
  • Date Collected

  • Acq ID:

  • Property Name

  • Property Address

  • Lot on Plan:

  • Land Area (HA)

  • Owner/s on title

  • Does the owner reside on the property?

  • Residence details

  • Residence location
  • Other Occupier/s on the property

  • Type

  • Occupiers Details

  • Occupiers Location
  • Recreational activities

  • Recreational Details

  • Sensitive Areas

  • Sensitive areas Details

  • Landholder objectives - Does the land holder propose to carry out any further development

  • Landholder objective Details

  • Neighbourhood

  • Local Roads - which local roads does the landholder use

  • Local roads Details

  • Is there a school bus route in the area

  • School bus Details

  • Neighbourhood Other

  • Neighbourhood other Details

Audit 2

  • Business type

  • Does the landholder grow crops?

  • Irrigation

  • Irrigation Details

  • Rain Grown

  • Rain grown Details

  • Certified organic

  • Certified organic Details

  • Typical crops

  • Cropping calendar

  • Cultivated areas

  • Cropping Workforce

  • Cropping Location
  • Does the landholder conduct grazing on the property

  • Species type

  • Carrying capacity

  • Usual stocking rates

  • Grazing methods

  • Leucaena

  • Mustering - methods, timing & routes

  • Certifications / Accreditations

  • Grazing Workforce

  • Grazing locations
  • Does the landholder have a feedlot on the property

  • Feedlot Capacity

  • Average numbers

  • Key dates / days

  • On property transport routes

  • Sensitivities

  • Feedlot Work force

  • Feedlot Things to be aware of

  • Other Business enterprise on the farm

  • Other business enterprise Details

Audit 3

  • Agricultural Practices

  • Blade ploughing

  • Blade plough Depth

  • Deep ripping

  • Deep ripping Depth

  • Post hole drilling

  • Post hole drilling Depth

  • Cultivation

  • Cultivation Depth

  • Drain formation / clearing

  • Drain Depth

  • Contour banks

  • Contour Depth

  • Other agricultural

  • Other agricultural Depth

  • Equipment used on the property

  • Tractor

  • Tractor Axel weight

  • Dozer

  • Dozer Axel weight

  • Backhoe

  • Backhoe Axel weight

  • Excavator

  • Excavator Axel weight

  • Grader

  • Grader Axel weight

  • Chaser bins

  • Chaser bins Axel weight

  • Post hole auger

  • Post Axel weight

  • Agricultural Other

  • Axel weight

  • Property Improvements

  • Buildings

  • Building Type

  • Building Location
  • Fencing

  • Fencing Type

  • Fencing Location
  • Yards

  • Yards Type

  • Yards Location
  • Tracks

  • Tracks Type

  • Tracks Location
  • Lanes

  • Lanes Type

  • Lanes Location
  • Future plans

  • Future plans Type

  • Future plans Location
  • Historical activities

  • Type of historical activities

  • Activities Location

Audit 4

  • Water

  • Rivers / Creeks

  • Rivers/creeks Name

  • Allocation

  • Intake works

  • Location of intake works

  • Natural springs

  • Natural springs Details

  • Natural springs Location
  • Dams

  • Number of dams

  • Dam catchment area

  • Estimated capacity

  • Dams Condition

  • Dams Location
  • Overland flow

  • Catchment area

  • Overland flow Location
  • Ground water

  • No of bore/s

  • Registration no/s

  • Ground water Location
  • Stock water

  • Type of supply

  • Paddocks affected

  • Stock numbers affected

  • Daily water requirement

  • Stock water Location
  • Delivery pipelines

  • Water delivery Pipeline network

  • Delivery pipeline Primary use

  • Diameter

  • Delivery pipeline Estimated depth

  • Delivery pipeline material

  • Delivery pipeline Location
  • Surface reticulation

  • Surface reticulation Tanks / troughs / turkeys nests

  • Surface reticulation Pipeline network

  • Surface reticulation Primary use

  • Surface reticulation Estimated depth

  • Surface reticulation Diameter

  • Surface reticulation Pipe material

  • Surface reticulation Location

Audit 4

  • Pests & Weeds

  • District prevalent weed species

  • Known weed areas on property

  • Typical management activities

  • Pest and weed Landowner concerns

  • Washdown facilities

  • District prevalent pest species

  • Nuisance level

  • Commodity available

  • Water

  • Gravel

  • Commodity Other

  • Fire management

  • Historical fire events

  • Susceptibility

  • Fire contingency plan

  • Future contingency plan

  • Fire Landowner concerns

  • How do you use fire, where and when

Audit 5

  • Temporary site accommodation

  • Lay down area

  • Drilling camp

  • Site offices

  • Resource history, historical coal, oil and gas exploration holes

  • Geotechnical and soil

  • Potential rock areas

  • Potential rock Details

  • Potential rock Location
  • Soil types (expansive clay)

  • Soil Details

  • Soil Location
  • Previous soil testing

  • Testing Details

  • Testing Location
  • Other geotechnical

  • Geotechnical Details

  • Geotechnical Location
  • Are there flood prone areas on the property

  • Flood Area

  • Flood Depth

  • Flood Duration

  • Q100 flood levels

  • Rate of flow: back flow or mainstream

  • Environmental issues

  • Land covenants

  • Erosion

  • Potentially contaminated zones

  • Designated landfill stockpile areas

  • Utilities

  • Electrical cable

  • Sewerage lines

  • Fibre optic / copper cable

  • Water lines

  • Other underground assets

  • Landowner feedback

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.