Title Page

  • Site / Faculty

  • Room / Area / Lab

  • Lead Auditor

  • Names of other team members

  • Conducted on

  • Please provide any information relevant to this inspection

A. Setting the context of inspection

  • Is there a Laser warning sign on or near the area entrance?

  • Does the sign have correct class of laser?

  • Is there an interlock/Lasermet door system?

  • Is safety information available for reference at point of use e.g. safety folder / easily accessible Google Drive?

  • Is there a risk assessment available and easily retrievable and in date for the work area? (e.g. General lab access risk assessment)

  • Does the risk assessment include lasers as a hazards?

  • Are work activities currently taking place within the location?

  • Is it safe to proceed with the inspection?

B. Work Environment

  • Is access and egress to the work area controlled e.g. key, key fob or swipe card?

  • On the safety notice has a Responsible Person, Technical Lead and Academic Lead been identified where applicable?

  • Is a local laboratory / workshop induction process and records in place?

  • Does this specifically address lasers and associated requirements?

  • Is there an up to date record of authorised laser users?

  • Are all windows blanked or blacked out?

  • Are there any reflective surfaces in the area? (check for non-reflective wall and ceiling coverings/paints)

  • Where required has adequate provision been made for ventilating each work area, including cryogen areas, toxic fume production, etc?

  • Is housekeeping on the optics benches or in the vicinity of the lasers to a satisfactory standard to reduce likely hazards?

  • Is firefighting equipment (FFE) available and within reasonable reaching distance? e.g. 18 meters away [SIMON CHECK THIS WITH GLEN]

C. Engineering Controls

  • Are all beam paths enclosed (unless otherwise justified in Open Beam Justification document)?

  • Is the laser mounted on a suitable, stable base?

  • Is the laser table earthed? (if metal)

  • Are appropriate flight tubes used?

  • Are all appropriate accessories present and in good working order (e.g. flight tubes, periscopes, beam dumps/attenuators) ?

  • Is the beam predominantly at the same level in all areas of the table?

  • Is the beam predominantly below (or above) eyelevel?

  • Are segregating curtains of appropriate material (i.e. fire resistant) and interlocked?

  • Key control - Are keys stored securely to prevent unauthorised used?

  • Key control - Were any keys seen to be left in machines when not in use during the inspection?

  • Are interlocks present on guards?

  • Are interlocks tested regularly (are checks recorded)?

  • Are there sufficient emergency stops within easy access and is functionality checked regularly (are checks recorded)?

  • Is room access interlock present and functionality checked regularly (are checks recorded)? - class 3b and 4 only

  • Is there means of external/internal communication?

  • Are oxygen depletion alarms present and checked regularly (are checks recorded)?

  • Is emergency egress clearly marked?

D. Administrative Controls (Documentation, etc)

  • Is the risk assessment readily available and not exceeded its review period?

  • Is the emergency procedure & accompanying tear-off easily accessible and up to date?

  • Is/are the Local Rules / Scheme of Work readily available and up to date?

  • Is the Open Beam Justification form readily available - is there robust justification? Is it up to date?

  • Are all lasers registered on the central database? (clearly labelled or on a local lab register / risk assessment)

  • Is there warning for presence of invisible beams? [SIMON TO CHECK WHAT THIS ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE?]

  • Are appropriate alignment cards in evidence for invisible beams?

E. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Eyewear - is suitable protective eyewear available? (Check compliance with EN 207, EN 208)

  • Eyewear - are all available sets of eyewear regularly checked (are records up to date)? Check a small sample (damage, correct ratings as per risk assessment)

  • Eyewear - is storage and identification clear and suitable?

  • General - any other PPE available? Is it suitable (check EN standard) and is it maintained, stored and used correctly?

F. Non-Laser Hazards

  • Hazardous Substances - are cryogen, dyes, gases used appropriately and stored securely?

  • Hazardous Substances - are compressed gases clearly marked/identified, securely stored and their use monitored?

  • Fume - is there sufficient ventilation - LEV, natural ventilation, etc?

  • Noise - are levels acceptable, within safe exposure levels (e.g. 80, 85dba, etc)?

  • Are all portable electrical appliances tested and in date?

  • Is any high voltage equipment clearly marked?

  • General condition of laser tables - no unused equipment left on tables?

  • Manual Handling - movement of loads e.g. gas cylinders, equipment on laser tables?

  • Heat, Cold, Humidity - protective equipment available under conditions of extreme temperature?

G. General Recommendations

  • Have all actions from previous inspections been addressed?

  • What is the current level of assurance for this inspection? (this may need to be completed by the DLSO)

  • What level of assurance would you recommend for this inspection?

  • Has there been measured improvement since previous inspections? (this may need to be completed by the DLSO)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.