Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Proof of registration and good standing with compensation insurer?
Does the contractor have an approved Safety and Health plan?
Has the contractor's Safety and Health plan been approved and signed off by the client's agent?
Does the contractor have a site specific risk assessment plan in place?
Does the contractor have method statements and safe work procedures in place?
Does the contractor monitor the Disabling Injury Frequency Rate?
Access scaffolding
Mobile scaffolding
Free standing scaffolding
Temporary works
Openings and edges
Elevated works
Demolition works
Mobile cranes
Site vehicles / plant
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed as the 16(2)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as the construction manager 8(1)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as an assistant construction manager 8(2)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as the safety officer 8(5)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Is the appointed safety officer registered with the SACPCMP CR 8(6)?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed as a construction work supervisor 8(7)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed as an assistant construction work supervisor 8(8)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as an OHS representative 17(1) for the first 20 employees and thereafter 1 for every 50 employees?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Have the members of the OHS committee 19(1)been appointed in writing?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing to supervise scaffolding operations CR16(1)
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing to inspect all scaffolds CR16(1)?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as the scaffold team leader CR16(1)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed in writing as a scaffold erector CR16(1)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to design, inspect and approve temporary works 12(1)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to supervise temporary works 12(2)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to supervise excavation work CR13(1)(a)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to supervise and control all demolition work CR14(1)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to check structural integrity during all demolition work CR14(3)?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in to inspect ladders
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed to install and inspect all temporary electrical installations CR 24(c) and 24(d)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to inspect lifting machines and equipment CR 22(a)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to operate a material hoist CR 19(6)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to inspect the material hoist on a daily basis CR 19(8)(a)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to operate construction vehicles or mobile plant CR 23(1)(d)(i)
Is there proof of competency and valid medical evaluation attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to inspect construction vehicles or mobile plant CR 23(1)(k)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Has a person appointed in writing to inspect and control the issue of hand tools?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to develop a fall protection plan and ensure implementation and regular updating CR 10(1)(a-c)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to supervise all stacking and storage operations CR 28(a)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to use, inspect and maintain an E.A.F.D CR 21(b)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to supervise and control the use and safekeeping of all E.A.F.D devices CR 21(2)(g)(i)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Person with specific knowledge and experience appointed in writing to use and inspect electric arc welding, gas welding and gas cutting equipment GSR 9
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Person with specific knowledge and experience appointed in writing to Co-ordinate fire prevention, emergency contingency planning and execution ER 9
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to inspect all fire fighting equipment CR 29(h)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing as a First Aider for the first 10 employees and for every 50 employees thereafter GSR 3(4)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Person with specific knowledge and experience appointed in writing to the use and storage of Hazardous Controlled Substances HCSR 3(3)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Person with specific knowledge and experience appointed in writing to supervise, inspect and use electrical machinery
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Person with specific knowledge and experience appointed in writing to inspect pressure vessels
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing as the incident / accident investigator?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing as the risk assessor CR9(1)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Administrative and Legal Requirements
Has application been made to the Dept. of Labour for a construction work permit and is their evidence of such application?
Has the notification of construction work been submitted to the Dept. of Labour and if so is proof readily available?
Is the contractor registered and in good standing with a registered compensation insurer?
Is there a valid letter of good standing from the compensation insurer available on file?
Has the client presented a site specific Safety and Health specification to the contractor including a base line risk assessment?
If a specification has not been recieved is there proof available requesting one?
Is there a current copy of the OHS act available on site?
Is the contractor conducting monthly OHS audits?
Has a hazard identification been conducted and have the results been recorded?
Are all contractor's OHS plans available and approved
Is the OHS file being maintained and are the results available to the client
Are written agreements in place with all contractors?
Is there a list of all contractors displayed?
Are all the contractors in good standing with a registered compensation insurer?
Do all contractors have valid letters of good standing with their compensation insurers available on file?
Has a COMPETENT person been appointed by each contractor in writing as a construction work supervisor CR 8(7)
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Have all contractors appointed a competent person to function as an OHS representative
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Have all contractors appointed a competent person as a First Aider?
Is there proof of competency attached to the appointment?
Have hazard identifications been conducted and have the results been recorded?
Has a risk assessment plan been compiled and updated as and when necessary?
Has the site personnel been informed and trained according to the risk assessment plan and is there proof of such?
Has a geo-technical report been submitted by the client if required?
Is a method statement for the sequence of construction available on file?
Are meaningful OH&S Reports available on file?
Have reports been actioned by management?
Has an OH&S committee been established?
Are OH&S meetings being held monthly and are minutes being kept on file?
Are incidents (if any) discussed at these meetings?
Are these actioned by management?
Are scaffolds inspected weekly, after inclement weather and after major alterations?
Are all drawings in connection with the design of the temporary structure kept on site and are these available for inspection?
Are detailed specific drawings available on site for temporary structure?
Have temporary works erectors been trained and instructed on how to perform the work safely?
Has all equipment that is to be used been inspected by a suitably competent person?
Has a written authorisation been obtained from the engineer prior to the casting of concrete as to the integrity of the temporary works?
Have the temporary works been inspected before, during and after placement for structural integrity?
Does the drawing include method statements and the sequence of construction?
Has an excavation work permit been issued by the project engineer where shoring or bracing is deemed as not being required?
Are the excavations inspected daily before each shift, after rain, after every blast and after every damage to support?
Is a register in place and is it up to date?
Has a structural engineering survey been done, and a demolition method statement compiled by a competent person?
Has demolition risk assessment been compiled and is it available for inspection?
Ave inspections been conducted as per the method statement recieved?
Have ladders been inspected on arrival to site and monthly thereafter?
Are the registers pertaining to ladders up to date?
Are all temporary electrical installations inspected after installation, after alterations and weekly?
Are the registers up to date and has a CoC been issued?
Earth leakage tested and have the results been recorded?
Drivers and operators of lifting machines in possession of valid certificates of training?
All operators trained for specific type of lifting machine operated?
Construction vehicle inspection register up to date?
Are all relevant load certificates available on file?
Valid operator training certificate available on file?
Is there proof that all operators are medically fit to operate heavy machinery?
Is the hand tool inspection register up to date and available for inspection?
Has a risk assessment for all work at fall risk been conducted?
Have the employees working at height been deemed medically fit to work at height?
Is a training programme in place for employees working in fall risk areas?
Is there a procedure in place for the training, inspecting, testing and the maintenance of fall risk equipment?
Is there a fall recovery plan in place and has it been communicated to all personnel including evidence?
Inspections, repairs, maintenance, issue and return of cartridges recorded on suitable register (EAFD)?
COMPETENT person appointed in writing to use EAFD
Welding and flame cutting equipment numbered and including on register?
Is the equipment being inspected monthly as per register and is this available in the site OHS file and is it up to date?
Is all fire fighting equipment being inspected as indicated by the equipment manufacturer?
Have all fire risks on site been identified, actions taken to reduce and reviewed as conditions change?
Inspection registers available and up to date?
Have a sufficient number of employees been trained in the correct use of fire fighting equipment?
Is the incident reporting procedure openly displayed?
Have all incidents according to Sect. 24 been reported to the provincial director, Dept. Labour within 7 days?
Have all cases of occupational diseases been reported?
Are copies of incident reports available on file for inspection?
Are copies of Annexure 1 available on file?
Have remarks been made by the OHS committee regarding any and all incidents?
Have these remarks been actioned by site management?
Has every workplace been provided with sufficient first aid boxes (required when more than 5 employees are on site)?
Is first aid treatment freely available?
Is the equipment in the first aid box compliant with Regulation 3 of the OHS Act?
Is the list of first aiders publicly displayed and do these have certificates of competency on file?
Is the name of the first aider clearly displayed on the relevant first aid box?
Is there records to indicate first aid treatment given?
Are there signs instructing employees to report all injuries and illnesses, including first aid cases?
Have all chemical substances been identified and is there a list available as well as the necessary MSDS
Has the OHS policy been signed by the most senior person in the company and is it available on the staff notice board?
Is there an HIV/AIDS Awareness programme on site available?
Is there a substance abuse policy in place, has it been signed by the most senior person on site and has it been placed on the site notice board?
Have the OHS rules been explained to all (written proof) and placed on site notice board?
Have all employees and visitors recieved induction training and is there written proof?
Does the induction training include task safety instructions and associated risk assessments?
Do all employees and visitors carry proof of induction training?
Are toolbox talks conducted on a regular basis - weekly including written proof of attendance?
Do all employees recieve basic OHS training and is there evidence of this?
Have operators of plant and equipment received specialised training?
Is there a follow-up procedure in place to ensure understanding and adherence to instructions?
Is the the following available on the site safety board: no. of hours worked without a compensation claim, no of days worked without a claim, star grading board up to date, safety posters displayed at keys areas around the site and are these changed regularly?
Is there an employee notice board for OHS notices?
Is there an OHS competition on site?
Is there a company wide OHS competition in place?
Is there participation in the MBA's OHS competition
Are notices and signs placed at entrances and along site perimeter indicating NO UNAUTHORISED ENTRY
Have notices and signs been placed at entrances instructing visitors and non-employees what to do and where to go upon entering the site including directional arrows?
Have signs been posted to warn of the type of works being conducted, i.e overhead work as well as other hazardous activities?
Have precautionary measures been taken to protect passing by the site and/or persons entering the site?
Is access control control being implemented and is there a sign in and out register at the site entrance?
Are there security patrols after hours and over weekends?
Is there sufficient lighting after dark?
Are emergency contact numbers strategically located near telephones?
Has the emergency evacuation plan been posted on the staff notice board and has it been communicated to all personnel including proof?
Is there an emergency evacuation contingency plan in place and has it been posted on the site notice board?
Is there an audible alarm available on site and have the different sirens been explained to all?
Has an emergency evacuation drill been conducted assembling at the emergency assembly point?
Is a site layout plan displayed indicating the emergency evacuation routes and the emergency assembly points?
Has the need for PPE been identified, prescribed and reviewed as necessary?
Where prescribed are all site employees and visors wearing hard hats (SABS)
Is the prescribed wear being worn; wet works = gumboots, roof work = non-slip safety shoes
Is eye and face protection being used during the following activities; concrete breaking, angle grinding, drilling into overhead brickwork or cement, using EAFD, vibrating concrete, using hammers and chisels, brazing, welding, gas cutting, arc welding or electrical sawing?
Is hearing protection being used during the following activities; concrete breaking, EAFD, electrical wood working, operating heavy plant?
Is hand protection being used during the following activities; cement, bricks, steel, chemicals, welding, hammer and chisel work, concrete breaking?
Is respiratory protection used while working with or in the following; dry cement, dusty areas, hazardous chemicals and angle grinders?
Is the following equipment used when working on scaffolding, close to edges, or working on ring beams; suitable double lanyard harnesses other fall arrest equipment or catch nets?
Have all jobs requiring PPE been identified and is it being used i.e. rain suits, overalls?
Is all required PPE being issued to personnel free of charge?
Is all PPE in an acceptable and useable condition?
Have all personnel been instructed on the correct use of the required PPE?
Is there acknowledgement of receipt of PPE including acknowledgement that it will be used according to instruction?
Is there a record of issue and receipt of PPE?
Is a scrap removal system in place including all scrap items unsuitable or scrap items and redundant materials and are these placed in a designated area and removed daily from the designated area?
Is scrap and waste removal from height done by way of chutes or hoists, over edges is not allowed and is scrap disposed of in designated areas or containers?
Is scrap and redundant materials removed from site as and when it is required?
Is the following in place with stacking; stable, firm level surface, adequate base, not leaning over, no danger of collapse, irregular shapes bound, if more than 1 stack to support each other height not exceeding 3 x its base, are the stacks easily accessible to staff and vehicles, removal is done from the top and not the sides?
Has adequate storage been provided and has an area adequately been demarcated?
Are the storage areas functional, i.e. racks, bins, protected from the elements and vehicles?
Have "special areas" been demarcated and identified for flammable gas, cement etc.
Is the base adequate to carry the load, stacked in rows and not in danger of collapse?
Stores and storage areas clear of unnecessary equipment and materials?
Is storage behind buildings or storage containers controlled and kept to a minimum?
Are storage areas clear of litter and vegetation?
Are off - cuts and re-usable materials kept to a minimum in the workplace?
Is re-usable materials tacked and stored correctly in the demarcated areas including timber nails flattened or removed?
Is the issue, return and disposal of hardware items controlled?
Are demarcated stacking areas maintained and are acceptable standards maintained?
Are work areas kept neat, tidy and clear of unnecessary equipment and materials?
Are walkways demarcated and kept clear of material and waste?
Is the general appearance of the site within acceptable margins?
Scaffolding: Is the foundation firm, stable, sufficient for the load, acceptibly level?
Scaffolding: Is the bracing adequate, sufficient, secured and is installed as per the design?
Scaffolding: Is the condition of the platform boards acceptable, sufficient and secured?
Scaffolding: Are the handrails installed at the correct height, toe boards installed and are they secured?
Scaffolding: Are adequate access ladders installed, sufficient and are these suitably secured?
Scaffolding: Is the area directly beneath and around the scaffold clear of materials and rubble?
Scaffolding: If outriggers are used are they tied back onto the structure and are the bases secured?
Scaffolding: Is appropriate signage in place on structure?
Scaffolding: If wheels are used do these have functional brakes, wheels or swivels in good order and are they all in place?
Are drawings relevant to the design on site and available?
Are all temporary works structures adequately erected, braced and supported?
Have all temporary works structures been erected according to the drawings?
Have the deck panels been secured against possible displacement?
Are measures in place to prevent personnel from slipping on the release agent?q
Once concrete has been placed is the structure left in place until concrete can support it's own weight?
Has provision been made for the safe access and egress to the structure?
Have edges been adequately barricaded, are they sufficiently positioned, braced and are they visible?
Have manholes been appropriately and sufficiently barricaded with covers and are these visible?
Stepladders: Are all hinges, rungs, stays and stiles in good order?
Stepladders: Are stepladders being used correctly and are they stable?
Extension ladders: Are the ropes, rungs, stiles and safety catch in good working condition?
Are extension and straight ladders secured at the top and bottom before being used?
No joined ladders being used?
Are all ladders stored off the ground and protected from the elements?
No wooden ladders on site?
Ladders extend 900mm past landing platform?
Is all fall protection equipment in good order, suitable for the job and of sufficient strength?
Is the equipment securely attached when used and are the fall arrestors in order?
Are tools attached to anchor lines and are these attached at the work areas to prevent equipment from falling to lower levels?
Are all floor openings and edges correctly and adequately protected?
Are double lanyard harnesses being used, are these secured to lifelines and are ladders correctly and adequately secured?
Is there sufficient barricades and signage in place?
Is the electrical DB Board correctly coloured, numbered and warning sign displayed?
Is the DB Board easily accessible and area surrounding clearly demarcated?
Is the DB Board fitted with an internal cover plate, are unused slots blanked off, no access to exposed conductors and are the doors kept closed?
Are circuit breakers identified and functional?
Is the earth leakage unit fitted, functional and tested?
Are the doors fitted to the DB Board functional and is there functional access when the doors are closed to power outlets?
Is the condition of temporary wiring, extension cord insulation acceptable and is it secured into the plug and no joints on the leads?
Is earthing continuity and polarity on plug correctly secured into plug?
Are cables protected from mechanical damage and moisture?
Overloading of circuits is not being experienced and is the circuit breaker rating visible?
Are light fittings and lamps protected from mechanical damage and moisture?
Is all electrical equipment plugged into a 15amp electrical output?
Is the insulation and casing in good order?
Is there a double insulation mark where there is no earth wire?
Are cables in good condition with no wires exposed and correctly secured to plug and machine?
Are the plugs in good condition and are they correctly connected?
Are fire extinguishers available at the site office, stores, where gas cutting and welding is taking place and are they easily accessible?
Is fire equipment serviced as prescribed?
Is the location of fire extinguishers clearly marked with appropriate signage and are they unobstructed?
Are signs in place indicating no smoking, no open flames, where necessary?
Has the ground stability been evaluated?
Prohibit the loading of or movement near the edges of any excavation?
Is there safe and sufficient access and egress from the excavations?
Has the presence of underground services been identified?
Has the excavation been adequately barricaded?
Have warning signs been placed around the excavation?
Are handles free of cracks and splinters?
Are handles secured in tools and are they secure?
Are the working edges square and sharp?
Are hammers suitable for the task including the correct type, size and weight?
Are the handles as per design only?
Are handles free from cracks and is the handle grip suitable?
Are chisels in good condition (no mushrooming), head chamfered and correct shape?
Is the cutting edge sharp and square?
Is the condition and storage of the EAFD in order?
Is the EAFD in good working order?
Is the EAFD locked away when not in use?
Are warning signs posted when the EAFD is being used?
Is the EAFD examined before it used, records available and is it used and inspected by a suitable competent person?
Is the EAFD being cleaned daily after use?
Has a pre-ignition check been conducted including checklist completed and signed off by site supervisor?
Are both rear view mirrors and are they in good condition?
Is the windscreen correctly fitted, are the wipers operational?
Are indicators and lights fitted and are these fully operational?
Are all necessary hooters and sirens fitted and operational?
Are there no oil leaks?
Are the correct slings and slinging techniques being used?
Are all hydraulics in good order, no leaks?
Is the boom in good condition with no visible damage or defects?
Is the cable and sheaths greased and good condition with no signs of damage or corrosion?
Is the crane hook pop marked, safety latch fitted and functional and is MMN displayed?
Is the deflection chart fitted, in good condition and visible to the operator?
Has an outrigger base risk assessment been conducted and have underground services been identified, i.e. manholes?
Are the outriggers compliant in terms of location to excavations?
Are the outriggers and foot plates in good condition and are they used when lifting?
Are all site vehicle and mobile plant on inventory list, inspected before shift and signed off by operator and site supervisor?
Are deviations as recorded on plant inspections recorded, reported and actioned as needed?
Is the site speed limit displayed and adhered to?
Are only authorised personnel using the machine?
Is the emergency stop switch easily accessible and clearly marked?
Is the area around the machine dry, slip and trip free and clear of off-cuts?
Are all moving parts and nip points adequately guarded?
Are operators using the correct and approp PPE?
Are only authorised competent personnel using machinery?
Are all machine guards in place and functional?
Is an anti-kick back device in place?
Is a riving knife fitted and operational?
Are operators using the correct and appropriate PPE?
Are whip slings in place and functional?
Is all test documentation available?
Are relief valves locked and sealed, all drives secured, all hoses and breakers in functional condition?
Has an ergonomics survey been conducted?
Are the results of the ergonomics survey being applied?
Is the area around the grinding work clear of all water, slip and trip hazards?
On and off switch clearly marked, visible, functional and accessible?
Are all protective guards secured and in place?
Is all required PPE being used, i.e. eye protection?
Is adequate lighting installed where lux reading requires it?
Are light fittings appropriate for purpose and not posing a risk or hazard?
Are tasks identified where noise exceeds 85db?
Are all reasonable steps taken to reduce noise at source?
Is noise protection PPE being issued and used?
Are sufficient toilets available (1 toilet for every 30 persons)
Is toilet paper available?
Facilities and soap for washing hands available?
Are means of drying hands available?
Ablution facilities clean and hygienic?
Seperate toilet available for male and female?
Measures in place to reduce dust generation?
Accumulation of cement bags, plastic wrappings and packing material prevented?
Is the spillage of lubricants, fuels and chemicals prevented from flowing into storm water or any other drains?
Is there an environmental management plan and policy in place and available?