Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • FM representative Name

  • Security representative Name

  • Location
  • HSE representative Name


  • All parts of the Site Community Serviced Area appear tidy & uncluttered.

  • Polished surfaces are of a uniform lustre.

  • Dust control mats are free from ingrained dust, dirt & stains, & the edges & reverse side are free from dust & dirt.

  • Appropriate signage & precautions are taken regarding pedestrian safety & newly cleaned or wet floors.

  • Area &/or asset(s) to be kept free of dust, grit, lint, soil, film, graffiti & cobwebs.

  • Cleaning standards will at all times consider the impact of pests & shall act to eliminate the causes of such, including but not excluded to keeping all crevices within all areas clean & clear from an accumulation of waste & food.

  • The area surrounding the vending machines (underneath & behind) are to be kept free from visible dust & marks. No accumulation of dirt / food.

  • All fittings are to be well cleaned & cared for. Where applicable, cleaning of surface materials & other items will be undertaken in accordance with the manufacturer’s Specification. All cleaning methods used must be of a sufficient quality to meet these standards & to maintain any guarantees


  • Internal walls & ceilings are free of dust, grit, lint, soil, film, graffiti & cobwebs.

  • Walls & ceilings are free of marks caused by furniture, equipment.

  • Artworks & statues are kept free from dust, grit, marks & spots. Polished surfaces are of a uniform lustre.

  • Light switches are free of finger prints, scuffs & any other marks.

  • Light fittings are free dust, grit, lint & cobwebs.


  • Door tracks & door jambs are free of grit & other debris.


  • All floor surfaces shall be free from debris & spillages; they must be clean & dry. Floors must be safe & not slippery. Particular care is to be exercised when staff are still on the premises. Wet floors shall be sign- posted & trailing cables & open sockets shall be made safe. Surfaces shall be maintained to preserve the existing state of condition & appearance.

  • All floor coverings are to be cleaned by the manufacturer?s recommended methods & recommended intervals.

  • Remove spills from carpets & other floor coverings & treat to minimise damage & reduce the risk of staining. Use only approved specialist materials within any indicated timescales for the removal & treatment of spills. The pile of the carpets in the main traffic areas must be evenly brushed & opened against the flow of incoming traffic.

  • Walls, doors, cubicle partitions & surfaces shall be washed by a disinfectant solution regularly. Mirrors must be clean & free from smears.

  • The floor is free of dust, grit, litter, chewing gum, marks & spots, water & other liquids.

  • The floor is free of polish or other build up at the edges & corners or in traffic lanes.

  • The floor is free of spots, scuffs or scratches on traffic lanes, around furniture & at pivot points.

  • Inaccessible areas (edges, corners & around furniture) are free of dust, grit, lint & spots.

  • Polished or buffed floors are of a uniform lustre.


  • All ventilation outlets are kept unblocked & free of dust, grit, chewing gum, soil, film, cobwebs, scuffs & other marks.

  • All ventilation outlets are kept clear & uncluttered following cleaning.


  • The area smells fresh.

  • There is no unpleasant or distasteful odour.

  • Room deodorisers are clean & functional.


  • Electrical fixtures & appliances are free of grease, dirt, dust, deposits, encrustations, marks, marks, stains & cobwebs.

  • Electrical fixtures & appliances are kept free from signs of use or non-use.

  • Hygiene Standards are satisfied where the fixture or appliance is used in food preparation.

  • Drinking fountains are clean & free of stains, mineral build up & litter.

  • Insect killing devices are free of dead insects, & are clean & functional.


  • Hard surface furniture is free of spots, soil, film, dust, fingerprints & spillage.

  • Soft furnishings are free from stains, soil, film & dust.

  • Furniture legs, wheels & castors are free from mop strings, soil, film, dust & cobwebs.

  • Inaccessible areas (edges, corners, folds & crevices) are free of dust, grit, lint & spots.

  • Curtains, blinds & drapes are free from stains, dust, cobwebs, lint & signs of use or non-use. Cords shall be clean & knot free.

  • Equipment is free of tapes/plastic, etc., which may comprise cleaning.

  • Shelves, bench tops, cupboards & wardrobes/lockers are clean inside & out & free of dust, litter or stains.

  • Fire extinguishers & fire alarms are free of dust, grit, dirt & cobwebs


  • Waste bins & receptacles to be kept clean inside & out - free of stains, marks, odour, dust, litter, chewing gum

  • The Service Provider shall collect all the waste from across the common areas & food courts & transport it into the allocated waste refuse room. Care shall be taken to ensure that this is no spillage of waste during this will undertaking this task.

  • All waste & other rubbish receptacles removed frequently to central rubbish collection/disposal arrangements, so as to avoid any build up of rubbish or waste

  • Bins shall be checked continually & emptied when 75% full


  • Graffiti will be removed immediately upon discovery.


  • The Service Partner will clean areas of all incidents of bodily fluid spillage & return them to original condition.


  • Water dispensers of all kinds should be kept clean, with all water leaks or spills removed immediately upon discovery


  • Escalators & Elevators Treads & risers to be clear of litter, grit, lint, dust & dirt

  • Escalators & Elevators Side panels, h& rails, flooring, glazing & ledges to be free of dust, lint, grit & any spots & marks.

  • IT Equipment - All IT equipment, including but not limited to PC’s, printers, smart boards, scanners & plotters; telephones, faxes & photocopiers; microfilm readers & reader printers; & audio-visual equipment including but not limited to televisions, video equipment & overhead projectors, shall be free of debris, stains, marks & dust, using an appropriate cleaning method for this equipment so as not to damage the equipment.

  • Office Furniture - All chairs & soft furnishings shall be clean, dry & free from dust. All work stations, screens, upholstered partitions, bookcases, chairs, shelves, cabinets, tables, pictures & coat racks must be free from debris, stains, marks & dust

  • Kitchens & kitchenettes Cabinet tops to be kept free of dust, lint, stains, spots & marks

  • Kitchens & kitchenettes Drains to be kept free of unpleasant odours.

  • Kitchens & kitchenettes Cabinet tops & cupboards to be kept free of dust, lint, stains, spots & marks.

  • Kitchens & kitchenettes Fridges within the areas shall be kept clean inside & out, & defrosted when appropriate. Microwaves & ovens within the kitchenettes & tea-points are required to be cleaned inside & out.

  • Retail areas No litter is seen lying around the front or back areas of retail shops.

  • Retail areas The floors and loading bay areas are clean and floors free of grease.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Colour code all equipment & materials used in the cleaning of toilets, bathrooms & shower rooms. He must ensure that all these items are never used outside these areas.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Toilets shall be manned at all times within Premises opening hours

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Dispensers must be filled, operating correctly with clean nozzles, & the external surfaces must be clean dry & free from smears.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas All toilets, bathrooms & shower rooms shall be kept fully stocked with supplies & shall be made available at all times.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Towel holders/dispensers must be clean, dry & free from dust, marks & smears with clean towels fitted.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas The external surface of hand dryers must be clean, dry & free from smears.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Sanitary Areas smell fresh & are aesthetically pleasing.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas All hand basins are cleaned with suitable anti bacterial cleanser. All toilet bowls, lids, seats & cisterns are sanitised.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Porcelain, cubicle rails & plastic surfaces are free from smudges, smears, body fluids, soap build up & mineral deposits.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Metal surfaces, shower screens & mirrors are free from streaks, soil, smudges, & soap build-up & oxide deposits.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Wall tiles & wall fixtures (including soap dispensers & towel holders) are free of dust, grit, smudges/streaks, mould, soap build- up & mineral deposits.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Plumbing fixtures are free of smudges, dust, soap build-up & mineral deposits.

  • Washroom/Sanitary Areas Bathroom fixtures are free from unpleasant or distasteful odours.

  • Sanitary Disposal Units Sanitary disposal units are clean & functional - All sanitary bins to be kept free of dust, lint, & marks on the outside surface. They will also need to be monitored for servicing.

  • Sanitary Disposal Units SDUs are serviced at such frequencies that their capacity is never exceeded

  • Sanitary Disposal Units SDUs are removed & emptied in accordance with relevant health regulations.

  • Sanitary Disposal Units all SDU lids are fitted in such a manner that they will prevent access to rodents & insects

  • Sanitary Disposal Units There are no fumes or odours.

  • Sanitary Disposal Units the units must be readily portable & their external surfaces must be capable of being cleaned with normal cleaning agents

  • Sanitary Disposal Units The Service Provider is required to provide a service for the disposal of medical wastes & will be required to provide suitable receptacles for this type of waste. This service also includes the provision of sharps bins

  • Cigarette bins / Smoking Areas Floors & furniture free from all cigarette stubs, removable stains, spots, chewing gum & other debris.

  • Cigarette bins / Smoking Areas Ashtrays to be less than 25% full & free from spots, marks & any other stains

  • Waste Refuge Areas Waste Refuge Areas are kept tidy & free from odour & pests

  • Communication & Equipment rooms These areas must be free of dust - where possible items of furniture that are removable are not to be cleaned within the area. They are to be removed dirty, cleaned outside the area & returned in a clean anti-static state.

  • Communication & Equipment rooms Dusters shall be of chemically impregnated or other approved dust absorbent type, except where used for dry polishing of glass when they shall be lint-free, & they shall be changed at frequent intervals before they have become fully charged with dust. The use of water for cleaning in these areas is forbidden.

  • Communication & Equipment rooms Under no circumstances must any computer or computer related equipment be touched, moved, or disturbed in any way. Cleaners must ensure that only the correct power sockets are used for cleaning equipment, not those specifically dedicated for computer use

  • Secuirty Guard House Area is cleaned and well maintained.

  • Parks Pergolas, bridges & benches to be in a very good condition and are well maintained all time.

  • Pools Cleaning tools for swimming pools are in good condition all the time.

  • Pools Umbrellas Sun bed cushions are cleaned and monitored.

  • Irrigation pump station Area is clean of any debris or bad odor.

  • Irrigation pump station Facility looks well maintained, free of any residual water overflow.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Are all trees, shrubs, hedges and ground covers looking well maintained. No dead landscaping.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Irrigation drip lines should be neatly laid in landscaping beds.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation No signs of algae build up should be visible.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Irrigation valve boxes are well maintained and kept closed at all times when not used.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Plam trees are properly trimmed and off shoots or dry leaves left on the trees.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Up-lights are in a good state of repair and no fused lights found.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Lawns are mowed and edges neatly trimmed.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Landscaping bed are kept free of dry leaves.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Landscaping around lights and signs are trimmed so as to keep the signs and lights well exposed.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Landscaping beds are kept free of weeds.

  • Landscaping and Irrigation Shrubs and hedges are trimmed and maintained in an even level.


  • Potable Water Pumping Station The area is free of litter and unwanted cartons and packaging material

  • Potable Water Pumping Station The washroom is clean and smells fresh

  • Potable Water Pumping Station The internal areas of the office are clean and and smelling fresh

  • Public Realm Electrical Substations The area around the substation is free of any debris and maintained clean at all times

  • Public Realm Electrical Substations Pest control around substations is kept integral and no pest activity around these areas should be evident

  • Public Realm Electrical Substations Under no circumstances should water pressure guns be used to clean the grills or doors of the substations

  • LV rooms The area around and inside the LV room is free of any debris and maintained clean at all times

  • LV rooms There are no cobwebs found in LV rooms

  • LV rooms PPE is available at the LV room and is used by cleaners carrying out cleaning at the location

  • Street light maintenance The street light poles are clean and free of unreasonable amount of dust accumualtion

  • Street light maintenance Glasses of luminaries are free of dirt and look clean

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