
  • Company that created the JSEA

  • Supervisor stated on JSEA

  • Access Card number of Supervisor

  • Date JSEA was created

  • JSEA inspection conducted on

  • JSEA inspection performed by

  • Location
  • Workers participating in inspection

  • JSEA number (if stated)

  • Permit to Work number

  • Write the details of the task as stated on the JSEA

  • A JSEA Inspection consists of asking the following questions and answering 'yes' or 'no'. The purpose is: to identify if the JSEA meets the required standards, that it has the appropriate risk management controls in place and that what the workers say they will do is what they are actually doing.

JSEA Inspection

  • Is the JSEA located on the job?

  • Do the workers know the location of the JSEA?

  • Was the worker/s involved in the development of the JSEA? <br>To answer 'yes' you must sight that the worker/s names are stated in the development section of the JSEA. If using the Visy JSEA the team members section is where the names are to be stated.

  • Is the content of the JSEA legible?

  • Has the JSEA been reviewed (today) by the worker/s doing the task?

  • Has a pre-start discussion or safety toolbox talk been held prior to the task commencing?

  • If yes, what was the topic?

  • If yes, when was it conducted?

  • If yes, what was the feedback received, by whom?

  • Has the JSEA been signed by the worker/s before the task was started?<br>

  • Are the JSEA steps consistent with the activity being carried out? (ask a worker to explain the task)

  • Is the first step on the JSEA focused on setting up the job site so that hazards specific to the work area are identified?

  • Are the hazards in the area where the task is being performed identified in the JSEA?

  • Is there evidence that the Visy Area Specific Hazard Checklist has been referenced in the JSEA? <br>To answer 'yes' you are to identify the location of the work and see if this area is listed on the Checklist. If so then the hazards stated on the Checklist are to be recorded on the JSEA and controls in place.

  • Have relevant hazards been identified?

  • Are adequate controls in place for the hazards identified?<br>For every hazard identified there is to be a control in place.

  • Has the risk rating for each step on the JSEA reduced when the controls have been identified?

  • Has the Hierarchy of Control been applied when implementing the controls?<br>To answer 'yes' there is evidence of Elimination, Substitution and Engineering being considered before Administration and PPE

  • Does the JSEA identify task specific requirements including: Personnel, Equipment/Tools, Process Controls, Permits, etc?

  • The JSEA states the specific PPE being used?<br>If the word 'PPE' is the only description then this is to be marked as 'no'

  • Are the workers performing the task as stated on the JSEA? <br>Check that the steps have been completed as stated on the JSEA and the controls are in place.

  • Are individuals responsibilities clearly defined?

  • Have persons undertaken JSEA or Risk Assessment training? If yes, describe what/when

  • Are emergency procedures clearly defined for the task? (E.g. Is a rescue plan in place for working at heights?)


  • General Comments

  • Further action required

  • Corrective Actions

  • By Whom?

  • By When?

  • Signed by the person leading the Inspection

  • Signed by the Supervisor of the task being performed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.