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Scheme Of Works

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices

  • UNIT OVERVIEW:The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • work safely within the construction environment.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • understand how to source relevant safety information and use the relevant safety procedures within their organisation.

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:

  • Lesson 4 Planned For:

  • Lesson 5 Planned For:

  • Lesson 6 Planned For:

  • Lesson 7 Planned For:

  • Lesson 8 Planned For:

  • Lesson 9 Planned For:

  • Lesson 10 Planned For:

  • Lesson 11 Planned For:


Unit CC1002K: Knowledge of information, quantities and communicating with others

  • UNIT OVERVIEW:The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • work safely within the construction environment.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • understand how to source relevant safety information and use the relevant safety procedures within their organisation.

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:


Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology

  • UNIT OVERVIEW:The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge of:
    • building methods and construction technology.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to describe:
    • a range of building materials used within the construction industry
    • their suitability to the construction of modern buildings.

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:

  • Lesson 4 Planned For:

  • Lesson 5 Planned For:

  • Lesson 6 Planned For:


Unit CC1014K: Know how to carry out basic block laying skills

  • UNIT OVERVIEW:The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • interpret instructions
    • select materials,components,tools and equipment
    • to develop basic blocklaying skills.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • understand how to interpret information
    • construct basic blockwalls

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:


Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills

  • UNIT OVERVIEW:The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • interpret instructions ,to select materials, components, tools and equipment
    • develop basic bricklaying skills
    • set out,cut and build basic brick-walls up to one brick thick
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • interpret information
    • understand how to construct basic brick

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:

  • Lesson 4 Planned For:

  • Lesson 5 Planned For:

  • Lesson 6 Planned For:

Unit CC1016K: Know how to carry out basic cavity walling.

  • UNIT OVERVIEW: The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • interpret instructions and select materials, components, tools and equipment
    • construct basic cavity walling.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • interpret information
    • understand how to construct basic cavity walls.

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:


Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level

  • UNIT OVERVIEW: The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge to:
    • interpret instructions to select materials, components, tools and equipment
    • set out and build basic masonry structures up to damp course level.
    The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to:
    • interpret information in order to set out and build basic masonry structures up to damp- proof course level

  • Lesson 1 Planned For:

  • Lesson 2 Planned For:

  • Lesson 3 Planned For:

  • Lesson 4 Planned For:


Lesson Plans

Induction to the CSkills Diploma In Brickwork.

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of the course that they about to undertake.

  • 1.1 Brief outline of the course

  • 1.2 explain the appeals procedure.

  • 1.3 Explain the award and unit layout

  • 1.4 Explain the assessment procedures and methods used in this award

  • 1.5 Explain the testing methods through the synoptic practical assignments and the end of unit multiple choice question papers

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 1.1 identify key health and safety legislation relating to: health and safety at work, reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences, control of substances hazardous to health, construction, design and management, provision and use of work equipment, manual handling, personal protective equipment and working at height for construction sites.

  • 1.2 describe the key employer responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) relating to safe working environment, adequate training, health and safety information, and risk assessment and supervision

  • 1.3 describe the key employee responsibilities under HASWA relating to: working safely, working in partnership with the employer and reporting hazards and accidents

  • 1.4 explain the roles and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) including enforcement, legislation, advice and inspection

  • 1.5 identify sources of health and safety information including HSE, ConstructionSkills, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (RSPH)

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 1.6 describe when legislation requires them to contact the HSE

  • 1.7 identify the need for enforcing stringent guidelines in health and safety

  • 1.8 explain the importance of controlling on- site safety inductions and toolbox talks

  • 1.9 describe the need for Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) testing

  • 1.10 describe the requirements involved in obtaining a skill card under the CSCS scheme

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 2.1 identify major types of emergencies in the workplace including fires, bombs and security alerts

  • 2.2 state the key legislation for reporting accidents

  • 2.3 describe the types of injuries, diseases and occurrences in the workplace relevant to current legislation

  • 2.4 identify the main types of accident-and- emergency records including the accident book, first-aid records, organisational records and documentation

  • 2.5 explain the importance of accident recording

  • 2.6 identify the difference between major and minor injuries

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 2.7 identify the meaning of a near miss

  • 2.8 list the key accident trends within the UK building industry

  • 2.9 describe the cost to the employer of the most common types of accidents and injuries including poor company image, loss of production, insurance, closure of site and sickness pay

  • 2.10 list authorised persons including first aiders, supervisors, safety officers, HSE, managers and emergency services

  • 2.11 list the basic requirements of a first-aid box

  • 2.12 state the actions to be taken when discovering an accident including area made safe, call for help and emergency services

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 5

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 3.1 state the importance of good housekeeping

  • 3.2 identify the purpose of risk assessments including forms, method statements, near-miss reports and hazard books

  • 3.3 identify the purpose of method statements

  • 3.4 identify why a near miss needs to be reported

  • 3.5 list major types of hazard in the workplace including fires, tripping, chemical spills, falling from height, burns and electrical

  • 3.6 state the importance of correct storage of combustibles and chemicals on sites

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 6

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 4.1 list the requirements of welfare facilities including adequate toilets and washing facilities

  • 4.2 identify the health effects of noise and know the appropriate precautions including PPE and isolation

  • 4.3 identify various substances hazardous to health under The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) and identify appropriate precautions as 4.2 above

  • 4.4 identify the importance of personal hygiene

  • 4.5 explain the types of hazard linked with drugs and alcohol including alcoholism, prescription drugs and drug/substance abuse

  • 4.6 list possible consequences of health risks in the workplace including dermatitis, skin cancer, infection, eye damage, head injury, cuts, leptospirosis, burns, hearing damage and respiratory failure

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 7

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 5.1 describe procedures for safe lifting

  • 5.2 explain the importance of using site safety equipment including edge protection, safety nets, harness and lanyard, fall bags and barriers

  • 5.3 identify the key legislation relating to manual handling, provision and use of work equipment, control of hazardous substances and lifting operations and lifting equipment that governs the safe handling of materials and equipment including plaster board, bagged plaster, bagged cement, fluids, treated timber, untreated timber, bricks, blocks, bagged and loose aggregates, pressurised painting vessels and equipment, compressed air and hydraulic powered equipment, and power tools

  • 5.4 describe the importance of waste control procedures in the workplace

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 8

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 6.1 identify safe methods of use and appropriate component parts of working platforms

  • 6.2 identify good practice methods in the use of stepladders, ladders, extension ladders, trestles and proprietary tower scaffolding

  • 6.3 identify component parts of ladders and extension ladders, trestles and proprietary tower scaffolding

  • 6.4 identify the dangers of working at height including to the general public, to employees, head injury, falling from height, materials and objects falling from height

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 9

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 7.1 identify precautions to be taken to avoid risk to themselves and others

  • 7.2 state the dangers associated with electricity including burns, electrocution and fire

  • 7.3 state the effects of an electric shock

  • 7.4 identify the different voltages to be used

  • 7.5 explain the need for colour coding of cables and wiring including live, neutral and earth colours

  • 7.6 explain the requirements for safe site working with voltages of 110, 240 and 415V

  • 7.7 state the importance of correctly storing electrical equipment

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 10

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 8.1 identify the types of PPE used in the workplace including hard hat, face mask, eye shield, breathing apparatus, dust mask, hi-vis jackets, steel toecap boots, ear defenders, gloves, sun protection, barrier cream and clothing

  • 8.2 state the importance of correct storage and maintenance of PPE

  • 8.3 describe the importance of using PPE

  • 8.4 state the legislation governing PPE including control of hazardous substances, provision and use of work equipment, head protection and PPE

  • 8.5 identify the purposes of PPE

  • 8.6 describe the possible consequences, as listed in 4.6 above, of not using PPE

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 11

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 9.1 list the three elements essential to creating and sustaining a fire, i.e. oxygen, fuel and heat

  • 9.2 explain how a fire can spread

  • 9.3 identify methods of fire prevention

  • 9.4 identify different types of fire extinguisher and their uses including Water: organic fires; Foam: liquid and organic fires; CO2: electrical fires; Dry powder: electrical, liquids

  • 9.5 state action to be taken on discovering a fire

  • 9.6 state the fire evacuation procedures including clearing exits and moving to assembly areas

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 11

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware of health and safety and the importance of health and safety.

  • 10.1 list the appropriate safety signs for the workplace including prohibition, mandatory, warning and safe condition

  • 10.2 Describe to the class what the signs look like and give examples of each

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1001K: Know how to carry out safe working practices lesson 12

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1002K: Knowledge of information, quantities and communicating with others Lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 1.1 explain why documentation must be looked after and stored carefully

  • 1.2 identify basic symbols from working drawings including scales 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 and 1:100

  • 1.3 identify the appropriate scale to be used with a range of drawings

  • 1.4 select information from simple location drawings and specification

  • 1.5 select information from basic generic type of work schedules in general use

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1002K: Knowledge of information, quantities and communicating with others Lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 2.1 identify the basic methods used to calculate quantities of material including linear and perimeter in metres and millimetres

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1002K: Knowledge of information, quantities and communicating with others Lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 3.1 list the basic requirements for recording a message including date, time, content and contact name and details

  • 3.2 use relevant information to ensure that communication is clear, including policies, procedures, site rules and organisational documentation

  • 3.3 describe positive and negative communication

  • 3.4 describe the benefits of effective communication

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1002K: Knowledge of information, quantities and communicating with others Lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 1.1 state the purpose of a datum level used in construction relating to: roads, brick courses, paths, excavation and finished floor levels

  • 1.2 list the materials used in concrete foundations and floors

  • 1.3 identify the reason for the use of damp- proof membrane (DPM) and damp-proof course (DPC)

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 2.1 explain the need for half-brick bonding

  • 2.2 state the reason for the use of a cavity wall construction

  • 2.3 explain why tie wires and lintels are used in the construction of a house

  • 2.4 name the methods used for mixing mortar to the required strength

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 3.1 identify appropriate roof fixings including straps, hangers and non-corrosive fixings

  • 3.2 state methods of roofing construction including traditional, modern, flat and pitched

  • 3.3 identify the reason for a wall plate

  • 3.4 state the purpose of wall plate straps

  • 3.5 describe the purpose of roof components including ridge, purlin, firings, batten, tile, fascia, wall plate, bracings, felt, slate, flashings and soffit

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 4 DRAWING TECHNOLOGY

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 1.1 sketch a basic cross-section of strip foundation and concrete floor

  • 1.2 sketch the different types of foundation found in domestic buildings including strip and raft concrete floor slab

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 5 DRAWING TECHNOLOGY

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 2.1 sketch types of brick bonding including stretcher, English walling and Flemish walling

  • 2.2 sketch typical cross-sections of external walling including cavity, load bearing and solid

  • 2.3 sketch typical cross-sections of internal walling including blockwork, timber and batten, and metal stud partition

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 6 DRAWING TECHNOLOGY

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on how to communicate, calculate quantities of materials

  • 3.1 sketch basic roof components including ridge, purlin, firings, batten, tile, fascia, wall plate, bracings, felt, slate, flashings and soffit

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1003K: Knowledge of building methods and construction technology Lesson 7

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1014K: Know how to carry out basic blocklaying skills lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 1.1 interpret working drawings related to blocklaying workshop activities

  • 1.2 describe scales commonly applied to drawings used in blocklaying workshop

  • 1.3 identify hazards associated with laying blocks and forming joint finishes

  • 1.4 list a range of information sources

  • 1.5 describe methods of reporting inaccuracies in information sources

  • 1.6 identify the resources required for erecting block walling and forming joint finish

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1014K: Know how to carry out basic blocklaying skills lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 2.1 identify location of position blocks, mortar and components, ready for use

  • 2.2 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 2.3 describe method of establishing bonds for block walling

  • 2.4 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing block walling

  • 2.5 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting blockwork

  • 2.6 identify safe working practices when erecting walling at height

  • 2.7 state sequence of work and recommend heights of walling constructed at any one time

  • 2.8 state reasons for carrying out checks to confirm that work conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1014K: Know how to carry out basic blocklaying skills lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 3.1 identify location of position blocks, mortar and components, ready for use

  • 3.2 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 3.3 describe method of establishing bonds for block walling

  • 3.4 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing block walling

  • 3.5 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting blockwork

  • 3.6 identify safe working practices when erecting walling at height

  • 3.7 state sequence of work and recommended heights of walling constructed at any one time

  • 3.8 state reasons for carrying out checks to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1014K: Know how to carry out basic blocklaying skills lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 1

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 1.1 interpret working drawings related to bricklaying workshop activities

  • 1.2 describe scales commonly applied to drawings used in bricklaying workshop including 1:20, 1:10, 1:5, 1:2, 1:1

  • 1.3 identify hazards associated with laying bricks and forming joint finishes

  • 1.4 list a range of information sources including workshop drawings and instructions, symbols and hatchings, workshop safety rules

  • 1.5 describe methods of reporting inaccuracies in information sources: written communication and verbal communication

  • 1.6 identify the resources required for erecting brick walling and forming joint finish

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 2.1 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 2.2 describe method of establishing bonds for straight brick walling

  • 2.3 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing half brick walling

  • 2.4 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting brickwork

  • 2.5 state reasons for carrying out checks to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions: materials to ensure they meet the specification for the task and are free from defects; tools to ensure they are maintained appropriately and are safe to use; and the availability and appropriate maintenance of PPE

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 3.1 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 3.2 describe method of establishing bonds for return corners

  • 3.3 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing half-brick walling

  • 3.4 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting brickwork

  • 3.5 state reasons for carrying out checks, as in 2.5 above, to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 4.1 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 4.2 describe method of establishing bonds for one-brick walling

  • 4.3 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing one-brick walling

  • 4.4 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting brickwork

  • 4.5 state reasons for carrying out checks, as in 2.5 above, to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 5

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 5.1 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 5.2 describe method of establishing bonds for return corners

  • 5.3 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing one-brick walling

  • 5.4 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting brickwork

  • 5.5 state reasons for carrying out checks, as in 2.5 above, to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 6

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

    To make learners aware on the theory behind laying blocks.

  • 6.1 identify methods of cutting and preparing components by hand

  • 6.2 describe method of establishing bonds for junctions

  • 6.3 identify correct use of hand tools and equipment when constructing junctions

  • 6.4 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting brickwork and blockwork

  • 6.5 state reasons for carrying out checks, as in 2.5 above, to confirm that work undertaken conforms to given instructions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1015K: Know how to carry out basic bricklaying skills lesson 6

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1016K: Know how to carry out basic cavity walling lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. know how to select the required quantity and quality of resources to construct cavity walling and form joint finishes

  • 1.1 identify the resources required for erecting cavity walling and forming joint finish

  • 1.2 identify the working characteristics of the resources required for constructing cavity walling: correct type of brick and block e.g. clay, concrete, sand lime, common, and facing brick; use of lightweight insulation and dense concrete blocks; personal protective equipment (PPE) as required for the task

  • 1.3 identify ways of carrying out checks on resources required for constructing cavity walling: materials to ensure they meet the specification for the task and are free from defects, tools to ensure they are maintained appropriately and are safe to use and the availability and appropriate maintenance of PPE

  • 1.4 identify type, size and position of walling materials, components, tools and equipment

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1016K: Know how to carry out basic cavity walling lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 2. know how to construct cavity walling straight lengths and form joint finishes to working instructions)

  • 2.1 set out cavity walls, position bricks, blocks, mortar and components ready for use

  • 2.2 identify tools and equipment used to transfer datum heights

  • 2.3 identify methods used to transfer datum heights

  • 2.4 identify methods of cutting components by hand

  • 2.5 state methods of erecting basic cavity walling to given datum heights

  • 2.6 describe methods for the provision of damp-proof barriers

  • 2.7 describe method of establishing face bonds for walling

  • 2.8 describe reasons for the use of broken bond

  • 2.9 describe methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting basic cavity walling

  • 2.10 identify appropriate methods of keeping cavities clean

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1016K: Know how to carry out basic cavity walling lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 3. know how to construct cavity walling return corners and form joint finishes to working instructions

  • 3.1 identify tools and equipment and methods used to transfer datum heights

  • 3.2 identify methods of cutting components by hand

  • 3.3 describe methods for the provision of damp-proof barriers

  • 3.4 describe methods of establishing face bonds for walling

  • 3.5 describe broken bond

  • 3.6 describe the methods used to maintain industrial standards when erecting basic cavity walling

  • 3.7 state the types, uses, methods and limitations of producing joint finishes to brick and block walling

  • 3.8 identify appropriate methods of keeping cavities clean

  • 3.9 describe the function of wall ties

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1016K: Know how to carry out basic cavity walling lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level lesson 1

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. know how to interpret given instructions to establish setting out work to be carried out

  • 1.1 describe the type of drawings and conventions commonly used

  • 1.2 describe the purpose of different types of drawing

  • 1.3 state scales commonly applied to drawing

  • 1.4 describe methods of reading and taking measurements from drawings

  • 1.5 list a range of information sources

  • 1.6 describe methods of reporting inaccuracies in information sources

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level lesson 2

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 2. know how to select required quantity and quality of resources when assisting in the setting out and building of basic masonry structures

  • 2.1 identify the resources required for carrying out setting out and building activities

  • 2.2 identify the resources required for transferring levels

  • 2.3 identify ways of carrying out checks on resources used for levelling

  • 2.4 state the reasons for site clearance, before setting out activities commence

  • 2.5 state the reasons for locating existing services before setting out activities commence

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level lesson 3

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 3. know how to assist in the setting out and building of basic masonry structures to working drawings

  • 3.1 state the importance of setting out building in correct location

  • 3.2 state the purpose and importance of the building line

  • 3.3 identify methods used for setting out right- angled corners

  • 3.4 describe the importance of dimensional accuracy

  • 3.5 identify methods used to transfer levels from datum: laser level, straight-edge, spirit level

  • 3.6 state reasons for, and uses of, single wall and corner type profiles

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level lesson 4

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long

  • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 3. know how to assist in the setting out and building of basic masonry structures to working drawings

  • 3.7 describe methods of accurately locating walling and trench positions onto single wall and corner type profiles using information from block plan, site plan and drawings, building line/north point and corner positions along the building line

  • 3.8 state reasons for allowing working space between profiles and excavation

  • 3.9 state the purpose of datum heights

  • 3.10 explain the importance of protecting setting out work

  • 3.11 explain how setting out information is transferred onto foundation concrete

  • 3.12 state reasons for carrying out regular checks to confirm that setting out and building work conforms to instructions

  • 3.13 describe the importance of following correct procedures when reporting errors or other circumstances which may affect programme of work

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

Unit CC1017K: Know how to contribute to setting out and building basic masonry structures up to damp course level lesson 5

  • This Lesson Is Planned For: The session is 1hr 30mins long


  • Explain the rules to the learners get declaration forms signed and dated

  • Learners to sit exams under exam conditions

  • Assessor to sign when complete.

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