
  • Site conducted

  • Operations Excellence Audit

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • Location
  • BOH Manager


All refrigeration and storage in good condition and maintains standard temp. Indicate Temperature reading

  • Pantry Chiller- 0°C to 8°C

  • Dessert chiller- 0°C to 5°C

  • Middle Chiller- 0°C to 5°c

  • Grill Chiller- 0°C to 8°C

  • Saute Chiller- 0°C to 8°C

  • 4 Door's Freezer ( Freezer -15° to -18°C )

  • 4 Door's Freezer ( Freezer -15°C to 18°C )

  • 4 Door's Chiller ( Chiller 0°C to 5°C )

  • 4 Door's Chiller ( Chiller 0°C to 5°C )

  • Chest Freezer ( Freezer -15° to -18°C ) Fry Area

  • Chest Freezer ( Freezer -15° to -18°C ) Seafood


  • All stocks 6" above the floor and 2" from walls

  • All stocks properly labelled

  • All items are in APL

  • No stocks beyond shelf life

  • Clean and organized

Expired items

  • No items beyond shelf life

Station in proper set-up, clean and all equipment/ tools in good repair & working condition.

Pantry Station

  • Pantry Chiller <br>

  • Pantry station tools

Fry Station

  • Deep Fryer

  • Fry station tools

Griddle Station

  • Griddle drawer chiller <br>

  • Griddle

  • Griddle station tools

Saute Station

  • Saute Chiller <br>

  • Burner

  • Saute station tools

Wok Station

  • Complete set up


  • Complete set up

Icombi Oven

  • Working and clean

Middle Station

  • Middle Chiller <br>

  • Heat Lamp

  • Heatstrips

  • Middle station tools

Critical Items and Sauces in the Line Pick only 2 random items then check quality indicators

  • Pantry items

  • Pantry items

  • Fry items

  • Fry items

  • Grill items

  • Grill items

  • Saute items

  • Saute items

  • Wok station

  • Wok station


BOH Essentials

  • Recipe book - available, complete and updated.

  • Clean as you work. Clean as you go.

  • Ceiling clean and in good repair.

  • Walls clean and no oil marks

  • Exhaust and air vents clean and in good repair.

  • Oil drip pan clean and not oily.

  • Fire suppression it should be (intact)

  • Floors - dry and clean.

  • No leaking faucet and in good repair.

  • No busted lights.

  • Grease Trap- clean every after shift or as needed

  • Sharp and clean Knives.

  • Ice machine: clean and in good working condition

  • Proper thawing, cooking, cooling and reheating procedures

  • Clean Salad spinner

  • Clean Weighting scale and working

  • Office area Organized

  • Trashbin clean

  • Digital Thermometer calibrated

Safety and Sanitation

  • No presence of insects, flies & cockroaches.

  • Sanitation bucket and proper towels in use. Blue and White towels only.

  • Cutting boards clean and sanitized. (No deep marks and no stains)

  • Hand washing sink - complete set-up with Sanitation amenities.

  • Thermometers are calibrated and used during operations

  • First aid kit with complete supplies

Hot bath 75°c

  • Pasta bath 100°c

Hot holding items 63°c

  • Petchay Sauce

  • Adobo sauce

  • Caldereta sauce

  • Oxtail sauce

  • Plain rice

  • Mash potato

  • Brown Gravy

  • Kiev Sauce

  • 40 kloves sauce

  • Monterey sauce

Chemicals and cleaning tools

  • Mops hanging down and mop sink clean and organized

  • Complete mops and follow color coding

  • Only approved chemicals used

  • Chemicals dispensers clean and functional

  • Cleanliness of dish machine

  • Dish machine: temp. and in good working condition

  • Is sanitizer buckets reached the proper ppm?

  • Is afvt calibrated?

Kitchen Forms- properly filled up and updated

  • Linecheck forms

  • Production sheet

  • Receiving Inspection report

  • Produce washing

  • Cooking & Cooling log form

  • Thermometer calibration form

BOH Team members

  • Practice proper handwashing every 30 mins.

  • Updated on the latest BOH Updates- TU/RU/Memo

  • Completed validations- initial/1st/3rd/5th month, filed in 201 envelop, NSF Certificates

  • Mayor's Permit and Health Card ( LGU )

  • Passed Water analysis test

  • Fire extinguisher available


  • Clean full black apron/ leather or waterproof apron for dish

  • New uniforms are issued to every team members every year.

  • BoH Complete Uniform



  • Alley Rally is conducted by the MOD with the FOH and BOH team members

  • All employees on duty have undergone Classroom Training

  • Presence of Cleaning Crew- Clean Restrooms

  • Floors are kept dry- Correct use of Mops- Blue, Green, Red, Imop

  • No "86" items<br>

  • All Team members are in Complete Uniform and presentable.

  • General assembly or meeting with team members is conducted regularly


  • Complete R&M basic tools

  • Back of the House Recommendation Attachments

  • Manager's Signature



  • Comments ( Beverage)

  • Serve on time

  • Taste

  • Presentation

  • Take a photo


  • Comments (Appetizers)

  • Serve on time

  • Taste

  • Presentation

  • Take a photo


  • Comments (ENTREÉS)

  • Serve on time

  • Taste

  • Presentation

  • Take a photo


  • Comments ( Desserts)

  • Serve on time

  • Taste

  • Presentation

  • Take a photo

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.