Title Page
Ladder Inspection
Office ladder issued from
Conducted on
Date next inspection due (six months from date of this inspction)
Prepared by
Location, where ladder was checked
User assigned to Ladder
1. Choose the type of ladder that you will inspect.
2. Answer "Yes", "No", "N/A" for the questions provided.
3. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon.
4. To add a Corrective Measure, click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date.
5. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
6. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.
7. Notify the Technical Manager, in the relevant office, if corrective measures are required. These will be recorded on the Corrective Actions Smart Sheet, so they can be tracked by the Quality Manager. -
Ladder ID reference number:
Is the ladder labelled and is this clear and legible?
Is the ladder to EN131 (Professional) standards
Ladder construction material
Type of ladder
Is the ladder free from oil, grease or other material?
Are rungs, cleats or steps intact and free from damage?
Are rails free from cracks and splintering?
Is the ladder free from protruding objects that could cause injury?
Is the ladder free from any other defects that may impair its safe usage?
Are all locking mechanisms functional?
Are all stiles free from damaged?
Is the wood free from splits and not warped or rotten?
If the metal free from any corrosion?
Are all footpads in position and in good condition?
Are all caps/rubber fittings in good condition?
Are all ropes, chains or bars in position and in good condition?
Is the ladder in a serviceable condition and considered safe to use, at the time of this inspection?
Roof Rack (if applicable) in good condition and securely fitted
Ladder clamps (if applicable) in good condition and lockable
Hard hat with Chin strap available