Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Summary

SHE System

  • 1. Teams have been trained in SHE Management System

    * Completed induction records
    * Records sent to HR and/or learning @graincorp
    * E Learn modules completed

    No Action:
    * New worker inductions not complete.
    * Workers have been engaged without completing induction and training.
    * No 'Blue Book' sign off sent to 'Learning@GrainCorp'.

    In Progress:
    * Harvest inductions underway, program developed.
    * Evidence of 'Blue Book' records completed, not all complete and sent to 'Learning@GrainCorp'

    * All harvest induction records complete and received by HR by set date (to be confirmed with HR).
    * No workers have been engaged without completing induction and training.
    * All 'Blue Book's' Complete and sent to 'Learning@GrainCorp'

Policies & Responsibilities

  • 2. SHE Policies must be communicated at least annually and displayed on noticeboards.

    * Toolbox Talk (needs to include a note of attendees). Noticeboard is up-to-date with current relevant polices
    * Recently communicated Policies displayed on safety notice board

    No Action:
    * Annual policy/procedure communication program not developed.
    * Policies/Procedures not displayed on 'Notice Board'

    In Progress
    * Annual policy/procedure communication plan developed and communicated to Site Leaders.
    * Percentage of completion should reflect a progressive score towards 100% e.g. 5 of 10 procedures communicated to all workers would equal 50% complete.
    * Policies/Procedures not current

    * Annual policy/procedure communication plan on track with 100% sign off by workers.
    * TBT communication records of policies/procedures available
    * All documents displayed on Notice Board are current.

Legal & Other Requirements

  • 3. Legal and other requirements understood by line managers for items relative to their site.

    * Legal Registers populated by SHE Team.
    * Site leaders are aware of aspects that affect their site operations (e.g. waste dust, pest control, noise, trade waste agreements etc.)
    * Sites that have Environment Protection Licence have implemented licence controls and reporting

    No Action:
    * Site Leader not aware of site related aspects
    * Aspects controls not implemented
    * Trade waste agreements not developed with local councils
    * No waste disposal records

    In Progress:
    * Site Management can describe the purpose of the register and how to use it to identify site related aspects and impacts.
    * Trade waste agreements in place where required
    * Not all records available in relation to site Aspects (e.g. waste, Trade Waste monitoring, controls etc.)

    * Site Management has identified and communicated all relevant aspects and impacts to site team.
    * Evaluation of compliance for each identified aspect has been completed by site management.
    * All records available in relation to site Aspects (e.g. waste, Trade Waste monitoring, controls etc.)

Hazard ID & Assessment

  • 4. All employees trained in site Hazard ID and site risk management systems/procedures and SWI's

    * Annual risk management training records
    * SWI Competency assessments
    * Online training module records


    No Action:
    * On-line module/s not completed
    * SWI competency assessments not completed
    * F2F Mini WRAC training not completed

    In Progress:
    * Not all employees have completed On-line module/s, insert percentage of site personnel completed.
    * SWI competency assessments underway, can produce records of completed documents
    * F2F Mini Wrac training completed not all records available

    * All employees have completed On-line module/s relating to risk management, can be verified by Learning at GrainCorp
    * All SWI competency assessments completed and sent to controlling authority (HR or Learning?)
    * All F2F Mini Wrac training completed, records available

  • 5. Hazards for area have been identified, risk assessed and entered into SafeGuard.<br><br>Hazard checked against Risk Register to ensure consistency of controls.<br><br>New Hazards communicated to SHE Manager for inclusion in Risk Register

    * Site Hazards are identified, recorded in SafeGuard
    * controls implemented and actions closed

    No Action:
    * Daily toolbox talks not completed showing new hazards are communicated.
    * Safety Alerts not signed off.
    * No Safeguard entries for new 'Hazards'
    * No records of communication of new hazards to relevant stakeholders (site team, Regional Management and SHEM) Toolbox talks implemented missing some records

    In Progress:
    * Safety alerts signed off, some workers missing or not all alerts signed off by due date
    * Not all new hazards recorded in SafeGuard
    * Some records of communication to relevant stakeholders (site team, Regional Management and SHEM)

    * Toolbox talks conducted each day, sign off on TBT by all people present on site
    * All Safety Alerts Signed off within 7 days by all employees
    * New hazards reported in SafeGuard and controls communicated to relevant stakeholders (site team, Regional Management and SHEM)

  • 6. Risk assessment culture embedded to ensure ongoing application of the hazard ID & risk assessment process

    * Review completed and planned risk assessments for current month

    * Change management not implemented
    * Annual review program for SWI's not developed (see comment in 28C)

    In Progress:
    * Change Management records available for current projects
    * Can produce records of SWI reviews according to schedule

    * All change management closed off for all completed projects
    * All risk reviews up to date with schedule

  • 7. The Mini Wrac/JSA/SWI/Take5 Process is used if no Safe Operating Procedure/Instruction exists

    * Review of Mini Wrac/JSA/SWI/Take5 book. Note quality.

    No Action:
    * Mini WRACs not completed

    In Progress:
    * Mini WRACs completed for non-routine tasks

    * Mini WRAC records available showing sign off by workers

Management Plans

  • 8. Top 3 Hazards Identified and SHE Improvement Plans for these developed AND actively managed. Also needs to include improvement planning for significant risks.

    * Improvement Plans communicated and reviewed by team, SHE Representative & committee.

    No Action:
    * No plan developed

    In Progress:
    * Plan developed and communicated to region/port.
    * Plan identifies regional port areas of concern.
    * Top 3 Hazards and Significant risks controls and improvements are identified and communicated through Regional Meetings and SHE Committees

    * Plan under way with regular feedback and monitoring through SHE Committees and regional/port management meetings

Operational Control

  • 9. Operational controls identified in SWI's and legal registers must be in place to effectively control/manage risk.

    * Operational control standards and SWI's are readily available for High Risk work.
    Review understanding & effectiveness of operational controls that are in place & correlate to SHE Risk & Aspects Register’s

    No Action:
    * Individual competency assessment not completed

    In Progress:
    * Individual competency assessments initiated and underway.
    * Plan developed to complete assessments over time (training assessment matrix)

    * Individual Competency assessments completed to schedule.

  • 10. WRAC/SWI/Work Permits (PTW’s) used for relevant high risk work including confined space entry, control of hot work, working at heights etc.

    * WRAC/SWI/Work Permits (PTW’s) consistently utilised for non-routine work
    * Review quality of completed WRAC/SWI/Work Permits (PTW’s)

    No Action:
    * Permits to work not completed
    * No records available

    In Progress:
    * Permits to work in place and operational.
    * Records are available.
    * Permits to work in use and available at site of task

    * All permits to work signed off and closed
    * Quality control review process in place by Site Leaders to review PTW's and ensure correct processes are followed.

  • 11. Employees have been trained and apply LOTO properly.

    * Review of training records
    * Task observations of LOTO being applied

    No Action:
    * Isolation of energy and LOTO process not applied.
    * No training plan to ensure competency.

    In Progress:
    * LOTO training rolled out to workers.
    * Competency assessment records available and recorded with HR or Learning?

    * All relevant workers trained in LOTO process.
    * LOTO process in use at site of task.
    * Refresher Training completed each 2 years


  • 12. SWI's used for training for high risk tasks.

    * Training records available including competency assessments
    * Risk registers record SWI/WRAC Number

    No Action:
    * No training records
    * Toolbox talks not recorded

    In Progress:
    * Individual competency assessments initiated and underway.
    * Plan developed to complete assessments over time (training assessment matrix)

    * Training Matrix implemented
    * Training schedule maintained

  • 13. Training needs analysis completed and forward training plan in place and being followed

    * Training needs analysis, forward training plan and training records

    No Action:
    * No training needs assessment completed
    * No training matrix developed

    In Progress:
    * Training needs assessment complete
    * Training Matrix complete with role descriptions and workers training plan developed
    * Some gaps in training identified (not all completed to schedule, can show action plan to rectify)

    * Training Matrix implemented
    * Training schedule maintained

Communication and Consultation

  • 14. SENTIS Safety Day Boards Displayed and effectively used. Where these are not practical then the minimum standard is the Notice Board Pack

    * SENTIS Ref Guide being followed.
    * References to Mateship

    No Action:
    * No Sentis Board displayed
    * No Notice Board Pack

    In Progress:
    * Sentis board not up to date.
    * Notice board not up to date, missing standard items.

    * Sentis board up to date, actively used to communicate safety messages, focuses on 'Mateship'.
    * Notice board complete, information up to date.

  • 15. All team members have attended ZIP toolkit sessions (rewording to ensure everyone attends)

    * Review attendance, and evidence of "mateship” included in content

    No Action:
    * ZIP toolkit not implemented

    In Progress:
    * ZIP Toolkit in place

    * ZIP toolkit roll out includes focus on mateship

  • 16. A SHE Committee meeting has been held within the past month and minutes have been communicated to those who did not attend.

    * Minutes and diary Note of communication.

    No Action:
    * No records of communication of safety committee actions

    In Progress:
    * Safety committee actions communicated and displayed

    * Safety communication includes SHEGC minutes and lessons learned from other regions.
    * SHE Committee Members names on display in the workplace

  • 17. Employee Reps involved with trend improvement/risk reduction activities

    * Review the quality of projects and correlated to risk assessments and / or issues raised

    No Action:
    * No records of communication of safety committee actions

    In Progress:
    * Safety committee actions communicated and displayed

    * Safety communication includes SHEGC minutes and lessons learned from other regions.
    * SHE Committee Members names on display in the workplace

  • 18. Employee Reps involved in Department's SHE Leadership Review

    * Rep in attendance during review.

    No Action:
    * No records of communication of safety committee actions

    In Progress:
    * Safety committee actions communicated and displayed

    * Safety communication includes SHEGC minutes and lessons learned from other regions.
    * SHE Committee Members names on display in the workplace

Emergency Response & Crisis Management

  • 19. First aid services are made available for all injuries from trained first aider.

    * Review of SHE notification reports

    No Action:
    * No first aiders appointed
    * No First aid equipment available

    In Progress:
    * First aiders appointed
    * First aid equipment available

    * First Aiders training up to date.
    * First aid equipment regularly inspected.
    * Identity of first aiders communicated and known by workers.

  • 20. Fire and Emergency Controllers appointed and trained and displayed in work area.<br><br>There is currently no legislated compulsory Warden training. However Nationally recognised training is the easiest way to provide skills to Wardens.<br><br>A legal requirement is that a persons are responsible for emergency response.

    * Review of training register.
    * Adequate drills have taken place with actions/outcomes identified

    No Action:
    * No Fire and Emergency Controllers appointed
    * No emergency equipment or evacuation plans

    In Progress:
    * Regions/Ports have identified their Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) and developed their emergency response plans, including the level of training to be provided to respond to emergencies
    * Fire and Emergency Controllers appointed
    * Emergency response equipment is available that meets potential emergencies
    * Annual emergency response training planned

    * EPC meets at least annually to keep under review the Regional/Ports emergency plans, practices, response capability and training.
    * Fire and Emergency Controllers Appointed
    * Emergency equipment is adequate to meet potential emergencies
    * Annual evacuation exercise completed
    * Annual additional emergency response training completed for:
    * environmental emergencies
    * confined space rescue
    * safe evacuation of personnel

Non Conformance, Corrective & Preventative Action

  • 21. Incidents reported as they occur, and coordinator assesses the risk at point of occurrence, with the employee, to complete injury notification.<br>

    * Review of hard copy SHE Incident Notification (hand written by the notifying employee)

    No Action:
    * Safeguards not raised
    * Basic information not complete
    * No incident review

    In Progress:
    * Safeguard reports raised
    * Information complete
    * Incident Investigations commenced where required

    * Safeguard reports closed off
    * Information complete
    * Investigations closed off

  • 22. Incident investigations completed within 48 hours.<br><br>Changes to time-frames will need to be defined once the new Taproot system is deployed and changes made to the Incident Investigation procedures and processes

    * Review investigation documents and risk register

    No Action:
    * Safeguards not raised
    * Basic information not complete
    * No incident review

    In Progress:
    * Safeguard reports raised
    * Information complete
    * Incident Investigations commenced where required

    * Safeguard reports closed off
    * Information complete
    * Investigations closed off

  • 23. Corrective Actions closed out on time.<br><br>'On time' needs to be clarified to enable this to be measured and reported

    * Review of corrective actions in RIVO.

    No Action:
    * No corrective actions recorded
    * No responsible person nominated

    In Progress:
    * Corrective actions agreed
    * Review of controls planned
    * Responsible person nominated
    * % of corrective actions closed out

    * 100% Corrective actions closed out by due date
    * Review of controls complete
    * Monitored through SHE Committee

  • 24. Corrective Actions effectiveness reviewed

    * Evidence that corrective actions have controlled the risk and not introduced new hazards

    No Action:
    * No corrective actions recorded
    * No responsible person nominated

    In Progress:
    * Corrective actions agreed
    * Review of controls planned
    * Responsible person nominated
    * % of corrective actions closed out

    * 100% Corrective actions closed out by due date
    * Review of controls complete
    * Monitored through SHE Committee

Monitor Performance

  • 25. Preventative maintenance plans in place for safety critical items of equipment (such as mobile plant, electrical equipment, lifting equipment, fire extinguishers, gas monitors, emergency equipment is etc.)

    * Review preventative maintenance schedules and records

    No Action:
    * No maintenance

    In Progress:
    * Schedule developed in SAP

    * Weekly dashboard provided to Regional management showing % of work completed

  • 26. Workplace SHE Inspection completed by Department each month (Manager with SHE Rep)

    * Review quality of Workplace Inspection actions/Corrective Actions

    No Action:
    * Site inspections not conducted

    In Progress:
    * Site inspections completed
    * Not all hazards entered in SafeGuard
    * Responsible person Nominated

    * Inspections and Corrective actions entered into SafeGuard
    * Actions closed out
    * Performance to expectations monitored and reported

  • 27. Safety Observation/ Interactions undertaken and effective rectification plans developed

    * Completed Safety Observation/ Interactions

    No Action:
    * Safety Interaction not undertaken

    In Progress:
    * Safety Interaction Program planned and communicated
    * Mechanisms in place to record observations / interactions to reinforce safe behaviour and correct at risk behaviour.

    * Safety interactions undertaken to meet schedule
    * Interactions entered in SafeGuard

  • 28. Teams trained in safety interaction / observation program rectification plans developed

    * Completed Safety Observation/ Interactions

    No Action:
    * No training in safety interactions

    In Progress:
    * Leaders trained in safety interactions

    * All Leaders training and engaged in conducting safety interactions

Injury Management

  • 29. Employees understand initial Injury Management process, absence from work reporting, immediate notification, 1st Aid, preferred medical provider, suitable duties etc.

    * Toolbox talk records

    No Action:
    * No toolbox talks completed

    In Progress:
    * Toolbox talk completed and employees have signed (including casuals). Calendar schedule in place to complete remaining.

    * Toolbox talks delivered and ALL employees have signed (including casuals)

  • 30. Injury case management - Weekly contact with employees off work, daily for employees on RTW program

    * Diary/case notes
    * Emails

    No Action:
    * No diary notes, email or other confirmed communication with worker

    In Progress:
    * Some notes available

    * Detailed notes for all cases sighted

  • 31. Plans are in place to assist all employees who are restricted in some capacity to resume the performance of their full duties.

    * Return to work plan that is current and signed by all parties

    No Action:
    * No RTW Plan in place
    * RTW Plan expired and does not cover relevant period;
    * RTW Plan not signed by worker

    In Progress:
    * RTW plan covers relevant period
    * Signed by worker +1 other party
    * RTW covers some duties performed
    * RTW considers applicable restrictions

    * RTW plan covers relevant period
    * Signed by all parties
    * RTW covers all duties performed
    * RTW considers applicable restrictions

  • 32. Ensure all employees and workers are aware of EAP services.

    * Toolbox talk conducted in the preceding 12 months.
    * EAP contact details on display in a general area/noticeboard.

    No Action:
    * No EAP information provided to workers

    In Progress:
    * EAP Toolbox talk completed

    * EAP Documents e.g. cards, etc. available to employees

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.