
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Shopfront doors

  • Is the store fitted with sliding doors

  • Is the store fitted with swing doors

  • Is the store fitted with Perforated roller shutter door

  • All doors open and close correctly

  • All flush bolts are in good order

  • All sliders and hinges are in good order and functioning correctly

  • All guides are in a good working order

  • All glazing in good condition

  • Doors have been regularly serviced

  • All window display lights working

Rollershutter doors

  • All doors open and close correctly

  • All locking mechanisms functioning correctly

  • General condition good

  • Electric motors work correctly and safely

  • Electrical installations are compliant

  • All chains and guides in good condition

  • Are the areas around the inspection doors clean

  • Are all stop guides in place

  • Doors are regularly serviced


  • Lighting levels are acceptable

  • Light fittings are visually safe and in good order

  • Does the store need to order lamps from preferred supplier

  • Has the store been connected to the BMS system

Building fabric

  • Tiling is in good condition

  • Ceilings are in good condition

  • Painting is in good condition

  • General building is structurally sound from a visual perspective

  • Woodwork and timber is in good condition visually

  • Roof is in good condition

  • Waterproofing is visually sound and no water leaks visible

  • Drawing of affected area

Electrical installation

  • All D/B boards are visually compliant

  • All D/B boards are clean

  • All D/B boards are not hot or warm

  • All boards are closed and locked where applicable

  • All D/B boards are labelled and have hazardous signage present

  • Does the store have a COC

  • Lock out kit present or availible

  • Plug sockets are in good order and safe

  • All light switches are in order and safe

  • General electrical installation is visually safe and compliant

  • No hazardous extension leads or overloaded plug sockets are visible

  • Is the energy meters functioning correctly

  • All safety and hazardous signage present and ledgible

Fire protection and prevention

  • All services are up to date

  • Fire alarms are installed

  • Fire detection is installed

  • Fire extinguishers are mounted and at correct hight

  • All signage visible

  • Fire escape passages clear of obstructions

  • Break glass and alarms are in good order

  • Fire alarm panel working and clear of alarms

  • Fire alarm panel has been serviced


  • All drainage is functioning and correctly

  • All water outlets are functioning correctly

  • All hot water outlets are functioning correctly

  • Geysers are all working correctly

  • Geysers and copper pipes are bonded where visually accesible

  • No visible water leaks or damp areas

Hvac services

  • Server room air conditioning unit

  • Stock room air conditioning unit

  • Main air conditioning unit

  • All extractors are in good work condition

  • All general ventilated areas are well vented

  • All extraction grills are clean and clear of obstructions

  • General feel of air temperature and humidity in the store is comfortable

  • Return and supply air grills are clean

  • All indoor units are in good working order and clean

  • All indoor equipment is mechanically sound

  • All fan motors are working without any visible or audible concerns

  • All outdoor units are mechanically sound

  • No oil leaks visible

  • All compressors are running and are visually and audibly sound

  • All condensers and evap coils are clean and clear of obstructions

  • All drains are in good order

  • All evaporative condensers are in good working order and mechanically sound

  • All filters are clean

  • All electrical installations relating to the HVAC are compliant

  • All services are up to date

  • No visible gas leaks

  • All pressure switch and safety switch covers are on the switches

  • All piping is securely saddled and free of kinks and corrosion


  • Generator room clean and clear of obstructions

  • Sufficient ventilation

  • All safety and warning signage is present and ledgible

  • No visible oil leaks

  • Fuel level above 3/4 full

  • No visible fuel leaks

  • All fuel lines are in good order

  • All electrical installations of generator are visually compliant and safe

  • No excessive vibrations

  • Is spare fuel kept in approved containers

  • Comments

  • Optional drawings

  • Store managers signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.