Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
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Are the site rules applicable to that site posted at the site entry points for LGV's and Cars (speed limits, where to go, reverse parking, where HiVis is required, where safety shoes/hard hats are required etc)
Are site rules complied with (check for speed, parking arrangements, PPE use, compliance with 1 way systems etc), operations out of normal office hours must also be checked
Are signs and road markings clear, in good condition and correct (redundant signage should always be removed)
Is signage similar in design to road signs (these have shown to be easier for drivers from foreign countries to understand)
Where areas are prone to speeding (long roadways or wide open spaces particularly) have additional speed restriction measures been implemented (inc car routes)
Are suitable walkways provided, are they used, in the right place and are they in good condition to not use a walkway people should have a) the correct PPE and b) a good reason (wearing a hivis is not an automatic justification to not use a walkway)
Please add detail
Is the speed limit correct for the conditions (transport Yard & Car parks) (is it also realistic to expect compliance 5 mph on a long site route would be very hard for even the best driver to comply with)
Speak to at least 2 employees and ask them their opinion on traffic safety in the area record their names in the comments box, please include names of operatives.
Where trailers are dropped in the yard or on the bays, sample check at least 2 trailers (but more if possible and record how many were checked) to ensure the parking brake has been applied
Comments/ Actions
Have all actions been added to site KAT
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