Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Maintenance Preparation

  • Please record the time and date of the maintenance being carried out

  • who is carrying out the maintenance

  • please take a picture of the required isolation certificate to carry out this task

Inspection of parts

  • check condition of hammers

  • please take a photo of worn Hammers

  • please record what action you have taken for the hammers

  • if the hammers require changing please list the amount you have taken out of stock and re fitted

  • check the condition of the cages and chains

  • if the cages and chains are damaged please take a photo

  • please record the amount of cages replaced

  • please record the amount of top chains you have replaced

  • please record the amount of bottom chains you have replaced

  • please clean the sprayer nozzle

Shaker inspection Mill B shaker A top screen

  • Take a photo of the screen prior to cleaning

  • please clean the screen and take a photo of the screen clean

  • Does the screen have any holes or rips

  • Have you replaced the screen

Mill B shaker A bottom screen

  • Take a photo of the screen prior to cleaning

  • Please clean the screen and taken a photo of the screen cleaned

  • Does the screen have any holes or rips/damage

  • Have you replaced the screen

Mill B shaker A Belly

  • please take a photo of the belly prior to cleaning

  • please remove any build up of the shaker belly and clean all off the belly

  • please inspect the integrity of the shaker and record if there is any damages

  • please take a photo of the damage

  • please record who you have reported the damages to

  • please inspect the 8 wire supports

  • please record who you have reported this issue to and DONT USE UNTILL REPAIRED

Mill B shaker A perishables

  • check the frames and are all section intact

  • please replace all worn balls as required and record the amount replaced

  • please check that all rubbers are in place

  • please record the amount of rubbers replaced

  • check that all mesh clips are in a serviceable condition

  • please record the amount of clips replaced from stock

  • are all top frame clamps in place

  • how many have been replaced

Mill A shaker B inspection

Shaker inspection Mill B shaker B top screen

  • Take a photo of the screen prior to cleaning

  • please clean the screen and take a photo of the screen clean

  • Does the screen have any holes or rips

  • Have you replaced the screen

Mill B shaker B bottom screen

  • Take a photo of the screen prior to cleaning

  • Please clean the screen and taken a photo of the screen cleaned

  • Does the screen have any holes or rips/damage

  • Have you replaced the screen

Mill B shaker B Belly

  • please take a photo of the belly prior to cleaning

  • please remove any build up of the shaker belly and clean all off the belly

  • please inspect the integrity of the shaker and record if there is any damages

  • please take a photo of the damage

  • please record who you have reported the damages to

  • please inspect the 8 wire supports

  • please record who you have reported this issue to and DONT USE UNTILL REPAIRED

Mill B shaker B perishables

  • check the frames and are all section intact

  • please replace all worn balls as required and record the amount replaced

  • please check that all rubbers are in place

  • how many rubbers have been replaced

  • check that all mesh clips are in a serviceable condition

  • please record the amount of clips replaced from stock

  • are all top frame clamps in place

  • how many have been replaced

  • Please take check the rubber socks under the shakers are are they intact

  • if damaged please record the amount replaced from stock

  • Please take a photo of the floor underneath the mill

  • please brush all under the mill and taken a photo

  • please record the time and date from when you finished the audit

  • please sign to say all the above information is correct and has all been carried

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.