Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Site Summary

  • Prepared by

  • Principal Contractor

  • Site Manager / Supervisor

  • Site manager email address

LC QHSE Site Audit

  • Any H&S actions identified shall be entered onto the Hazard tracker. Any urgent, high risk H&S Observations are to be brought to the attention of the QHSE team immediately. Contractor / Project Manager to be notified of actions required / taken.

Inductions, Training and Site information

  • Visitor Management - Identify the process of managing visitors, is this suitable and efficient? All visitors sign in and out of the visitor book. Induction completed if visitors are going to visit the operational areas in the yard

  • Site Rules - Site rules issued to all visitors, contractors and staff.

  • Site Safety Plans - available for all staff and visitors. Details of emergency procedures, emercency contact details, escape routes, people and plant segregation, and isolation points.

  • Training and Competence Policy - Training and Competence policy available and signed.

  • Organisation Chart - Displayed on site board or included as part of induction

Site Safety

  • Site Identification Board - Displayed at site entrance with contact details

  • Site security - Does the site have suitable security measures? CCTV, adequate fencing, security lighting etc.

  • Site Safety Signage - Speed limits, no entry, PPE requirements, contact numbers.

  • Shared Access / Responsibility - Evidence of liaison of parties safely sharing access and responsibility of working areas.

  • People and Plant segregation - Is there adequate segregation between pedestrians and vehicles/mobile plant? Are there safe walkways away from traffic routes? Are there safe crossing points away from hazards such as blind corners? (Not mandatory under NED Legislation, Belectric policy for segregation in compound area)

  • PPE being worn on site and sufficient for works

  • Fire Extinguisher & First Aid - Are the appropriate fire, first aid and spill kit provisions within suitable walking distance

  • Protection from High Voltage Overhead lines - i.e Warning signage, Earthing chains if required

  • Protection from High Voltage Overhead lines - Has the grid operator been contacted to confirm what controls are required and have operatives been briefed on the safety measures?

  • Housekeeping/Trip hazards/Litter - Are walking routes around compound and working areas clear of any trip hazards and litter? Are bins available and being used?

Excavations & Digging

  • Are there excavation & digging works on site? (Including any existing open trenches)

  • Are all trenches and excavations suitably barriered/fenced

  • Underground services marked and documented

  • Trenches & Excavations battered/stepped where necessary and allow for safe access/egress

  • Thumbs up method being used across site (Safe method of passing moving machinery is in place)

  • Cable Locator - Operator trained and competent, utility services scanned prior to breaking ground

  • Trained Banksman for excavators on site

  • Seatbelts worn & beacons operating on plant

  • Trench/Excavation inspection conducted prior to works

Occupational Health

  • Manual handling - Practise observed on site & training provided

  • HAVS - Are operatives aware of the risks and are the risks controlled?

  • Dust & RPE - Dust Control - Is dust supression available on site if necessary? Is RPE provided and are operatives face fit tested?

  • Noise Monitoring - Are there receptors that could be adversely affected by noise levels? Have measures been considered for controlling noise levels?

  • Mental Health - Is a mental health first aider appointed?

Environmental Compliance

  • Vegetation Control - Grass cutting and tree surveys undertaken as required.

  • Surface water management - Is surface free draining?

  • Oil Storage - If oils are stored on site, are they kept in suitable containers, on a drip tray, in a bunded container with 110% capacity, and protected from elements?

  • Spill Kits - Are adequate spill kits available on site and stored correctly?

  • Arrangements for removal of waste - Consider waste oils and waste electrical equipment. Are waste containers clearly signed and being used appropriately?

  • Road Conditions - Roads within site in good, useable condition. Public highways leading to/from site not impacted by mud deposits or damage from site vehicles.


  • Communal Areas (Drying Room) - Clean and tidy, no slip and trip hazards.

  • Toilet Facilities - Clean with adequate soap / hand drying facilities etc. Clean and tidy, no slip and trip hazards.

  • Staff room/Food Prep area - Surfaces clean and free of clutter. Adequate cleaning equipment available, adequate seating space

  • Water supplies - Cold running water available

  • Smoking/Mobile phone area - (Mobile phone area is contractual, not regulation)

  • Adequate parking - Enough parking for all contractors and visitors. Are all vehicles reverse parked?

  • Office space - Available on site visually clean with low levels of dust / mud present.

Material Storage

  • Materials must be stacked to minimise the risk of collapse - I.e Stepping back, banding with metal banding (not plastic), must not be stacked vertically at a height that risks collapse

  • Materials are stacked at an appropriate height, stepped back and banded appropriately

  • Materials are stored on level ground, free from debris

  • Suitable timber packing or 'dunnage' between loads allows access by the telehandler forks

  • Materials are protected from adverse weather, particularly in high winds - sandbags / straps used where required.

  • Materials are not stored underneath or in proximity of any O/H Lines

Facilities management, Fire & First Aid

  • Fire extinguishers - Are available, tested and well signed

  • Defibrillator on site and routinely checked (If available on site)

  • Fire Air Horns located on site & Operatives briefed on procedure? (Fire horns are required to be positioned in an easily accessible place and within a short walking distance)

  • Fire exits/Escape routes - Is there suitable access / egress from site for emergency vehicles if required?

  • Muster point / Assembly point present on site

  • Electrical safety checks - PAT Testing (Portable Appliance Testing) - Required every 12 months with a sticker

  • 110v or battery tools (NED Legislation only requires 110v or battery tools within confined spaces)

  • Fixed / Hard wired electrical inspections - Every 12 months with a sticker (Electrical fuse boxes within units/offices).

  • First aid kit on site, with eyewash and burns kit

  • Monthly first aid and fire checks completed- Including eye wash stations, Burns kit, fire extinguishers

Plant, Vehicles and Work Equipment

  • Is plant / machinery used on site serviced, regularly inspected and safe for use?

  • Calibration of Equipment - Valid certificates held for all appropriate equipment. Cable locator in date for calibration

Working at Height

  • Is working at height permitted on site?

  • Are Scaffold/Ladders/Steps inspected prior to use and tagged?

  • Are staff suitably trained for WAH

  • Are WAH permits issued for works

  • Housekeeping Incl Tools, Equipment Storage/Use - Tools and equipment used/stored properly. Lifting slings stored tidy, no tears, in good condition.

  • Statutory Inspections - Is Lifting equipment inspected to ensure safe prior to use? e.g. LOLER/PUWER Ensure a schedule is kept. Site must maintain a process to demonstrate that records are kept up to date for all statutory inspections such as PUWER / LOLER / Pressure systems this may be in the form of a register or similar.

  • LOTO System in place and procedure followed? Guarding and Interlock systems in place - Are all guards and interlocks in place? Are the guards secured and can't be removed without using tools? Lock Off/Tag Off/Try Out system in place, procedure followed. Staff trained in Lock Off/Tag Off/Try Out procedure and related documents. Lock Off/Tag Off/Try Out documents and training records completed correctly and available. Interlock systems in working order. Equipment locked off correctly. Key sign off book filled in correctly.

Documentation and policies

  • Principal Contractor HSE Policy - Displayed on notice board, in date and signed

  • Low Carbon SPV Policy - Displayed on notice board, in date and signed

  • Environment Policy - Displayed on notice board, in date and signed

  • Insurance Certificates - Displayed on notice board, in date and signed

  • Labour Notification - Has the labour notification been submitted and is in date?

  • Notice of First Aid / Fire Warden Reps - First aiders and fire wardens identified on site noticeboard

  • HSE Poster - Current version with details section completed

  • HSE Information Posters - Any health and safety information posters or safety campaign details.

  • Construction Phase Plan - Available on sharepoint on site

  • Site Diary - Log of daily activities maintained on site.

  • Permits to work - Hot works & Permit to dig completed and suitable for works

  • Are utility drawings on site, in date, available, legible and understood?

  • Are emergency and environmental incident response processes available on site?

  • Lone worker assessments - Do employees on site undertake lone working at any time? All staff should have a lone worker risk assessment undertaken annually. Have the risk assessment and control measures been communicated in writing to the relevant employees? Is there a suitable system in place for contacting lone workers (eg: phone call every 30 minutes), Guardian 24? Is there a system in place for checking the suitability of lone workers? (Eg: existing health problems).

  • COSHH Management - COSHH MSDS and COSHH assessments held on site as appropriate (PGS 15 Guidance when applicable)

  • Traffic Management plan - If required for works, clearly displayed and provided to contractors

  • Workplace Transport Assessment - Workplace transport assessment completed to identify people/plant interface and hazardous routes. Blind spots at junctions, poor road conditions etc.

  • Document & Record Control - Check correct versions of forms used by checking related procedure. Records kept tidy and organised well. Good filing system.

Contractor Management

  • All contractors inducted prior to works

  • Contactors RAMS on site, in date and sufficient for works

  • Contractors RAMS reviewed and signed off by contractor and PC prior to works commencing

  • Contractor RAMS signed by all operatives undertaking the work

  • Review RAMS - RAMS in date. All staff trained on MS related to their work. Are there any site specific RAMS? Choose two random tasks ask for Risk Assessments and MS to verify if it is valid, suitable and sufficient? Are control measures listed in place?

  • Contractor Insurance documents checked prior to works

  • Competency certificates checked for any high risk works - Plant operations have appropriate licenses or training

  • Toolbox Talks - Held and documented

  • Audits & safety inspections carried out on contractors works & recorded

  • Lifting Plans - Lifting plan reviewed before activity. Considers all risks including ground conditions and overhead services.

  • Provisions for International speakers

  • PPE Issue and Storage - Employees trained in its correct use and observed using it correctly. Appropriate storage area provided for PPE when not in use. PPE in suitable condition.

Internal and External Audits

  • Previous QHSE Audit - Have all non-conformances raised, been closed out with suitable actions in place to prevent re-occurrence? Have they been completed effectively?

  • Internal Prinicpal Contractor audits - Regularly completed by the main contractor and records held?

  • Report all Third Party Visits - Including Labour Inspector, HSE, EA, Planners, Quality audits, water board etc

Good Practise & Positive Observations

  • Good practise and/or positive observations

Sign Off

  • I confirm I have had the contents of this audit report explained to me and any actions have been highlighted for completion.

  • Site Manager

  • Person conducting the audit

  • Audit concluded at

Closed Actions

  • All actions highlighted have been closed by

Disclaimer & Confidentiality

  • Disclaimer
    The assessors believe the information contained within this report to be correct at the time of printing. The assessors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the assessors during the assessment and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

    Confidentiality Statement
    In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the assessment processes and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that the assessors or recipients of this document will not divulge to unauthorized persons or any information obtained unless legally obligated to do so

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.