 Double eye/face protection (glasses and face shield or goggles) while performing abrasive cutting, chipping, or grinding?
14.5 Sparks controlled?
14.6 Fire watch present?
14.7 Fire watch trained?
14.05 Other?
15.0 Cranes/Lifting/Hoisting/Rigging
15.1 Crane(s) inspected/documented?
15.2 Operator NCCCO certificate?
15.3 Qualified signal-person? Documentation onsite?
15.4 Qualified rigger? Documentation onsite?
15.5 Ground is level/firm?
15.6 Rigging is inspected/undamaged?
15.7 Tag lines/softeners used?
15.8 Critical Lift Plan done, if required?
15.9 Overhead powerlines considered?
15.10 Personnel not under suspended loads?
15.05 Other?
16.0 Excavation Work
16.1 Daily inspection conducted?
16.2 Daily inspection documented?
16.3 Over 4' inspected by competent person?
16.4 Excavation shored/sloped/benched?
16.5 Spoils pile at least 2' from edge?
16.05 Other?
17.0 Confined Space
17.1 Attendant trained and alert?
17.2 Confined space signs posted at entrance(s)?
17.3 Personnel in confined space(s) checked in/out?
17.4 Ventilation in place/adequate?
17.05 Other?
18.0 Cylinders/Hazardous Materials/Flammables/Combustibles
18.1 Flammable/O2 bottles stored separately?
18.2 Gas cylinders upright/secured/capped?
18.3 Cylinder valves closed when not in use?
18.4 Proper storage containers for flammables/combustibles?
18.5 Secondary labeling for chemicals?
18.6 Hazardous materials survey complete?
18.6.3 Areas of work containing lead identified?
18.6.4 Lead products abated properly?
18.6.5 All other hazardous materials identified?
18.6.6 All other hazardous materials abated properly?
18.6.1 Asbestos containing materials identified?
18.6.2 Asbestos containing materials abated properly?
18.05 Other?
19.0 Iterim Life Safety Measures
19.1 Signage?
19.2 Dust control? Barriers? Penetrations blocked?
19.3 Badging?
19.4 Fire extinguishers?
19.5 Clear stairwells/exits?
19.05 Other?
Section 1. Corrections made? By whom? When?