Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site managers have a current performance plan?(site manager has an up to date performance plan that has been approved by their one up manager).
Site supervisors and team leaders have an up to date performance plan? (site supervisors and team leaders have an up to date performance plan that cascades KPI's from the site managers performance plan and these have been reviewed by both the site manager and the incumbent).
Position descriptions are in place for all leadership positions and include specific OHS responsibilities and accountabilities?
The current safety league table and weekly FMCG safety report is communicated to the site? (the current safety league table and FMCG safety report have been printed and are displayed in a position where it is accessible to all workers).
The current corporate safety policy is displayed in the reception area and on notice boards? (the safety policy is displayed in both reception and in positions where it is accessible to all workers).
The sites safety cross is displayed and is up to date? (the site updates that safety cross daily and this includes critical KPI's etc).
Vision ZERO documentation is displayed strategically on the site? (Vision ZERO documentation including posters, banners and signs are displayed strategically around the site in positions where it is accessible to all workers).
The site has celebrated safety milestones in line with the employee rewards program? (the site can show that events have been conducted to celebrate safety milestones).
SWATS are conducted daily by site leaders and are recorded in Safety Leadership Journals and on visual management boards?
SWATS that are conducted are two way conversations that are aimed at addressing negative safety behaviors and habits as well as rewarding/recognizing positive safety behaviors?
The site has sufficient physical resources available to safely undertake work? (adequate plant and equipment Is available to safely conduct activities).
Adequate human resources are available to ensure that safety management systems can be. Effectively implemented? (the site has adequate levels of staffing to enable safety management system and other systems such as incident reporting to be implemented and maintained).
The site invests in new technologies and/or engineering controls to mitigate risk? (evidence is available to show that the hierarchy of control is considered when deciding actions to mitigate risk).
The site and it's amenities are in good, clean condition and are well maintained and presentable?
The site has adequate levels of PPE available for all employees and processes are in place to ensure that this is replaced when required? (PPE replaced on a fair wear and tear basis).
Site leadership (managers, supervisors and team leaders) can provide evidence to demonstrate that they are regularly auditing to ensure that safety procedures and protocols are being adhered to? (Visual management, third party checklists, COR driver declarations, etc).
Site leadership can provide evidence to demonstrate that safety is a key consideration that is taken into account prior to accepting new business or modifying existing contractural arrangements?
Site leadership can provide evidence to demonstrate that they are active in safety discussions such as toolbox meetings and safety committees?
Site leadership has a process in place for reviewing visual management to ensure that all tasks and activities are undertaken at the necessary intervals?
During the site walk around no unsafe behaviors, activities, conditions or equipment were observed?
The site has an up to date safety plan in place that has been developed using the LIN0003 template?
The sites safety plan has been tabled at the safety committee meeting and is included on the agenda as a standard item?
The site safety plan is reviewed at each safety committee meeting an is updated accordingly?
The sites safety plan includes specific safety related goals and targets? Responsibilities and timeframes for these targets are allocated?
The site has an up to date risk register that has been tabled at the safety committee meeting and is included as a standard agenda item and all items are prioritised according to risk?
All items on the sites risk register have been risk assessed and have actions in place to mitigate the risks?
HSR's and/or employees are involved in the risk assessment and hazard identification process?
The site has an up to date Asbestos register that includes the location, condition, and types of Asbestos containing materials that are present at the location?
The site has an up to date task register that includes all activities conducted at the site?
All items on the sites task register have been subject to a task analysis (risk assessment) process?
The site has a process in place to ensure that all task analysis (risk assessment) are reviewed at a minimum every two years or when there is a change to the task, the equipment used to perform the task or the environment where the task is carried out?
A Safe Working Procedure has been developed to coincide with all activities listed on the sites task register?
The site has a process in place to ensure that these SWP's are reviewed at a minimum every two years or when there is a change to the related task?
The site has an up to date plant and equipment register that includes all items of plant and equipment?
All items included on the plant and equipment register have been assessed for risk and these risk assessments have been retained by the site?
The site has a process in place to ensure that all plant and equipment risk assessments are reviewed at a minimum every two years or when there is a change to the plant or equipment, the process or way in which it is used or the environment where it is used?
The site has a process in place for reviewing the effectiveness of any controls implemented? (review of risk controls on sharepoint).
The site conducts monthly workplace safety inspections and involves HSR's and employees in the process?
Workplace safety inspections are documented and identified issues are added to the sites risk register or where appropriate, a hazard or near miss form is completed or an incident report is raised?
Weekly toolbox talks are conducted and employee attendance at toolbox meeting is recorded and retained by the site? (safety leadership journal toolbox topics where applicable).
The site has a documented visual management process in place that defines specific tasks that are to be undertaken, who is responsible for these tasks and the intervals at which they are to be conducted?
All applicable employees on the site have been provided with "red book" induction training? (red book induction training is included on the sites training matrix and evidence of training is retained).
The site has an induction process in place for all workers, contractors and visitors to the site and evidence of these inductions is reatined?
The sites induction process covers:<br>-emergency procedures,<br>-site specific safety rules,<br>-injury and incident reporting requirements,<br>-MHE and vehicle access and traffic information,<br>-pedestrian access and traffic information,<br>-site specific risk and controls that are in place,<br>-the corporate safety policy.
The sites induction conveys the consequences of unsafe acts or behaviors ( driver behavior policy, disciplinary process etc)?
Site managers have attended safety training (leading towards vision zero etc)?
Site supervisors and team leaders have attended safety training? (leading towards vision zero etc).
The site has an up to date training matrix which includes all current employees (including agency, contractors etc) and all training requirements/competencies?
The site has an up to date training needs analysis which includes all current employees (including agency, contractors etc) and the competencies they require to be able to safely perform their duties (including any gaps in competency)?
The site has an up to date training plan that includes all current employees, outlines required competencies for Individuals and when they will receive the required training?
The site has a process for capturing evidence of all training that is conducted?
The site retains evidence of all high risk (MHE, heavy vehicle) licenses for all individuals on the site. All copies of licenses are current and legible and a process is in place to monitor expiration dates?
All employees receive training in safe working procedures as identified by the specific employees requirements on the sites training matrix and evidence of this training is retained by the site?
Competency based assessments accompany training in safe working procedures and this is signed off by appropriate personnel (workplace trainers, buddy trainers, LOT)?
The site retains evidence of training for all first aid qualified employees?
The site retains evidence of training for all fire wardens/emergency response team members?
The site retains evidence of training for all HSR's?
Employees at the site receive specific training in relation to items such as Asbestos containing materials ( A.C.M.) and dangerous goods where they are present at the site? Where present, appropriate labelling is in place to identify these substances/items?
Employees receive training in specific quality processes including HACCP, AQIS, product contamination and general product quality where any of these items are required?
Disciplinary action is taken when there are deviations from safe working practices?
The site has established designated workgroups that are based on shift structure, job type or area?
Health and safety representatives have been elected to represent workers on matters relating to health and safety?
The site has an established safety committee (or a suitable alternative consultative forum)?
The sites OHS committee meets monthly based on a schedule that is displayed in a location where it is accessible to all workers?
Minutes are taken at all OHS committee meetings and the latest minutes are displayed in a location where they are accessible to all workers?
All personnel (including contractors, agency etc) are aware of the issue resolution process and a current copy is displayed in a location where it is accessible to all workers?
Toolbox topics/Safety alerts are displayed in a position where they are accessible to all workers?
A process is in place to ensure that workers and contractors are consulted when there is a change to work practices?
Emergency management
The site has an emergency management plan that identifies all potential emergencies (fire, explosion, gas leak, extreme weather, bushfire, earthquake, etc)?
The sites emergency management plan has been reviewed within the last twelve months and has been signed off by the safety committee?
The site has an emergency control team established with the number of wardens based on the size, layout, location and the risk profile of the site?
All fire wardens and/or emergency response team members have received training that is appropriate to their position and responsibilities?
Evacuation maps are on display in various positions where they are accessible to all workers and clearly identify current location?
An up to date list of emergency wardens is displayed in locations where it is accessible to all workers?
Emergency evacuation drills are executed at least twice per annum and a debrief is conducted in order to identify areas for improvement? These debriefs are documented and evidence is retained?
The site has specific detailed processes for dealing with hazardous items such as Asbestos, Chemical spills, gas leaks, etc where issues could occur related to these substances/conditions? Where these incidents could occur, appropriate equipment such as spill kits are available and maintained?
The is a current BCP (business continuity plan) in place for the site?
Fire extinguishers, fire hose reels, emergency exits etc, are clearly identified using appropriate signage?
Regular alarm testing is carried out and records of this testing are retained?
A schedule is in place for the maintenance off all emergency equipment and records of maintenance are retained?
A first aid risk assessment has been completed for the site and an adequate number of nominated first aid qualified personnel are present at the site during operational hours?
All nominated first aid personnel have current first aid certificates?
An up to date list of current first aid qualified personnel is displayed in a location where it is accessible to all workers?
The site has an appropriate number of first aid kits available and a process is in place for ensuring that these kits are maintained and restocked when required?
The site maintains a chemical register which includes the names of all chemicals present at the location, quantities, where they are stored, DG and hazardous substance status and use?
Current SDS's (safety data sheets) are available for all chemicals stored and used at the site?
Contractor management
Safety expectations and consequences of unsafe behavior are communicated to contractors via a contractor/supplier agreement?
When engaging or renewing a contractor, their safe work procedures, safety management systems and, where available, previous safety performance are considered?
When engaging or renewing contractors/suppliers, their competencies and qualifications are taken into account?
Files/records for contractors/suppliers are retained which include;<br>-licenses, tickets, trade certificates,<br>-insurances (public liability, professional indemnity etc),<br>-safe working procedures/job safety analysis/safe work method statemenents?
Where contractors are required to perform work at multiple locations, the site has evidence to demonstrate that the contractor has been inducted at each separate location?
Where a contractor is required to operate any equipment at any location, the site has evidence to demonstrate that the contractor is qualified and/or has received training relating to the operation of that equipment?
Where a contractor is required to perform a task/activities at any location, the site has evidence to demonstrate that the contractor has received training relating to that task/activity?
Contractors complete pemit to work prior to the performance of any "high risk" work including;<br>-confined space entry,<br>-working at heights,<br>-hot work etc?
Contractors provide safe work method statements such as SWP's or JSA's prior to the performance of any work?
The site conducts an annual safety review of all contractors that are utilized?
Where a contractor is bringing a substance or equipment onto a site, all required safety aspects (S.D.S. testing and tagging, PPE) are addressed?
Where subcontractors, agency personnel, third party providers etc are present, the site has specific documented processes for auditing their activities and work area to ensure compliance with Linfox policies and procedures? (container unloading checklists, CoR declarations etc)
Incident/injury management
Managers and supervisors at the site are aware of and can demonstrate the process for reporting, managing and escalating incidents and injuries?
Site managers, supervisors and team leaders have completed training on the IMS system?
Site managers, supervisors and team leaders have attended Incident investigation training?
Site management is able to demonstrate sign off of completed incident reports?
All incidents, injuries, near misses and hazards are toolboxed with all employees and records of attendance are retained?
The site maintains an injury register where details of all injuries that have occurred at the site are recorded?
Where an incident has occured, an investigation that corresponds to the incident report has beed initiated within the IMS system?
Corrective actions arising from an incident are documented and followed to completion within the allocated timeframes?
Corrective actions arising from incidents are communicated to employees via toolbox meetings, OHS committee meetings etc?
Site managers, supervisors and team leaders conduct targeted SWATS to follow up on incidents?
Following on from an incident, the site shares learnings with the rest of the organization through "lessons learned" safety toolbox alerts etc?
The incident management flow chart is displayed in locations where it is visible to all workers?
Plant and equipment
Plant and equipment present at the site is in good condition?
Pre- operational checks are being completed prior to equipment being used? ( randomly audit 3 log books).
Regular, scheduled maintenance occurs on all items of plant and equipment and records of this maintenance are retained by the site?
Where new plant and equipment is supplied to the site, a process is in place for procuring the manufacturers/suppliers risk assessments and operating manuals etc which are then retained by the site?
The site performs risk assessments on all items of plant and equipment prior to them being used in an operational capacity?
A process is in place for workers and contractors to identify and isolate faulty or defective plant and equipment? (LOTO - lock out, tag out). Tags are retained once removed?
A register is in place to record all items of plant and equipment that are isolated due to faults or defects (LOTO register)?
The LOTO register verifies that only authorized personnel are returning equipment to operational status?
Any items of plant or equipment that require registration with either local or federal regulators have been registered and documented evidence of this is available?
Specific risk controls. The site has the following in place.
Air line locks?
Container door straps?
Trailer curtain straps?
Racking risk controls (racking inspections, double deep end stops etc)?
Wheel chocks?
MHE risk controls (mesh, battery interlock, EMS, tine cameras etc)?
Red/green light system?
Battery replacement equipment serviceable?
Container stands?
Key control process?
MHE/pedestrian controls at container docks/unloading areas?
Container handling team audits?
Mud maps?
Delivery point risk assessments?