Audit Title (In-Cab Coaching for [Driver's Name])
Driver's Name (For Final Report)
Route #
Prepared by
Conducted on
Observation Checklist
Yes = Observed and Meets Expectations
No = Needs Improvement and Additional Training
Pre-Trip Operations
Fit for Duty?
Performs Complete Pre/Post Inspections?
Performed Proper Coupling/Uncoupling?
Adjusts Seat and Mirrors?
Wears Safety Belt?
Starting, Stopping, and Parking
Smooth / No Jerking?
Covers Brake When Appropriate?
Uses 3 Point Contact to Enter and Exit the Vehicle?
Parks in a Location to Avoid Backing?
Uses 5 Backing Plan?
Leaves Space in Front When Stopping / Parking Behind Other Vehicles?
Cushion of Safety
Uses Minimum 6 Second Following Distance?
Is Aware of Surroundings?
Avoids Driving in Others' Blind Spots?
Is Aware of Own Blind Spot?
Compensates for Tailgaters?
Speed Management
Reduces Speed to 1/2 of Posted Limit on Ramps and Curves?
Adjusts Speed Based on Surroundings and Conditions?
Scans Ahead 12-14 Seconds and Looks for Hazards?
Uses Mirrors to Scan Sides of Vehicle?
Spots Potential Hazards In Time to Take Appropiate Actoins?
Leans in Seat to Improve Sight Angle?
Lane Management
Selects Proper Lane on City Streets and Expressways?
Checks Blind Spots?
Uses Directional Signals Appropriately?
Keeps Wheels Straight on Left Turns?
Obeys All Traffic Laws?
Comments and Signatures
Coach's Signature
Driver's Signature