
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Personnel

1. Planning/Maintenance Day Activities

  • 1.1 The pre-maintenance day meeting has been conducted according to standard meeting design

  • Select from range

  • 1.2 The team leader conducts a pre-shift meeting according to agreed meeting design

  • 1.3 Cleaning activities documented and communicated (audited during pre-shift meeting)

  • 1.4 The maintenance day kick-off meeting (07h30) has been conducted according to the standard meeting design as per Appendix B

  • 1.5 Maintenance plan updated (audited at 08h30). Maintenance day plan is displayed on the maintenance planning board

  • 1.6 Audited 09h00<br>The Packaging Engineer authorizes all changes to the maintenance day resource plan that have arisen due to unplanned maintenance activities on any line

  • 1.7 Audited 09h00<br>All cleaning materials (tools and chemicals) are available

  • 1.8 Maintenance day plan is updated during the maintenance day

  • 1.9 Team leader plans his maintenance shift according to the start-up requirements

2. Maintenance Execution

  • 2.1 The Unit Manager walk the line at 07h00 on the maintenance day and assess/audit cleaning and housekeeping done up to 07h00

  • 2.2 Night shift Team Leader handed over to the MS Team Leader

  • 2.3 Filler stopped according to the plan

  • 2.4 Maintenance day permit to work, process complies with safety regulations

  • 2.5 The Team Leader manage and audit cleaning activities as per plan

  • 2.6 Maintenance Controller carries out inspections on planned work

  • 2.7 Contractor cleaning

  • 2.8 The Unit Manager and Team Leader conduct production related PJO's according to maintenance day plan

  • 2.9 During maintenance day, the Maintenance Controller/Planner carry out PJO's on the agreed maintenance tasks and schedule durations

  • 2.10 Maintenance schedules

3. Start-up Requirements

  • 3.1 The morning shift Team Leader handed over to the afternoon shift Team Leader according to procedure

  • 3.2 Team Leader, Controller and Planner follow the process as individual machines are started up

4. Schedule Returns

  • 4.1 Operator acceptance sheets have been completed and signed

  • 4.2 All schedules returned on the maintenance day

5. Post Maintenance Day Activities

  • 5.1 The Unit Manager audits at least 2 machine areas the day after maintenance prior to the post maintenance day meeting

  • 5.2 The post maintenance day meeting is conducted according to the standard meeting design

5.3 Total Score Maintenance Day Practices

  • Maintenance Day KPI's are achieved against agreed line targets:

  • Maintenance day machine efficiency 90%

  • Maintenance day volume adherence

  • Actual start-up time vs. planned start-up time

  • ZERO Maintenance Day Injuries

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.