Title Page
Company Name:
Contractor Involved in the near miss
Date & Time Of The Near Miss Reported:
Weather Condition
Wind Condition at the time of near miss
Prepared By:
Position in the Company:
Kelleher Near Miss Form
Name of affected employee:
Was anyone injured?
If so name and what Body part or parts?
Date and time when the near miss Actually occurred:
Site/location of the near miss:
Category the near-miss most relates to.
- Fall From
- Trip / Fall on same level
- Electric shock
- Caught between
- Falling object
- Other
- Equipment/machine
Description of the near miss.
Where exactly in the site/location did the near miss occur? (the specific area, room, floor, or building)
What hazard/s triggered the near miss?
To add a photo or image related to the near miss, click the "Photo" icon at the bottom right:
Where there any employees in the specific area, room, floor, or building at the time of the near miss.
If so trade and names.
Any Property Damage?
If so What was Damaged.
Identifying Root Causes
What caused or allowed the near miss to happen?
Factors that contributed to the near miss were found in which areas? Select all that apply.
- Equipment
- Procedures
- Training
- Environment
- Tools
Was a machine or safety device in use during the near miss?
If so what machinery was involved?
Were safety procedures being followed?
Severity Level
Level of severity
Possible out come
Workers Statement
In own words.
Recommended Corrective Action
Is there a corrective action plan moving forward?
If so What is it?
Will there be any follow up?
Lesson learned
Name and Signature: